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Door to door meat salesmen.


Clinging to my guns!
Nov 24, 2007
I don't know if these guys are everywhere or just in rural areas like where I live. The usually pull up to your house driving a small truck with a deep freezer in the bed trying to sell you frozen meat. I never buy meat from these guys because I don't know where it came from and I don't like being disturbed at home.

This afternoon I heard my dog barking. He barks every time someone comes to the house. I look out and see it is a van selling frozen seafood. As I am mentally preparing my reason for not wanting to purchase said seafood I see that one guy has gotten out of his van and is yelling at my dog and charging at him in an aggressive manner. Now I'm not only mad because he has woke me up from my nap but because he is also antagonizing my dog.

I met him on my porch and flatly told him that I wasn't interested.

He said " What aren't you interested in ?"

I told him that I'm not interested in buying anything that he is selling. Then he tries to tell me that he is here to give me some food for free & I told him again that I was not interested.

So now instead of leaving like a normal person might, he just stands that staring at me.

I'm really starting to get angry so I told him that it was time for him to go get in his van, get the hell out of here and don't be threatening my dog.

So now he is yelling at me on my porch. He took a couple of steps out into the yard and yelled back " God Bless You " , but quickly followed up with " Suck a .... " He repeated this the whole way back to the van while giving me the finger.

Is this the future of salesmanship? All evening I have been completely dumbfounded by his attempt to intimidate me into buying his seafood that came from who knows where.

I'm sorry for the rant. I guess tomorrow I will go buy a sign to put at the end of the driveway that says " No Soliciting".
I'm with ya man...

I DESPISE door to door sales, aside from Girl Scout cookies ;) And they don't really go door to door anymore, they just stand outside Wal-Mart!

If I want to purchase something, I'll damn sure go out and get it, or just order it online.. I don't need someone banging on my door, hawking their wares, and generally irritating the piss out of me. Door to door SEAFOOD ??? now that's insane! I would probably call local authorities on someone like that.
We just had a door-to-door guy show up the other day selling meat. He was very courteous and quite friendly, actually. We didn't buy anything from him, but he sure didn't get angry.

Your guy really sounds like an ass.
Wow, I'm scared to eat seafood at fast food joints. I couldn't imagine getting it out of the back of a van.

And it must be that time of year. Just had a guy offer us roofing and tree work door-to-door.
Hang this one on your door:

Recently I had drove into town to the store one evening, my wife calls and says there's someone on our front porch, (this is after dark), I get home(I was close to getting back home) and there's a salesman of some kind at the end of our drive, he could tell I was mad, said not to shoot him, I ran him out of the yard. Freaking idiot. A good way to get shot down south here for sure coming unannounced after dark. ???

The kicker is that we have a fence across the bottom of thefront steps to keep the dog off the front porch, so this guy had to jump this fence to get on the porch. :angry:
I guess tomorrow I will go buy a sign to put at the end of the driveway that says " No Soliciting".

They look for those signs, thinking the home owner is weak to their sales pitch...

I had one stop by my house last weekend.

I opened the door and left the screen closed....listen to what he said and then replied "We're all set."

All the while I had my rottie snarling away by my side....she's a GOOD GIRL! :D

He said 'Thank you.' and walked away - slowly!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
I guess tomorrow I will go buy a sign to put at the end of the driveway that says " No Soliciting".

In my youth, I had the misfortune of canvassing for leads for a siding and window company for a couple of months when I was home from school one summer. Not many people in my town wanted to hire a kid for 2 or 3 months, so I had to take what I could get. The job started out awesome--I was initially hired to chauffeur their leading salesman around because he had received too many DUIs to drive himself anywhere (even to/for work) so I basically drove him from appointment to appointment and sat in the truck, smoked cigarettes, listened to the radio, and read books all day.

After a couple of weeks, the owner of the company realized that he was basically paying me $9.00 an hour to sit on my ass all day, so he decided that while the salesman was in meeting with potential customers, that I should be out roaming the neighborhood trying to set up additional appointments.

I didn't know a damn thing about evaluating the suitability of a roof, determining whether the soffet and fascia needed work, whether the windows were old and crummy or anything, but I eventually got the hang of it.

