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Funny bone

Tell her that you don't like the look of her face, and then offer her $100 towards facial reconstruction surgery ;)
I would have taken her money... Then told her to Fxxk off. :whistling:
I fail to see why giving in to the single complaint in a "cigar friendly" establishment was the right thing to do. So many of the overly restrictive, nanny state, done for our own good laws passed are because one person did not like it and complained. The type of person who wants to project their view of the world and their will on all others around them are the type of people who are getting these "you cannot smoke outside on your own properrty" laws passed. You just gave power to that person's unreasonable opinions and belief that everyone should bow to their will. The fact that she actually felt compelled to ask you to put it out is galling to me.

While you took a very civil approach to her request it would have been just as civil to tell her that the club allowed smoking and that if she did not like it she could either sit somewhere else or leave. Or politely say "No thanks".

Of course there is no reason to brag about the cost of the cigars. And ... maybe you made an impression on her. Maybe she later told her friends about the really polite cigar smokers who moved when they were asked. Well ... maybe not. Those types are not happy unless you do what they want. She probably still bitched and moaned that she could still smell it and that those gross cigar smokers spoiled the entire evening and there ought to be a law .... here we go.

My .02
This is actually a very valid point and not just pertaining to cigars. These people who have a sense of entitlement are like toddlers and need to have inappropriate behavior discouraged. If you allow them to have their way they will simply expect more.

As the post pointed out, it was a cigar friendly bar........and as the post also pointed out, there were other seats available.....why didn't she and her friend try to find a solution which did not involve inconveniencing someone else?

Why is discrimination okay in some cases and not others? This is really no different than walking up to a black person and saying "my friend and I don't really like black people, would you mind leaving or sitting where we can't see you"
I fail to see why giving in to the single complaint in a "cigar friendly" establishment was the right thing to do. So many of the overly restrictive, nanny state, done for our own good laws passed are because one person did not like it and complained. The type of person who wants to project their view of the world and their will on all others around them are the type of people who are getting these "you cannot smoke outside on your own properrty" laws passed. You just gave power to that person's unreasonable opinions and belief that everyone should bow to their will. The fact that she actually felt compelled to ask you to put it out is galling to me.

While you took a very civil approach to her request it would have been just as civil to tell her that the club allowed smoking and that if she did not like it she could either sit somewhere else or leave. Or politely say "No thanks".

Of course there is no reason to brag about the cost of the cigars. And ... maybe you made an impression on her. Maybe she later told her friends about the really polite cigar smokers who moved when they were asked. Well ... maybe not. Those types are not happy unless you do what they want. She probably still bitched and moaned that she could still smell it and that those gross cigar smokers spoiled the entire evening and there ought to be a law .... here we go.

My .02
This is actually a very valid point and not just pertaining to cigars. These people who have a sense of entitlement are like toddlers and need to have inappropriate behavior discouraged. If you allow them to have their way they will simply expect more.

As the post pointed out, it was a cigar friendly bar........and as the post also pointed out, there were other seats available.....why didn't she and her friend try to find a solution which did not involve inconveniencing someone else?

Why is discrimination okay in some cases and not others? This is really no different than walking up to a black person and saying "my friend and I don't really like black people, would you mind leaving or sitting where we can't see you"

This is the part that galls me. If you were able to move somewhere farther from them, why on earth couldn't they have just moved to those seats in the first place? What ever happened to people trying to take care of a "problem" themselves before they resort to imposing on another person?

Edit: spelling.
I would've given her $50 for the gas money it would cost for her to fcuk off to another bar!! While blowing smoke in her face.

But I'm an obnoxious prick.
Yeah the silly part is, if I remeber the first post correctly, that she was smoking cigarettes, so it wasn't really the smoke, it was the cigar. But either way, getting in her face about it would have been wrong, he didn't put out his cigar, and he didn't bitch her out, he simply moved away. True our rights as smokers are being dwindled away, but so are hers, so it was really a matter of preference for tobacco types, or something along those lines. I'm just trying to make sense of it all, while I agreee that we should fight for our rights, we shouldn't be aggressive or stupid about it either, if we have the opportunity to "be the bigger person" (stupid cliche) then maybe we should, but there has to be a balance between being polite . . . and bending over backward to allow ourselves to be raped with a sandpaper condom and no lube . . .
I'm with Dave (Anvil), as well as Mr. Cigarstone (I would have worded it like Dave, then rambled to my mate in a speech akin to Cigarstone).

It's true, these obnoxious people are like toddlers, and if you don't stand up to them/discourage such behavior, they are gonna keep doing it until they meet someone with enough balls to quash their delusions of superiority.

You did the diplomatic thing, yes... but in doing so you enabled their power trip as well. It pisses me off even more so that they were smoking cigarettes (the ugly midget of the tobacco world), and deigned to interfere on your enjoyment anyway. That is worse than a non smoker requesting you to butt out, as they are betraying their own kind.
I would have politely declined her offer and reminded her that she is in an establishment that allows cigar smoking and that you will continue to enjoy your cigar. Plus, since she was apparently smoking a cigarette, I would have told her that the smoke from her cigarette stinks and was ruining what should otherwise be a wonderful cigar.

If you are in an establishment that allows smoking cigars, NEVER should you move or put out your cigar because it bothers someone. If they don't like it, they are free to go somewhere else. There are WAY more places that don't allow cigar smoking than do. She could have found one of those places - wouldn't be too hard.