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Helping the Troops


Boobies...'cause I likes 'em
Mar 16, 2007
As many of you know, our good friend Dean (tasman) was in town recently on R&R. We had a nice gathering in Arlington, Texas and many were there. It was great to get to visit with him and his wife and hear first hand how things are going over in the sandbox. It also became very apparent to me, just what kind of impact we are having over there with the troops. They appreciate very much what we are doing. We are absolutely making a diiference over there. When you hear it directly from someone who's been there, it seems more real I guess. But mainly, I just wanted to take a moment to thank each and every one of you, who for the last several months, have contributed to this great cause. It's been a pleasure for me to do my part and I am deeply blessed by having done so.

So now, we're kicking this off to a new level. Don (Pembroke) started a thread last year to help send supplies and such to Dean and his unit. I took that idea and ran with it and over the course of the last few months, it has turned into something even bigger and better. Therefore, to better illustrate the overall purpose, I have decided to setup a new thread where I will post about donations to the cause and keep you updated on Troop box activity.

If you want to know more about how you can help, check my profile page or shoot me a PM. There are lots of ways for you to make difference for our Troops. Thanks again for helping me help the Troops!!

I'll second Tasman's thoughts...it really DOES make home seem a whole helluva lot closer. Thanks, dudes (and dudette's) for what you do for us. It absolutely makes a difference. We can't wait to be home, and we have plenty o' stories to tell around cold drinks and fine smokes.

I concur! When I signed on to CP all I expected was knowledge and fellowship. I got that and so much more. The CP impact is felt far beyond the tip of the fine cigar that was sent from a CP BOTL. When I pass cigars on to the servicemen who are actually in the fight I feel a great sense of service & brotherhood. I know you all share those feelings with me. You are all fine gentlemen & ladies and I am blessed for being able to be a part of this community!


Well done Gary and Smitty!

It goes along way! :)
Very cool guys. I will put something together in the next couple of days and send it off.
Just to give props to those who have helped recently....

I got nice packages of cigars recently from both ChiTown_Huck and Jorel.

Thanks guys. Some of those will be going out within the next week or so.

Thanks for playing!!

Even those of us at "Camp Cupcake" can't thank you all enough! Trey has been kind enough to share with me, and we do spread the news of this place (how do you think I ended up here?).

And the soldiers at the FOBs surely appreciate anything that they can get to make their lives less hellish. A fine cigar gives you a slice of heaven, no matter where yuou are! I've spoken to a few of our boys out there, and the ones who get them are turned from steely eyed killers to softies when speaking of your kindness.
I need to add a point of clarification....

In the past, I have been loosely affiliated with Operation From The Heart (OpFTH), a 501c(3), non-profit organization operated by Bill Schmidt (Smitty). Recently, Smitty made that affiliation a more formal by designating me as an Agent for OpFTH. This has proven to be a bit of a problem for me so after a series of discussions, I asked Bill to remove me as an 'Official' agent. This was completely amicable.

So in the future, if you desire to make a contribution for which you need to receive a receipt for tax deduction purposes, you will need to contact OpFTH and send it to them. I will continue to do the Troop boxes in the same manner I have done them in the past. This is not major change at all, I just want it to be crystal clear to everyone. My desire all along has been to help our troops by sending cigars and other goods overseas and that has not changed one bit.

If you have questions or need further info, please drop me a note via PM.

Thanks again to everyone who has helped in the past. You have blessed me and many others in ways you cannot imagine.

Two more boxes flying out to the sandbox today. One headed to Kabul for a Marine unit over there, the other is headed to a friend of a friend in Iraq.

Heads up boys!!

Well done Gary and Smitty!

It goes along way! :)


One of my local B&Ms and a few of us are putting something together. Keep in touch and we will send them wherever you want. We are getting cigar, cutters and lighters so far.

Got your boxes two last mail call and the other yesterday. Thanks to you and the folks that put the time and effort to send goodies to the Soldiers. As said by so many already it goes a long way.

Thanks again


Always good to hear they made it and glad to help.

I guess Dean should be back anytime. We sure had some fun while he was here.

You should be getting a break sometime soon too shouldn't you?? Keep me posted.
Lighters are always a plus. The cheap lighters they sell over here suck and break after a few uses. I can attest packages like these bring morale up a lot!

Thanks to everyone who is sending stuff
Lighters are always a plus. The cheap lighters they sell over here suck and break after a few uses. I can attest packages like these bring morale up a lot!

Sorry about the lighters. USPS doesn't like us sending lighters overseas. They only allow with express approval and then only for domestic surface routes.

There maybe some different rules for empty lighters but then you still have the problem of getting the butane. That also limits your ability to send inexpensive disposables.

This is what I found at USPS.com

If anyone else has better info.....


I've wanted to donate to Cigars for Troops in the past. Before I reached my current online retailer, I had my eyes for a few weeks on an option my previous (emphasis on previous) retailer offered in his store. A cigars for troops package you could buy that seemed very cool.

But then, even though I had read about the official program, and seen the pictures etc and been enamoured by it on the official site (I think you mentioned it above briefly), this retailer wasn't winning any awards in the trust department.
His orders were ever so late, and discounts offered during Cart filling were never honored after purchase. So I could see my donation of 1 or 2, $20.00 units for Cigars for troops dissapearing into nothingness.

Suffice to say, I switched retailers and just wish now FSS offered a Cigars for Troops option in purchases, no disrespect to the OP :)
Thankyou for doing this. I sort of head up the same type of activity in my area. We know a lady whose husband is in Afghanistan, and we
send cigars about once a month. It is gratifying to hear how well they are received, and how it further develops the bonds, not only between the troops, but between the civilians and the troops.
I saw a video of one of the box openings. It was very heartwarming to see how excited the recipients became. If you want to help, and live in a base town, contact the wives support groups and do what you can to send these brave souls a taste of home.
I also want to tell all of you that have sent cigars over here that they are appreciated everywhere. As president of the Victory Cigar Club here at Camp Victory, Baghdad, Iraq, I can attest that our cigar meetings are a big hit or our membership wouldn't be approching 130 people.

Also, a lot of our donors request that enlisted troops get cigars. We're in an area that is top heavy with rank, so we get some "ambassadors" or guys going out to visit smaller bases to take cigars with them and pass them out. It's a big hit.

For everyone that has continued to send cigars over here even in the midst of economic downturn we, the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Coast Guardsmen, and Marines...ok, and some civilians too, salute your efforts.

Major John Schoener, USAR
President, Victory Cigar Club