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Home Depot, you just lost my business.


New Member
Sep 9, 2005
I just saw a Home Depot commercial on TV yesterday that majorly frosted my ass. It was an ad for a Ryobi laser level where the HD employee is showing the benefits of the level to a woman and explaining how she wouldn't need any help to hang perfect pictures, do jobs around the house, etc., etc.

Her parting shot with an extremely condescending look at husband, "So I won't him anymore?" Cut to shot of monkey-boy husband with moronic look on his face, schleping a plunger on his forehead.

Dear Home Depot, F*CK YOU!!

I am SO tired of seeing this kind of bullsh!t played out on TV. We men are being denegrated at every turn and I am SICK OF IT! If I were that guy I would have told my wife, "No dear, you don't need me anymore so I'll be over at your sisters' place banging her from now on. Bye!"

This "pussification" of the western male has been going on for too long, and I'm not buying it anymore. I am a man, not some wussed out Nancy Boy who thinks Queer Eye For The Straight Guy is good TV. I am sick of TV shows, and commercials, and any other media that portray men as goofball schlubs who wouldn't be able to open a can of soup without the help of a woman.

That is why I am henceforth boycotting Home Depot. I HATE shopping at Lowe's, but they and other stores are now going to get my business instead of Home Depot. They won't care one bit, but I do, and I am a man of action.
Stop shopping at a store you like over a silly commercial...whos the one with issues here??? :rolleyes:
Wow I laughed my @$$ off at this ad and found it in no way offensive. Sorry to hear you find it some kind of attack on your personal manhood...which apparently is overly sensitive for such a big strong manly man such as yourself.
AaronFromPA said:
Wow I laughed my @$$ off at this ad and found it in no way offensive. Sorry to hear you find it some kind of attack on your personal manhood...which apparently is overly sensitive for such a big strong manly man such as yourself.

It was a funny ad... but... I also agree with the way advertisements in general have gotten to where men are most always portrayed as mildly retarded boobs that just sorta grin and stumble through life, and would be absolutely lost if it wasn't for their wise, patient, and somewhat condescending wives and/or girlfriends. Not only ads, but sit-coms as well. I see it as something of a role reversal from the attitudes of the 50's... the lovingly goofy "little woman" at home getting into all types of silly predicaments, and the wise husband just shaking his head in amusement at her antics.. (I Love Lucy)
hornetguy said:
I also agree with the way advertisements in general have gotten to where men are most always portrayed as mildly retarded boobs that just sorta grin and stumble through life, and would be absolutely lost if it wasn't for their wise, patient, and somewhat condescending wives and/or girlfriends.

Well now you know what women have felt like for the last 40 years of sexist television. This is simply a case of being dished what we put out there when the advertisment/TV industry was male dominated. And just as in every other part of life, if you can dish it out you damn well better be able to take it because sooner or later the shoe will be one the other foot. I am not saying it is in any way "right" or "wrong" I am simply saying that after seeing more half naked women portrayed as bimbos in beer ads than my eyes could count (thank you beer ads) I think we can take a bump or to in return without screaming boycott.
IronBar said:
IThat is why I am henceforth boycotting Home Depot. I HATE shopping at Lowe's, but they and other stores are now going to get my business instead of Home Depot. They won't care one bit, but I do, and I am a man of action.

I hope realize that Lowe's are designed and laid out to be attractive to women. We will buy our tools at either our favorite place, or the cheapest (big dollar items). They like pretty, ie all the damn toasters next to the electrical section. :)

I could not find the article I was looking for, but here is a different one:

Why not find a good old-fashioned hardware store to do your shopping at? Don't have to worry about feminine advertising, and you are supporting local business instead of big business.
This is a simple way to attract the female population to Home Depot. "It is not a big male only place. If you want to make decorating changes in your home you do not need your husband to come her you can do it too." I do agree that todays males are pussifide but I do not bitc and complain about it be cause that would turn me into one.... I also agree find a local hardware store get to know the guys there and move on with your life
as a former employee and manager at Home Depot, please call 1-800-553-3199 and express your opinion and distaste for the ad. This is called the "Ben Hill" line, tell them point blank, i will never shop in your stores due to the ad, and how you spend thousands in their stores every year, and how disappointed you are, yada,yada....you'd be surprised what they will offer you.
If you're going to choose not to shop at Home Despit, it should be because they're customer service is so lousy, and the employees there (when they can be found) do a ****ty job and don't know what they are talking about. When they first opened, I remember the employees working were folks who had actually done that work for a living before coming there. Now it's just a bunch of zero-skill entry level job applicants that don't have any passion for home improvement, it's just a job for them.

