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that picture has got to be doctored..i'm wearing too much clothing ;)
Dawn said:
that picture has got to be doctored..i'm wearing too much clothing ;)

Could you post a bigger shot of your avitar? :love:
For the record... that's Anna Friel, not Dawn....
yes thats Anna....but i have some good ones of me i sent sir smokes a lot yesterday too ;)
Matt R said:
Then post 'em, ya' tease.... :D

ooHHhH!!!! all talk no action... :0 :sign:
Swifty said:
Matt R said:
For the record... that's Anna Friel, not Dawn....

I see that. Dawn's better looking IMHO.

Well, you know what they say about opinions! ;)

No offense Swifty, just messin with ya! :D
Ahhh... this thread is so much joy to read. :love:

Havent talked with Dawn in ages... forgot how fiesty she can be. :D
Naw, she's just full of spunk................no wait, you may be right. She's feisty because she's not full of spunk. :blush:

Kryo said:
Ahhh... this thread is so much joy to read. :love:

Havent talked with Dawn in ages... forgot how fiesty she can be. :D
camaroon4me said:
Swifty said:
Matt R said:
For the record... that's Anna Friel, not Dawn....

I see that. Dawn's better looking IMHO.

Well, you know what they say about opinions! ;

No offense Swifty, just messin with ya! :D

None taken, wiseguy. :p
Dawn said:
i need to send them to someoen to post for me

Blast'em to me girl... if you still have my email. I'll be sure to post'em for ya! :love: