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I Can't Stop...


May 22, 2002
I have a desktop humidor jammed to the lid with cigars that is so full I took the humidifier out :sign: :0 , a dry box filled to the gills, and another humidor crammed full of, ahem, non-traditional cigars. Yet I go to the local shop today on my lunch break and end up walking out with five cigars! Between special offers, Cigar Bid, and passes, I am getting killed!
please let me take some pressure off of you! :D
i have a humi only half full.
consider me your overflow valve. ;)
My feelings Precisely, and to think, I just got a pass back a few weeks ago. Maybe I smoke too much? Or Maybe I shared with LuckyDawg too much? Nawwwwwwwww, can't share too much. :p
McP it sounds like it's time for you to purchase a cooler. This is a good time of the year since the prices are starting to drop. That will give you plenty of room for maybe a month or two. ;)

BTW, get a 150 quart cooler. You can't have too much storage space! :D
Shadow!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would you hush up, he was about to start sending his overflow off to me a gws3, now you went and gave him a better idea. :sneaky:

:D :p :D

I feel your pain, McP!!! LOL

PB, you're gonna have to do better than that old boy!!! lmao :sign:
Lee, I figured he'd be grateful to me for the cooler suggestion and send me some cigars! :sign:
I emphatize, sympathize, and rationalize with this thread.

Last weekend, I had filled in all the information to order a box of cigars online. I got right up to the point of clicking the button to pay...when I said to myself, "Self - do you really need any more cigars?" Realizing that I didn't need more stogies, I zeroed out the order. Today it is 5 days later, and in the past week I have bought 3 boxes of cigars, and several singles. So much for avoiding temptation! I don't know how I got all of those cigars in the humidors, but I did!

Is there a Cigar Buyers support group anywhere? H-E-L-P!

Hey, did you see that special on Montecristo #2s? Offer is good until the end of September. Maybe I can make a little more room in the coolerdore. Maybe I need another coolerdor. Those dark wrappers are calling me. Doh!

Sam J.
I can relate McP... it's a disease... LOL! Just wait until it's no longer desktops and it becomes 115 Qt Igloos that are jammed to the top! Man... am I glad my wife never sees my CC bills.... LOL!


It's a deadly disease that's called ODO (Order Dis-Order). :sign:
sam: and everyone else that may have to many cigars for there humidors.....feel free to send some my way :D :D :D I only have my 50ct. humidor a quarter of the way full... :lookup:
I was able to sell 40+ cigars to a buddy of mine who just bought a new humidor and needed some stock for it! Now I am down to slightly overloaded...