It's amazing, I'll go to the store here every now and then, and there will be about 10 cars in the parking lot. Yet inside the store there's not an employee to be found.

Home Depot is just like Best Buy. If you know exactly what you want, and where to find it in the store you can shop there. If you have any technical questions or need assistance, you're screwed.
Gonz is correct...Do not shop at Home Depot Because they suck..not because on an ad.
hornetguy said:
...mildly retarded boobs that just sorta grin and stumble through life, and would be absolutely lost if it wasn't for their wise, patient, and somewhat condescending wives....

Well, that's me in a nutshell. :p I guess Home Depot is my kinda place! :laugh:
Hey Aaron, if you think it's this single ad that is an affront to me then A)you're sadly mistaken, and B) you're probably a nancy boy who's bought in to all the media attacks on men in general.

You think all the stupid laws in the world such as smoking bans are made up my men? Hell no. They're made up by women, and men who are too NUTLESS to stand up to women for fear of crossing the "PC" line. B.S. I say.
IronBar said:
you're probably a nancy boy who's bought in to all the media attacks on men in general.

You think all the stupid laws in the world such as smoking bans are made up my men? Hell no. They're made up by women

Don't you think you're going a bit far here?
IronBar said:
I just saw a Home Depot commercial on TV yesterday that majorly frosted my ass. It was an ad for a Ryobi laser level where the HD employee is showing the benefits of the level to a woman and explaining how she wouldn't need any help to hang perfect pictures, do jobs around the house, etc., etc.

Her parting shot with an extremely condescending look at husband, "So I won't him anymore?" Cut to shot of monkey-boy husband with moronic look on his face, schleping a plunger on his forehead.

Dear Home Depot, F*CK YOU!!

I am SO tired of seeing this kind of bullsh!t played out on TV. We men are being denegrated at every turn and I am SICK OF IT! If I were that guy I would have told my wife, "No dear, you don't need me anymore so I'll be over at your sisters' place banging her from now on. Bye!"

This "pussification" of the western male has been going on for too long, and I'm not buying it anymore. I am a man, not some wussed out Nancy Boy who thinks Queer Eye For The Straight Guy is good TV. I am sick of TV shows, and commercials, and any other media that portray men as goofball schlubs who wouldn't be able to open a can of soup without the help of a woman.

That is why I am henceforth boycotting Home Depot. I HATE shopping at Lowe's, but they and other stores are now going to get my business instead of Home Depot. They won't care one bit, but I do, and I am a man of action.

IronBar said:
Hey Aaron, if you think it's this single ad that is an affront to me then A)you're sadly mistaken, and B) you're probably a nancy boy who's bought in to all the media attacks on men in general.

You think all the stupid laws in the world such as smoking bans are made up my men? Hell no. They're made up by women, and men who are too NUTLESS to stand up to women for fear of crossing the "PC" line. B.S. I say.

Do we have some security issues to contend with here? :rolleyes:

Hell, it's just an ad. Some men are total goobs and just mildly retarded. Some are not. Some are very capable and some need help opening a can of soup. Sit back, get in touch with your feminine side, and say a few mantras while sitting in the lotus position. It'll all be OK. :p
Aaron and Iron, you're both about to cross the line. Take it to email.
I don't think today's ads are just about denigrating men. I'm seeing a trend in ads that seems to revel in making all consumers look like morons. Take that air freshener ad, for instance...the one in which Joe and Jane Consumer sit around watching this thing puff repeatedly, with dull-witted astonishment. Yep, that's a good marketing ploy...not only will this product fill your home with a pleasing scent...it'll provide you simpletons with hours of entertainment.

Me, I like shopping at Lowe's. We've laid down a lot of money there in the last 14 months. Good service before and after the sale. What few problems we've had, have been made right. At HD, both service and selection suffer by comparison.
I will keep my opinions on the matter to myself because they will be biased at best having been a manager at Lowe's for the past 5-6 years. Thanks for the vote of confidence and the business you have done with our company Peter.
There's another one where the wife tells the husband, who is in front of the tv, that she is going shopping. He just tunes her out and gives her an unresponsive answer. Then she says at home depot and he jumps up and asks where the keys are.

I just about got up out of my seat and went right to the HD, I love that store. I could shop there forever and always find something cool to buy. You just need to find the right people at the right time of day.

As someone who used to shop menards and still does, Im an avid HD'er.

As someone in the Advertising business, they are some decent ads, definently geared at their less responsive market.