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Cuba Airport Quick Question


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2023
Gentlemen and Ladies, I know you veterans are strong into cc’s. And I’ve researched enough to find the sites I believe yall use which I know sources are off limits. However I have a buddy that’s a pilot. He’s flying to Cuba in a couple days. I know there are lots of fakes out there. He is allowed to get off the plane for 2 hours but wants to stay in the airport. Two things. I know there are lots of fakes even in Cuba. Is there a specific shop I need to ask him to go to in the airport? And what is the most decent box or cigars I can get? My budget is probably laughable…I’m willing to throw him $300-$500 for whatever he can find me. What do I want? Or do I need to get my cigar smoking neighbor buds to chip in and split a box so my budget is more realistic? Please teach! Thanking all in advance. Sorry if this inappropriate. If so…lmk and I’ll delete my post. I don’t want to be a rule breaker. I love it here.
I know a few commercial pilots.. they scoffed when I joked about using them as cigar mules years ago. Again, I was just goofing around, but they said a pilot wouldn't risk his wings for something like that anyway.

Sure, every now and then you hear about a commercial pilot who gets busted smuggling.. but it's almost always over a good amount of narcotics.. not a few boxes of CCs. Idk, maybe your buddy has a workaround... but I'd double check that he was being serious.

And if he's a pretty good buddy, I'd talk him out of it. I wouldn't want a buddy risking his wings and livelihood over a few boxes of CCs. I mean, if he's doing it regardless, go ahead I guess. As far as sticks, depends on what you want/like.

Personally, I wouldn't mind some Trins right now.. or San Cristobals. But only because I'm low on them. Have you ever had a Cuban before? That price range could buy you a ton of good NCs..
I know a few commercial pilots.. they scoffed when I joked about using them as cigar mules years ago. Again, I was just goofing around, but they said a pilot wouldn't risk his wings for something like that anyway.

Sure, every now and then you hear about a commercial pilot who gets busted smuggling.. but it's almost always over a good amount of narcotics.. not a few boxes of CCs. Idk, maybe your buddy has a workaround... but I'd double check that he was being serious.

And if he's a pretty good buddy, I'd talk him out of it. I wouldn't want a buddy risking his wings and livelihood over a few boxes of CCs. I mean, if he's doing it regardless, go ahead I guess. As far as sticks, depends on what you want/like.

Personally, I wouldn't mind some Trins right now.. or San Cristobals. But only because I'm low on them. Have you ever had a Cuban before? That price range could buy you a ton of good NCs..
Okay. Aren’t you allowed to bring back a small amount for personal use? I know he has been before and bought himself some cohibas as the box is dated September of 2021. He had no issues then. The guy is strong in the whiskey game but somewhat new to cigars or thought he wanted to be in cigars. He has left that box in his house with zero humidification and didn’t really have a clue. He more or less wanted them to just have them to have them sadly.

I’ve since given him a brand new 40 count humi and helped him season it and explained how to store cigars in the future.
I’m not asking him to bring me a lot of cigars…only one box or whatever he can pick up. He offered. Oddly enough they are allowing the pilots to get off the plane and the flight attendants have to stay on the plane.

If the guy is risking his livelihood I will definitely quash it. Again, He offered. He’s a pretty smart guy (except for when it comes fo storing cigars). I’m assuming he understands the rules on what is allowed and not. I know when I’ve been to Honduras, DR, Mexico I could bring back a few dozen Cubans from LCDH with zero issue. I don’t recall the exact count customs allows but it’s enough to help me get a start.

Yes I’ve smoked a Cuban before. Not near as many as you guys, and not regularly. I’ve also bought some cigars that claimed to be Cubans and were not. Life lessons.
@TexEagle I can't say that I know the legalities but I'm sure you will get some good advice here shortly. Dan likes to hand out advice by the metric ton, it's even possible that some of it might be good.😁

I believe you can spend a certain amount, or buy a set quantity, for personal consumption. I would assume your friend would know the laws that apply to him as a pilot.

"IF" he is able to purchase, I would have him look for a LCDH in the airport.

Good luck!
@TexEagle I can't say that I know the legalities but I'm sure you will get some good advice here shortly. Dan likes to hand out advice by the metric ton, it's even possible that some of it might be good.😁

I believe you can spend a certain amount, or buy a set quantity, for personal consumption. I would assume your friend would know the laws that apply to him as a pilot.

"IF" he is able to purchase, I would have him look for a LCDH in the airport.

