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Do you use your seatbelt?


'From man's sweat and God's love, beer came to be.
May 11, 2005
Ever since i read about the accident in New Jersey, it's been on my mind. For the longest time i played superman, until my six year old grandchild asked me why not? Now i wear it everytime i get in the car. How about you? :whistling:
On, everytime, no matter how far I go. I'm not comfortable in my truck or any other car if it's not on.
Up until I got a good job and got married with a house and all that, I never wore it. Then I totalled my motorcycle which really opened my eyes. Now I always have it on.
Fortunately, I now drive a car where I have no choice :laugh: it puts it on for me. Otherwise I never did.

I was in a head on accident in November of 1997 where I was a passenger in a 1988 Ford Tempo and we were going about 25mph in a rain storm straight through an intersection and we had a green light. Some stupid BITCH took a left turn in front of us and hit us pretty much head on. She was only going 20mph herself. This was one of those cars where the seatbelts are "put on" you automatically when you get in the car since they're attached to the upper part of the front doors. The seatbelt cracked my sternum and broke two ribs. I had the wind knocked out of me and couldn't catch my breath for quite a while (well, at least until I started screaming at this stupid 19 year old BITCH asking her why in the focking HELL she took a left turn in front of us when we clearly had the right of way and all that little whore said was "I can't believe you pulled out right in front of us." OH MAN, if I was a violent person, she woulda had a fist right in the face. :laugh: It turned out, she was following some little cock friend of hers in a pickup truck to a "party" and didn't even look to see if anyone was coming in the other direction before she made her left turn. :rolleyes: The driver of the car I was a passenger in wound up with a broken foot since she had her foot on the brake pedal on impact. The two bimbos in the car that hit us didn't claim at first they were hurt until they saw us being loaded into the ambulance so they checked into the hospital as well. :rolleyes: I don't know when it dawned on that dumbass that it was HER fault but it did her insurance company told her how STUPID she was and that her mommy's totaled car that she was driving wasn't going to be paid for by us. :laugh:

Link to map
We were southbound on School Street (Route 12), the bimbo was northbound and took a left on to Providence Street (Route 171).

Now granted, we both would have had our heads hit the windshield had we not been wearing the seatbelts but the EMTs told us they see this all the time, the seatbelts stop you from hitting the windshield BUT can do just as much other damage.

We both had an ambulance ride to the hospital, lots of x-rays and they even gave me one of those body scan deals because they thought I might have internal injuries (they MISSED seeing the broken ribs in the x-rays BUT the doctor for the insurance company found them. :laugh: ).

It took us a each a couple of years to settle but we made out very well since both of us had broken bones. Soft tissue injuries are hard to figure but with broken bones, it's pretty cut and dried. ;)

Anyway, sorry for the long story but I'm still not 100% sold on the idea......
Hell no, I live in Live Free or Die New Hampshire. Motorcycle helmets aren't required either.

Never ask a firefighter if a seatbelt is a good idea. I cannot tell you the number of broken (and worse) bodies I have pulled and cut out of cars were someone was not wearing a belt, and the other passengers who were wearing belts simply walked away. They do run the risk of causing their own damage as Bill mentioned (and experienced) but in 16 years of being a FF I can count FAR more people that would have been better off with a seatbelt, than without.

I also plan on buying the wife a new car and I'll make damn sure it has every imaginable air bag as an option.
Ever since i read about the accident in New Jersey, it's been on my mind. For the longest time i played superman, until my six year old grandchild asked me why not? Now i wear it everytime i get in the car. How about you? :whistling:

He crashed at the exit I live at off of the Parkway. Absecon, Galloway towards Atlantic City. I feel badly for him but it serves as a lesson... follow the laws that you enforce!

And I agree w/ brickhouse I don't feel right if I don't wear my seatbelt. I feel like the one time I don't put it on is the one time something is going to happen. Call me supersticious but I'd rather be that then dead.
I have always used seat belts since it was a military requirement. Now I don't feel comfortable without them. Lost a brother-in-law because he was not wearing his, not a bad accident, but he was thrown from the car out the back hatch.

I have had to many friends die from not using seatbelts, so it didnt take long for me to always put one on as soon as I get in a car. Seatbelts save lives!!
I always wear my seatbelt. When I was younger I didn't, until I became an EMT 20 years ago. One of the classes I took while becoming an EMT was the Ambulance Accident Provention Program. Besides teaching about safe emergency vehicle operation, there as a large section regarding seatbelt use. During that portion of the program they showed pictures of vehicles where a fatality occured, and showed the passenger compartment and the fact that if the person had been belted in they would have proabably survived. Car safety is designed to cause the vehicle to crumple away from the passenger; when you don't wear a seatbelt you could get tossed anywhere in the vehicle or worse thrown from the vehicle. I have seen many an accident where the occupant should have survived but was thrown from the vehicle and was killed.

As far as Gov. Corzine; the rest of the people involved in the accident walked away with minor injuries, he has mutiple sugeries and a huge amount of rehab in front of him before he gets back to a normal life again.
Every time I get in the car I wear one. We get briefings all the time about what can happen if you don't wear one. Plus I don't feel like getting a fine for not using one on base.
Absolutely yes. I was only a campus cop for most of 4 years, but I saw enough blood to make the point.
Hell no, I live in Live Free or Die New Hampshire. Motorcycle helmets aren't required either.


Wow, so cavalier about your life, but the conservative-liberitarian in me says to each his own, I wish you luck and hope that you aren't ever involved in an accident.

Three years ago I suffered a Vaso Vagal episode ( that means I fainted) while driving on I-95. I had the cruise control set and ended up hitting a tree at 72 MPH. The fact that I am typing this tells you my feeling on seatbelts. Airbag or no, my brains would have been bark paste without the seatbelt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Always have, always will. I feel naked without one. I just don't trust other drivers not to.
I’d like too but I find that because of my height and size no matter how much I adjust the seatbelt it ends up going right across my throat. I figure id rather take my chances with the unknown rather then wear one and snap my neck like a twig.
Motorcycle helmets aren't required either.

I don't think I'll ever ride a motorcycle. Just too dangerous. I have a friend that works at a funeral home and one guy spilt his skull front to back with a helmet...

And as for the original question, no, I never wear a seatbelt, and I got in a wreck 6 months ago without one. The air bag stopped me. I just don't like them.
I always wear a seatbelt. I used to not, until I was pulled over by a Buffalo police officer and ticketed for it. Realizing that safety is more important than paying a traffic violation fine, I even put the seatbelt on when I'm moving the car from one spot in a parking lot to another.

Isn't it funny how naked you feel when the belt isn't on, after many years of using the belt? It does for me... very odd feeling, almost LESS safe and secure a feeling than I remembered before.

Funny story, but my mother has ALWAYS had those electronic seatbelts in her cars (first one I remember was in her Toyota Cressida... remember those cars!?!?). Anyways, her mom was short (and when I mean short, think of those little hooded freaks in the original Phantasm to get the point across!). Anyways, first time my mom brings her new car over to my grandmother's house, she asks my grandmother to get in the car for a little test ride. My grandmother gets in, closes the door, and the seatbelt procedes to position itself over my grand mothers head, knocking her glasses off and wrapping around (more like OVER) her face!!

I haven't laughed so hard since... needless to say, my grandmother (rest in Peace) was pissed, yelling to my mom "this car SUCKS!" and proceeded to storm out of the car and slam the door! Feisty little lady, but I sure do miss her.

Wow, so cavalier about your life, but the conservative-liberitarian in me says to each his own, I wish you luck and hope that you aren't ever involved in an accident.
You have no idea how hard that made me laugh :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