I was instructed to pretend as if I didn't notice any No Soliciting signs, and to simply be apologetic if the person called me out on it immediately, but most people didn't. I came to the conclusion that many of the people who have "No Soliciting" signs have them because they are the sorts of people prone to buying goods or services that they don't need--especially from high-pressure sorts of salesmen.

In short, those signs may not solve your problem, and they may just attract more salesmen.

On a completely unrelated note, in two separate incidents over the course of the past 6 months, I've had two Bic lighters, a crappy plastic single-blade cutter, and a 2/3 smoked Punch Rare Corojo El Doble stolen off of my porch table by people coming by to put fliers on our door. The guy who took the cigar butt out of the ashtray passed on also taking the half-full bottle of Montecristo 7.
When confronted with door to door guys, I'll always interrupt them early on with something like "....don't mean to be rude, but I'm not interested, and I don't want to waste your time....". 98 out of 100 say something like "...OK, thank you, have a nice day..." and head on their way. The other two move onto stage two where I ask them for their supervisor's name so I can tell him what a jack ass they are. That usually gets the message across..... :whistling:

Regards - B.B.S.
My lovely wife used to fall prey to these guys all the time. Usually it was for cleaning supplies and such. So what I started to do, is to let them talk to my wife, it usually took about 15-20 minutes, maybe a little more, and then she would come to get me to see what they were offering.

When I got to the door, I would politely say thank you for your time, we aren't interested. After wasting 20 minutes, they would usually never come back to the house, and my wife now simply tells them, no thank you, we aren't interested.

Nobody likes to waste 20 minutes.
As I am mentally preparing my reason for not wanting to purchase said seafood I see that one guy has gotten out of his van and is yelling at my dog and charging at him in an aggressive manner.

At that point, I'd told him to get the hell out of here before I shot his ass... No one pulls that on my dogs. :angry:

I'm a pretty big guy so usually I don't have a problem. The only time I've ever really been in a situation where I felt a little off is with Jehovah witnesses. I told them I was Jewish, which I'm not, (not that's there's anything wrong with that), and they shut up and left. :D
There is a decent "B" Movie about meat salesmen called "Grilled" -- starring Ray Romano, Kevin James, Burt Reynolds, and Juliette Lewis. Worth a rental or watching on HBO....
In Oceanside if you have a sign posted "no solicitors" and they ignore it they can be arrested..............me thinks this is sound! Our neighborhood gets canvassed at least 5 times a week by them bastages!
We have the door-to-door meat guys around here too, and since we live near the Chesapeake Bay we also have the seafood guys too, selling shrimp and crabs. You also see them sitting along the side of the road trying to sell. :rolleyes:

No way would I ever buy from them!!
Maybe it is because I grew up in LA, but meat/seafood off the back of a truck creeps me out a bit. It sounds like a sure fire way of getting the runs. The only thing I've seen on the backs of trucks is stolen merchandise or fruit off the side of a freeway off ramp. I guess I'm just missing out. :whistling:
As I am mentally preparing my reason for not wanting to purchase said seafood I see that one guy has gotten out of his van and is yelling at my dog and charging at him in an aggressive manner.

At that point, I'd told him to get the hell out of here before I shot his ass... No one pulls that on my dogs. :angry:

I'm a pretty big guy so usually I don't have a problem. The only time I've ever really been in a situation where I felt a little off is with Jehovah witnesses. I told them I was Jewish, which I'm not, (not that's there's anything wrong with that), and they shut up and left. :D

We have them down at school in central IL. I had one guy offer to drive with me to work...wtf? get in my car, go to my work, while you're preaching your SHIT?! Get the fuc* outta here...as soon as he offered that bullshit I told him "Look dude...I'm Jewish" I don't know why NO didn't work..but the Jewish thing got him. Its funny only b/c finding a 'real' Jew in Central IL is like winning the freakin Illinois Lotto...(AKA: there are VERY few of us LOL)

(and I really am Jewish ;))


And Bill, that never works with my wife, I've returned from a hard days work to find her serving the Jehovah Witnesses tea and cookies. I took one look, went into the bedroom and changed into my Venom "Black Metal" T-Shirt and walked back in and said... "Thanks for keeping them here until I got home Schazti, which one do you think would be best for the sacrifice at tonight's black mass?"

I've never seen anyone tripping over themselves to get out of my door like that before. :sign:

My wife was mad, but they never came back.