Good luck!
Thank you sir. I’ll look into if there is an LCDH at the airport. Heck I was just told this past weekend that even Cuba produces a lot of fakes. I thought he was sovereign in Cuba. But as with many things…that simply isn’t the case.
I assume he's flying into HAV, in which case Terminal 3 has a sizable duty free. A quick search on a sister forum makes it sound like it'll do in a pinch, but there are some accusations of staff swapping in fakes. Unfortunately that's pretty common, even at some LCDHs.

Because of that, I'd steer towards more off brands like Vegas Robaina, JL or Ramon Allones. I'd avoid Cohibas, Trinis and Montes like the plague.

As far as your buddy & customs go? That's on him. I've never brought anything too substantial through, so my experience may not translate. If he does get hit, he'll likely have to pay duties or forfeit the cigars. Not the end of the world, but possibly expensive. As far as any other consequences? I'm not sure. Doubtful neither his company nor the FAA would care, but I've personally never brought any boxes through customs, so take that for what you will.
Okay. Aren’t you allowed to bring back a small amount for personal use? I know he has been before and bought himself some cohibas as the box is dated September of 2021. He had no issues then. The guy is strong in the whiskey game but somewhat new to cigars or thought he wanted to be in cigars. He has left that box in his house with zero humidification and didn’t really have a clue. He more or less wanted them to just have them to have them sadly.

I’ve since given him a brand new 40 count humi and helped him season it and explained how to store cigars in the future.
I’m not asking him to bring me a lot of cigars…only one box or whatever he can pick up. He offered. Oddly enough they are allowing the pilots to get off the plane and the flight attendants have to stay on the plane.

If the guy is risking his livelihood I will definitely quash it. Again, He offered. He’s a pretty smart guy (except for when it comes fo storing cigars). I’m assuming he understands the rules on what is allowed and not. I know when I’ve been to Honduras, DR, Mexico I could bring back a few dozen Cubans from LCDH with zero issue. I don’t recall the exact count customs allows but it’s enough to help me get a start.

Yes I’ve smoked a Cuban before. Not near as many as you guys, and not regularly. I’ve also bought some cigars that claimed to be Cubans and were not. Life lessons.
Update. Okay he has only been flying commercial for about a year. He went to learn the ropes this time. He will go back. He said his FO got fined and taxed for not claiming some but was able to keep them. So he’s going to see how it all works and we will connect when he goes back.
Update. Okay he has only been flying commercial for about a year. He went to learn the ropes this time. He will go back. He said his FO got fined and taxed for not claiming some but was able to keep them. So he’s going to see how it all works and we will connect when he goes back.

Not doubting that your friend may have heard a story from a senior employee. But I brought this up at my lounge with a Delta pilot just last night. He laughed. He said, "There's no wink and nod from TSA or CBP regarding illegal goods and contraband just cause we can drive a plane.. we're not special". Someone can be fined and taxed for trying to conceal something that should be declared and keep it ONLY if it's a legal item here (ie, someone trying to skirt taxes on items brought back for resale).

Cuban cigars are illegal in the United States. There were a brief few years starting under the Obama administration where you could bring back a reasonable amount for personal use. The Trump administration revoked that, and they are 100% illegal to own, smuggle, or possess in the U.S. (unless you can prove they are pre-embargo.. which, good luck).

You don't get taxed and fined AND get to keep illegal items, not how that works. And violators of this can be fined AND/OR imprisoned... including pilots. A pilot found to be trying to bring anything illegal would be immediately suspended by the airline w/o pay, and per their union work contract with the airline, would be entitled to a termination hearing with an attorney and union rep official.. but would almost certainly be terminated.

In fact, my buddy says that a commercial pilot would almost certainly be prosecuted as well. His words (paraphrasing): as pilots, we KNOW the rules, and we know better. We're held to a higher standard than the general population and our work contracts strictly and specifically mention and prohibit this.

This is directly from the U.S. Customs & Border Protection website:

Effective September 24, 2020, authorized travelers may no longer return to the United States with alcohol and/or tobacco products acquired in Cuba as accompanied baggage for personal use.

Individuals authorized to travel to Cuba can consume alcohol and tobacco products for personal consumption during their stay in Cuba. Persons subject to United States jurisdiction may purchase or acquire goods of Cuban origin, including alcohol and tobacco products, while they are in a third country for personal consumption outside the United States.

In addition, as of September 24, 2020, authorized travelers are prohibited from importing such products into the United States.

