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Davidoff Pyramides Millennium Blend


Growing too fast.
Oct 6, 2007
It’s a hot one today. There’s a slight breeze that comes through every now and again that feels good, and it is slightly cooler underneath the walnut tree. Jess is out with me, however probably won’t last very long in the heat. She’s currently on the swing going back and forth, kicking her legs to go higher. The familiar creaking noise of the chain is almost hypnotic. I could probably close my eyes and drift right off. I tried to get the wife to come out with us; however she doesn’t handle hot weather, or the bugs very well. She’s originally from a big city, and still hasn’t become accustomed to the outdoor country life that I grew up in. I’m comfortable being outside, in the heat…with the bugs.

The cigar I brought out with me is a Davidoff Pyramides Millennium Blend, one that I’ve had for at least a couple years. Its medium to light brown wrapper is smooth and appears to be somewhat dry with small veins. The construction is impeccable with the foot looking somewhat squared and the head coming to a sharply tapered point. Its very firm when squeezed, has a good weight in the hand, and after clipping a small piece of the tapered cap I find the draw perfect with a musty tobacco taste coming through.

Jess has just walked up with an old walnut and as she hands it to me, I can tell it’s a good one. I carry it to the side of the walnut tree, break the walnut open, and then hand her a piece of the meat. She tries it and likes it, but her attention span is all of a millisecond, so is gone again chasing after a Monarch butterfly. Boy is it hot out here. If I had a magnifying glass, I could light the cigar with the sun! Ah yes, some childhood memories there I tell ya. But, I use my Colibri to torch the cigar’s foot and smoke is pouring from the embers in no time at all. I take a couple quick puffs, and after the burn has settled in good, I take my first draw. There a nice spice on the back of the tongue, the smoke itself is medium in strength with the body feeling rather light on the palate. The flavors are of really good, straightforward tobacco, toasted nuts and a bit of mustiness with a very clean finish.

A third of the way in and the burn is razor sharp with a medium gray ash forming that holds well until tapped off. Medium to almost full strength smoke is flowing effortlessly through the perfect draw, the body still feeling rather light with spice hitting the back of the tongue and throat just right. I’m really enjoying the flavors coming through, not very rich, but just a damn good taste with the finish quite lasting.

Reaching the halfway mark, the cigar really begins to shine with the body becoming quite full leaving a delicious, rich taste on the palate after exhaling slowly through both mouth and nose. The burn continues to be razor sharp and the strength is bordering right at full strength, spice hitting the tongue perfectly. I’m thinking the ash looks strong, medium gray in color; however it falls off quite easily on the swing beside me. Dagnabbit!

Through the final third, the cigar was excellent with sharp burn, perfect draw, and rich, delicious flavors leaving a lasting finish. What a wonderful smoke for such a wonderful afternoon, and of course Jess has long since departed back into the A/C. I’m now cracking open the Rogue IRS I brought out with me and the feel of the cool, delicious liquid pouring down my throat is just what was needed. Ah…a strong, cool breeze just came through. Delightful! ;)

Oh, and by the way, that’s an outstanding pic Tom, Gary, and Israel! Wish I coulda been there!



Nice review, Greg. Are you talking about the picture of me with the funny looking hat? If you're interested, Gary sells those hats. PM him.
Great review Greg. I felt like I was really there! :thumbs:

Very nice review, Greg!

One of my favorite mild cigars. Too bad it's so damn expensive, though.

Try the PC if you haven't already - flavor bomb.