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Going to Las Vegas & Denver


Too noob to mention!
Jan 2, 2008
So my boss comes to my desk yesterday and says "I might need you to go to Las Vegas next week and drive to Denver."

Being the reverse psychologist I am, I said, "I guess I can do that if you need me to" ... the whole time I'm thinking "hell yeah, when do I leave and do I have to come back"

Anyway, I will arrive in Vegas on the 12th kind of late. I will be there for 2 or 3 nights, then driving to Denver to stay Sat the 16th & Sun the 17th, only to fly home on Monday the 18th.

So, if anyone in Las Vegas or Denver wants to get together for an impromptu herf, let me know and we can arrange something.

I reckon it only takes a reason. I'm sure we can accomdate. Speaking of which, where are you staying?
On the 12th, I'm staying at Bally's.

Every other night (because that part of the trip is planned by a supplier) I'll be at a Holiday Inn Express. This is the major downside to this trip. But I think I can hack it.

The only night I know for sure I'm free is Tue the 12th in Vegas. I get in around 5pm and have nothing to do until 8am the next morning.