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Google vs. Microsoft


Staff member
Jan 4, 2001
Google has become Microsoft's biggest threat lately. Microsoft even admitted this. Google is planning a new web browser. Although this news is still just rumors, do a whois on gbrowser.com. Search for gbrowser in yahoo and see what comes up. Very interesting. Many of the lead programmers for Microsoft and SUN have been recruited by Google recently. I think Microsoft has finally met their match. Looks like Google has gotten into more than just the search engine business. Should be interesting to see what happens down the road. My prediction is Google will someday aquire Yahoo...

Maybe some day we'll be running on G O/S and no longer Windows?

What do you guys think?
Like any other competitor, Google would need "the killer app" in order to build a strong enough base so it could go further. Even that may not be enough, look at what happened to dbase and Lotus.
Nothing wrong with a little competition. Hopefully this will spur both companies to make better, less buggy programs.
Yea, I read an article the other day and it said Bill Gates was spearheading this assault. I guess some of his people had been recruited away and they somehow kept this O/S deal under the radar. It'll be interesting to see what products come out of this. I agree, it would be nice to see some top notch O/S that is usable by everyone! Even us "Internet for Stupid" folks!! LMAO!! :sign:

Go get 'em, Bill!! :thumbs:

Floyd T. :sign:
Competition always breeds better products so I'm anxious to see what cool new toys comes out of this deal. :thumbs:
Big Google fan here. I find almost everything the release useful: search engine, Google Local on my cell phone, Google Maps, Froogle, GMail.

I believe these guys have a fundamentally different paradigm than Microsoft, and recongnize that community is the killer app. I still don't think MS understands this, or maybe they do, and the battleship is turning slowly.

I can't imagine Google getting into the OS business right now, only because there is not much room for growth compared to the markets they are currently in.

I think MS is Google's biggest threat, though. Google can't hold a candle to MS when it comes to stealing employees (or etire companies), and MS has the money to engage in a long struggle, as they have with the Xbox.

I'm all for anything that can bring down the Evil Empire. The end of Bill Gate's reign as the P.T. Barnum of the computing world is long overdue IMHO.
Cheeze said:
It would be nice to see Microsoft taken down a peg.
I say they should get taken down a few pegs...this can only mean microshaft is gonna try to buy google...
JimK said:
I think MS is Google's biggest threat, though. Google can't hold a candle to MS when it comes to stealing employees (or etire companies), and MS has the money to engage in a long struggle, as they have with the Xbox.


I think maybe Google was hoping to fly under the radar for much longer.....?
I rarely used google until recently. Coworker showed me their maps and it blows mapquest away, even has a satellite view (KEWL!!!). Everybody seems to really like to see MS take a hit. Seems like a pretty good business model to me...
I think the most-heavily covered IPO of the year put them on everyone's radar screens.

"I say they should get taken down a few pegs...this can only mean microshaft is gonna try to buy google..."

I have thought this true as well, but was afraid to put the words to paper. :)

I know MSN is making a huge push to release a search engine to go head-to-head with Google, so it doesn't look like a takeover is in the works. However, it wouldn't be the first time MS has tried to create a product, failed, and just bought one instead.

I seem to recall that Lawrence Page and Sergey Brin still have a controlling share of Google? Is that true? If so, I guess a buyout would not be possible?

I think that Google will try and stick with selling it's searching tools and apps.

They may even delve into web based applications. That seems to be a way some tech companies are going to. No more application servers. Broadband has opened it up for companies like Google and Akamai.
www.picasa.com is a video archive program that Google released. By far the best program I have seen. And it's free! Even better than Adobe's version. I'd like to see Google create an O/S and kick M$ out of the water.

We're being held way behind all because of M$. It's time for a new O/S that will take full advantage of your processor and take computing to new levels.

There are many version of Linux, however IMO Linux is a joke. There are too many company's competing against each other with virtually the same product! Linux is great for servers but not for workstations. Linux for the end user is a lost cause. Again, I think Google will eventually create an O/S. From what I heard, gbrowser is going to be more than just a browser, it's going to allow us to experience the internet like never before. The software will be more of a platform rather than just a basic browser. I really don't think M$ will prevail against Google. This is all speculation, so we'll just have to wait and see the outcome. My bet's on Google.
JimK said:
I think the most-heavily covered IPO of the year put them on everyone's radar screens.

"I say they should get taken down a few pegs...this can only mean microshaft is gonna try to buy google..."

I have thought this true as well, but was afraid to put the words to paper. :)

I know MSN is making a huge push to release a search engine to go head-to-head with Google, so it doesn't look like a takeover is in the works. However, it wouldn't be the first time MS has tried to create a product, failed, and just bought one instead.

I seem to recall that Lawrence Page and Sergey Brin still have a controlling share of Google? Is that true? If so, I guess a buyout would not be possible?


They IPOd as a search engine though. I meant stay under the radar as far as a direct competitor to MS.

Anyways, this should be interesting.