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I Need A New Job

The Volusianator

Tick Tock
Sep 14, 2006
3272 Games of Free Cell!?

Just get back to some of your handy work. I saw one of your clocks the other day it looked great.
Out of 3000+ games your longest streak is only 20? Keep practicing. :whistling:
lol...I have started playing that from time to time on the computers in our patrol cars. On Christmas day we were so slow I won 16 out of 16. I am about 90% now on the game. It is addicting for sure.
What you need is a new computer; is that Windows 98 you're running? :D
No photoshop, I play about 1000 games and then reset, Then I try to do some of the impossible ones, reset and start all over again. My best is over two hundred but I don't have a screen shot of it....never thought about saving them.

Are you serious! That's gotta be photoshoped!
I don't believe you have lost 1207 times
Keep practicing Bro you will get there one day :D
Admittingly when I first started I would get busy at work and just X out of it. But man, 200 wins in a row, that's insane.
" I Need A New Job, How Freakin Bored Can I Be..."

I feel your pain, man! It pisses me off to do nothing at work when there is all kinds of stuff I can do at home. Well, I hate my job anyway, it isn't just about being bored, it's about being quietly demoted into some sort of runner/secretary. Ugh.
Stop your bitching Wade, you could be like me (self employed) no work no pay. I work harder now then I ever did and I am 57. I wish I could play on the computer all day and get paid for it!
Stop your bitching Wade, you could be like me (self employed) no work no pay. I work harder now then I ever did and I am 57. I wish I could play on the computer all day and get paid for it!

Same here, but private sector... 50-60 hours a week... :(

Although my pay is not tied to the hours I work, I gotta believe if I ever had time to play thousands of games of freecell at work I better be worried about where I'm going to be working next. ???