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Grab Bag Pass

Alright then... Bob is out (Sorry Bob) and Pepe is in!!! I'm in the process of preparing the box right now so liftoff will be in the AM; I'll post delivery conf. # ASA time permits tomorrow.Later!
Oh yeah, by vote of popular opinion floppy will be changed to log book! Thanks for the replies!
Here's the scoop fellas. The box is sealed and in my rtuck as we speak ready to head to the USPS tomorrow. And, guess what, only I know where it's headed!!!!!!! I love it already!!! So better keep dem eyes open for the next few weeks, you never know when it might show up!!!! Anyway, everything's sealed in the rubber'dor: the smokes all wrapped in saran wrap, the log book, the ziplock full of pre-printed addresses, the ziplock containing my address, my creedo from the desktop 'dor ( I just couldn't let this thing go with that ratty-ass soapdish creedo!) and a big wad of foam packing inside. Beleive me, this thing is PADDED! As the pass progresses, remove padding if necessary (you can cut it with scissors) and stuff it inside the shipping box. I'd like to get all of it back, if possible, this stuff is great for this type of thing. It's called lifefoam and it's in the Wally-World craft section - check it out! Well, look for my next post tomorrow with the tracking # and on Wed. one lucky devil will get his grubby paws on the treasure!!! Enjoy!
I just e-mailed Rod and let him know we're on the move in the AM so warp us over to the "In Progress" forum, so that's where we should be tomorrow!
ok, so this means that the PeePee Dance that i'm starting to do could last days, and it could last weeks. hmmmm, i hope it gets to me soon, the people at work are going to be looking at me funny.
Hey Mayhem ,the people at my work allready look at me funny and I'm not even doing the dance.
LMAO! The one I've been doing for Vern's pass has lasted forever thanks to the USPS, thankfully I'm second on the list!!!!
Stamina, Mayhem, stamina!!!Next post will have the delivery details.
Ok fellas, the bird launched this morning via USPS priority mail, insured for &#36200, delivery conf.# 0304 7990 0003 8423 4448. Keep your eyes peeled someone's gonna' get bombed real soon!!!!Later
Kinda' like one of those buzz bombs that were dropped on London during WWll. You knew that they were up there, you could hear them coming, but you didn't know where the thing was going to hit, unti KA BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! :biggrin:
So, I’m sitting at home waiting for the guy to come fix my central air-conditioning (I think I have a freon leak).  I hear the doorbell ring, get up from in front of the TV to see the letter carrier at the front door.  She has me sign for this large Priority Mail box.  The box has “fragile” written all over it, it has delivery confirmation and insurance and I can’t for the life of me figure what it is. I had to actually open it before I realized it was the pass!!!Anyway, I unpacked it and everything looked very good (one might say even temptingly delicious).  Puts:
Mayorga Robusto (Maduro)
Padron Londres (Natural)
Montesino Napoleon Grand (Natural)Takes:  
HDM Churchill (Natural)I randomly drew the next address, packed it up real well and quickly drove to the Post Office.  I sent it Priority Mail, with Delivery Confirmation (#0300 1290 0001 3356 6126), and &#36200 in insurance (#VA 112 429 917 US).This was my first box pass and I had a lot of fun!!!!!  Thanks for letting me participate.
(Edited by cjdoyle at 3:34 pm on July 18, 2001)
(Edited by cjdoyle at 3:36 pm on July 18, 2001)
YEEEEHAAAWWW! Cool beans, a serious suprise on that pass!!!! I bet it waS REALLY COOL to see your expression when you realized what it was! Great puts, by the way!!! And one of the best parts of the whole deal is that you're the ONLY ONE who knows who's next on the hitlist!!!
Glad to have you aboard cj, as it's my first time captaining a pass!Ryan
can't...hold...it back....PEEEEEEE PEEEEE dance!!! Who's it gunna be?!?
CIGAR PASS.COM = watching attentively everyday when the postman arrives. Will it or won't it come today. Just like waiting for Christmas when you were a kid, only now you don't know when Christmas will arrive.
I LOVE IT - IT MAKES LIFE INTERESTING! Hehe!  :biggrin:When the doorbell rings - you don't know whether, (A) this is one of the passes that you have been anxiously expecting, (B) this is a "Care Package" from friends in Europe, © a box from one of the GREAT passers on Cigar Pass that you have traded with, or finally (D) a BOMB from one of the guys/gals. LOL! Ain't life great! ;)
Well. bytomorrow someone on this list may get their heads blown off, watch yer backs fellas!!!!
OOOOOOOEEE Weeeeee. It could be me ,It could be me.Ok its time to start breathin in the bag again.
Man this pass is getting to me! Today, I heard a big truck outside my house. I live on a dead end street so big trucks only come down here for two reason, garbage (not today) and deliveries! I jump out of my chair saying out loud, "Is that it? Is it the pass?" With a smile on my face I open the door and...it was a pakage for my next door neighbor! DOW! Anyway, this is a great idea for a pass and I'm sure their will be another one like it soon. Nice idea Big Worm.
WOooohooo, LMAO Puro!! Like a teenager waiting for the porno mags to show up before mom and dad sees 'em!!!! Glad this thing is workin' out so far, it sure is a lot of fun for me to sit back and watch it unfold and I'm sure it's even more fun for you guys to be so #### anxious for the pass!!!
Look for Grabbag2 after this baby wraps up!
USPS shows it was delivered today!!!!!! If you didn't get it you'll have to wait until.....?