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I Have an Announcement!!!!!!


I swear I am number 8!
Jan 5, 2001
:0 :p :) I would like you all to welcome Connor and Maria into this world. They were born christmas eve at 9:00 in the morning. They are 8 weeks earely but are very healthy. Both will one day be potential members. LOL :)
Some christmas present HUH??? LOL
As soon as I can get pictures developed I post some. :p
Congratulations Darren!Wow, what a Christmas gift! It is good to hear all are well - babes, Mom AND Dad!

A couple more hours and they could have been born on my birthday, today. I'll fire up a smoke today in you and your family's honor.

Happy Birthday to us all!


It truly was a very special Christmas.  :)  :)  :)

Glad to hear everything went well for you and your wife. I will dig down deep in my aged humidor and pull out a nice one to smoke in honor of the blessed event. :thumbs:
CONGRATS to all.....

So glad to hear everyone is doing well. Give that wife of yours a big high five...... :)
GREAT NEWS!!! CONGRATS TO YOU, AND ESPECIALLY, YOUR WIFE!!! I think you'll soon know what I mean when I say: "Your life will never be the same!!!" lmao ina good way, I mean....well...er...most of the time!! Enjoy them, they'll bring you tons of unknown happiness! :)

That is great news.
Much congrats to both of you.
2 at once? Wow wee.
Someone is going to get a full lifetime of fun.

:D congrats :D :D good to hear all are well.

try and keep them of the smokes until 7 or 8 though, eah!
:D Wow are they getting cute now! He's already developed a taste for the good stuff though...LOL Keeping us busy though. It will be nice when they are doing something other than crapping, eating and sleeping........ Oh wait that will never change! LOL :p :) :sign:
Trust me Darren, you will look back ina couple of years and say "Damn, I wish all they were doing was crapping eating and sleeping. " LMAO We have just had the longest 6 1/2 months of the twins not wanting to eat or go to bed at night, and naps, well just forget that! It's getting better, but then comes the next phase.......
Darren, congrats on your TWO new additions :D Have you considered buying stock in that company the makes Pampers :0 ;) Two at once man will you be busy :0 Glad to hear everyone is well.