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gurkha centurion perfecto double x


'From man's sweat and God's love, beer came to be.
May 11, 2005
what's it compare to, cbid has these and just wondering if they are worth the money? ???
Depends on how much you are going to shell out on cbid. I think they are a great $5-$8 stick. Personally, I like the Gurkha Legend Anniversario perfecto much better. These can be had even cheaper, usually.
Personally, I love them. I have bought a couple cans of them off of Cbid. I agree with cigardawg, $5 - $8 a stick is a good price. That is about what I paid for mine.
I enjoy them too, but not at retail of $30 per!
If you can get them for under $100 for the can of 14, it's a great deal (and the packaging is pretty cool too!)

thanks for the info, this fish is biting! :cool:
Check out this place . I bought mine there for $67, and it came from CI. I don't know how often they use ubid, but it's worth checking out now and then.
indyrob said:
Check out this place . I bought mine there for $67, and it came from CI. I don't know how often they use ubid, but it's worth checking out now and then.
interesting site, how secure?
Well they are back on Cbid. They have 175 lots for sale, 12 in each. I figured I would try to get some, put in a max bid of 70 bucks. For what I pay for Gurkhas around here, 6 bucks a stick isn't bad. Hope they are good.
Here's my take on those smokes. I originally posted this on CBid, and took a bit of flack!! LMAO

Won a tube of these and after resting them for a week decided I had to give one a try.
To quote the ad for these smokes:

"This limited release is truly something special. Gurkha, of course, is the brand that’s widely hailed as one of the finest handmade cigars in the world, often called the “Rolls Royce of cigars.” And with the extremely limited, Special-Edition Centurian Double-X, they may have outdone even themselves. In fact, this was originally made for the Sultan of Brunei - a cigar so limited and exclusive that it was commissioned specifically by one of the wealthiest men in the world for his own private consumption."

With An MSRP of $30.00 a stick I figured these smokes should be on a par with Opus X, Anejo, Don Carlos, or at the very least Ashton's regular line.

Packaging - Never have been a fan of imaginative packaging. A nice well constructed box with a ribbon to get that first cigar out generally works for me. But these are unique figurados, so I thought maybe a tube was the way to go. Wrong!! It won't stand up very well in my humidor, so I layed it down and wedged a piece of cardboard against it to keep it from rolling all over the place every time I pulled out the drawer. Upon opening the tube, I see nothing but loose tobacco. OK, these are a different shape, and I guess the tobacco is like those styrofoam peanuts, used to keep the cigars from banging against one another. Pulled out a cigar, and had to get out the dust buster to clean up the mess!! Bits of tobacco everywhere, and I pulled it out s-l-o-w-l-y, hate to think what might have happened had I jerked it out.

Appearance - This is a LARGE figurado type cigar - 60 ring in the middle rolled to a pencil lead size on either end. The wrapper is a natural Connecticut, very smooth with no appreciable veining and very smooth to the touch. Rolling it between my fingers, I noticed several soft spots about 1/3 of the way in on either side.

After clipping it and torching it, I thought I was trying to suck a bowling ball through a straw, to say the draw was a bit tough would be generous. After the first quarter inch it began to draw a bit smoother, and I was rewarded with an extremely bitter assault on my tastebuds, imagine a crisp fall day and a pile of burning leaves, the wind shifts, and you get a mouthful of smoke.

The bitterness went away, shortly, and was replaced by a slight spiciness lots of earthy grass, haylike flavors, and stayed the same for the 1st half of the smoke.

After smoking it down about an inch, I trying to remove the large band that's around the middle, big mistake!! Think they used super glue to attach this band, so much so, that parts of the wrapper came with it. Spent the rest of the time licking the wrapper to try to keep it in place, until it finally burned past the tear. The finish on this cigar is very uninteresting/disappointing.

The ash was a medium to light gray, and was extremely flaky.

This is a bad $5.00 cigar, but at $30.00 it's beyond bad. I can only assume the Sultan of Brunei has never tried too many cigars, and before these must have smoked a steady diet of White Owls & El Productos. Fuentes 858's, and Patel's Edge are a MUCH better smoke for a lot less money. To put these cigars in the "Super Premium" category with Opus X, Graycliff, or even the Camacho Amendment/Liberty series is like comparing Brittaney Spears to the likes of Janis Joplin, Grace Slick or Ella Fitzgerald.

I am hoping the packaging tobacco may taste better in a pipe!!
While I don't know if I'd give you flack about the review it is nothing like the sticks I've had. I've probably smoked close to 50 of the Centurians and have about 20 more in the humi and haven't had the draw problem you described. Have you had a second one yet?
Smoked a second one a couple weeks after the first, and had, basically, the same experience. Tough initial draw, which, admittedly, loosened up after 1/2 an inch or so into it. But couldn't enjoy this cigar, as it has such a loose ash, you almost have to smoke it while hovering over an ashtray, so not to drop ash in your lap.

I traded most the other ones for smokes I'd rather not have to fight with to get a decent draw, or worry about setting my clothing on fire while smoking it. Kept a couple, figured I'd pull one out in a couple years to see if it's improved.

Who knows, maybe I just got a bad batch!

Still cracks me up how they shamelessly market these cigars st CI. I would like to meet the Sultan who commissioned these ....
I've had a few of these and found them to be pretty damn good for Cbid prices. I always thought the construction & draw were the best part. I just lost a bid on the 12 packs too....good thing because I have spent way too much on cbid this week.
I like em. Not just because of the flavor but I love the shape. Call me a sucker. No draw problems, no bitterness. Send me your rejects :)
Well I found them to be very mild compired to the rest of the Gurkha line, I was surprised to say the least, not bad but mild.
Mrepp said:
Well I found them to be very mild compired to the rest of the Gurkha line, I was surprised to say the least, not bad but mild.

Perhaps a morning or mid-afternoon smoke then?
I have had good ones and bad ones, mostly good though, it is definately worth it to try and see if your palate likes the taste.
Won a few on cbid. Thought it was a great cigar. None of the draw problems described. Would pay $8 a gar.