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I can see !


New Member
Jan 19, 2009
Just wanted to give you guys my experiance just in case any of you were thinking of doing it.

I was -8.50 and -8 and basicly couldn't see a foot past me clearly. I had lasik and right after it was done I was able to see. In fact I see better than I did with my contacts and glasses. The operation was really easy too. I went the day before so they could take measurements and then the day of they did a few more measurements gave me some feel good drugs and then brought me into a room. I was awake the whole time it was going on. I had to forms of lasik done because of scar tissue on my left eye. So on my left eye I had flapless done but my right eye they cut off the lense of my eye and then they brought me to another room where they fliped it over and used a laser to readjust the tissue of my eye and then stiched my eye back together. There was a second or two where i was blind out of that eye. On the left eye they did it without removing the outer layer. The diffrence is that it took logner to heal. I've had it done two months ago now and everything is great. I feel fine and i can see so well now.

If any of you are thinkin of doing it, go and do it if you have any questions let me know
I had lasik done about two years ago and have zero complaints. Congratulations on your sight!
I'm biting the bullet and getting mine done this summer---I've worn glasses since second grade, and bifocals for about five years now.

The bifocals have never worked very well for me, and I love to read. It's a real pain. I figure even if I still need reading glasses after lasik, that'll still be an improvement over pulling my glasses down my nose and reading through the wrong part of the lens.

I went and looked into it about 5 years ago and they said that I was past the age where it would be effective for any length of time due to Presbyopia. Glad it worked out for you.
I got mine done a couple of years ago and don't have any complaints, either. I had the procedure where they toothbrush your eye to remove the outer layer and then laser you. I was only at -2 and -2.5, if I remember correctly. The amount of lens they had to remove was right at the limit, though, so there's no option of further correction later on if it goes bad.

I had mine done about 3 years ago. I have no complaints, and my vision went from -6 and -6.5 to better than 20/20.

They had to cut the flap on both my eyes and then seal it back up. I did have the temporary blindness (like 2 seconds) when they were actually doing the procedure, but that was pretty normal from what I understood at the time. I would recommend this to anyone that is on the fence about it, and would do it again in a heart beat if I needed to....

BTW - Congrats on the successful lasik surgery!
Glad it worked for you! I have been thinking about it for a couple of years now and as my eyes are probably completly done changing (26 yrs old at -5.75 in each) I am thinking even harder. Hard to come up with the ~4k-5k right now though :p.
I had my eyes done about 5 years ago. Miraculous is all I can say. Had that gritty/sandy eye feeling for a while but that went away.

I slipped them a little extra to have them give me X-ray vision while they were in there. :thumbs:

Congrats on your procedure! It's pretty amazing what they can do.
How is your night vision after the procedure gljvd? I am 28 and have worn glasses for over a decade now and while mine are stylish, I think I wouldn't mind looking into this procedure.
I had my eyes done in 2002. I was about a -3 and couldn't even see across the street at times. Glad I had them done. No complaints and no worries.
Hard to come up with the ~4k-5k right now though :p.

Shop harder. I can get both eyes done in San Antonio for less than a grand---and not from some fly-by-nighter working out of the back of a truck, either. :laugh:

How is your night vision after the procedure gljvd? I am 28 and have worn glasses for over a decade now and while mine are stylish, I think I wouldn't mind looking into this procedure.
ITs really good. For the first week there were halo's after that they started going away and now i don't really see any.

Hard to come up with the ~4k-5k right now though :p.

Shop harder. I can get both eyes done in San Antonio for less than a grand---and not from some fly-by-nighter working out of the back of a truck, either. :laugh:


Cost me 6 grand here in jersey. with my eyes i wouldn't go to anyone charging less than a grand for both eyes.
Must be more expensive up north, I guess. The spendiest place here in town only wants $3200 and has a fantastic reputation. The San Antonio place owns their equipment, rather than leasing it, and has a lot less overhead. The doctor there has degrees and certifications out the wazoo and a spotless success rate. *shrug*

Must be more expensive up north, I guess. The spendiest place here in town only wants $3200 and has a fantastic reputation. The San Antonio place owns their equipment, rather than leasing it, and has a lot less overhead. The doctor there has degrees and certifications out the wazoo and a spotless success rate. *shrug*


Yea I dunno. The cheapest I've seen up here is about $1800 an eye. But I guess living 5 minutes from NYC they can charge more