I'm glad your greenhorn friend didn't try something so foolish this last time. I'd encourage him to be grateful that he can smoke them there legally w/o having to pay for the travel. And to leave it at that.
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Update. Okay he has only been flying commercial for about a year. He went to learn the ropes this time. He will go back. He said his FO got fined and taxed for not claiming some but was able to keep them. So he’s going to see how it all works and we will connect when he goes back.
This sounds fishy. It's just not how CBP operates.

I'll reiterate more clearly. I smoke cigars. I am an airline pilot. I routinely fly places where Habanos SA products are legally sold. I DO NOT buy boxes of them and bring them into the United States where they are illegal. I doubt I would get into any real trouble if I did, but I do not think it's worth the risk.

Best of luck to your friend if his personal risk analysis is different.
This sounds fishy. It's just not how CBP operates.

I'll reiterate more clearly. I smoke cigars. I am an airline pilot. I routinely fly places where Habanos SA products are legally sold. I DO NOT buy boxes of them and bring them into the United States where they are illegal. I doubt I would get into any real trouble if I did, but I do not think it's worth the risk.

Best of luck to your friend if his personal risk analysis is different.
🤷🏼‍♂️maybe when he offered we were deep into whiskeys and now he is being a bit evasive.
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Not doubting that your friend may have heard a story from a senior employee. But I brought this up at my lounge with a Delta pilot just last night. He laughed. He said, "There's no wink and nod from TSA or CBP regarding illegal goods and contraband just cause we can drive a plane.. we're not special". Someone can be fined and taxed for trying to conceal something that should be declared and keep it ONLY if it's a legal item here (ie, someone trying to skirt taxes on items brought back for resale).

Cuban cigars are illegal in the United States. There were a brief few years starting under the Obama administration where you could bring back a reasonable amount for personal use. The Trump administration revoked that, and they are 100% illegal to own, smuggle, or possess in the U.S. (unless you can prove they are pre-embargo.. which, good luck).

You don't get taxed and fined AND get to keep illegal items, not how that works. And violators of this can be fined AND/OR imprisoned... including pilots. A pilot found to be trying to bring anything illegal would be immediately suspended by the airline w/o pay, and per their union work contract with the airline, would be entitled to a termination hearing with an attorney and union rep official.. but would almost certainly be terminated.

In fact, my buddy says that a commercial pilot would almost certainly be prosecuted as well. His words (paraphrasing): as pilots, we KNOW the rules, and we know better. We're held to a higher standard than the general population and our work contracts strictly and specifically mention and prohibit this.

This is directly from the U.S. Customs & Border Protection website:

I'm glad your greenhorn friend didn't try something so foolish this last time. I'd encourage him to be grateful that he can smoke them there legally w/o having to pay for the travel. And to leave it at that.
Will do sir. Thank you for the information. Idk why he offered. He is a fairly intelligent fella. While he recently got hired onto southwest it’s just odd he even offered. Next time we get together ( our kids are friends) I’ll discuss with him. Maybe he was trying to fit in because I bought a stick to his house to smoke while the kids popped fireworks on July 4th? I’m perplexed.

You guys are pretty knowledgable so thank you for sharing.
Well, that certainly does happen. Booze is the original no-so-good-idea-generator. 🤣
Can confirm.

(Also, Barry, I'm not an airline pilot, but I've been employing their services recently. The past week and the next two weeks while here in HI will be pretty sparse on the Duo. I apologize in advance if I'm making you carry the load on any friend challenges. 🤣 )
My only time in Havana was teaching a maintenance course for the public power utility there in early 2019, when bringing cigars and rum from Cuba was still allowed. I promptly declared those goods upon entering the USA, and paid dues for the booze, but not for the cigars -- my client gifted me a box of Siglo VI. If wondering, we drove to Monterrey, flew to Mexico City then Havana, so I had to declare all goods crossing back into TX. One thing that is prevalent all over the island is the illegal stuff, crooks approach you saying that there's a charity cigar festival, then lead you to a shady upstairs apartment only to find out that nothing is legit. Just imagine, I ended up gifting the Cuban kid an LP Undercrown and a Don Pepin Blue. Better than being duped with a fake box of Behikes!
Can confirm.

(Also, Barry, I'm not an airline pilot, but I've been employing their services recently. The past week and the next two weeks while here in HI will be pretty sparse on the Duo. I apologize in advance if I'm making you carry the load on any friend challenges. 🤣 )
No worries Nick, I figured as much. Have fun!

//end threadjack