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I won a 5 mile race!


Apr 9, 2005
Today I ran in a 5 mile fun run race, I usually run during the weekdays, but don't consider myself a speed demon. The race today I finished at a little over 36 minutes, so I was pretty happy.

Anyways I wasn't expecting anything at the awards ceremony, but when they announced the awards for age class, I was shocked that I came in first for my age group. Feels good to win something like that, especially when it was not expected.

I got home and celebrated with my first cigar in over a year, a Leon Jimenes. I never heard of this brand (a gift), and it was dried out (no humi), but that combined with my beer felt soooooooo good. That smoke and today's race reminded me of my return to a normal life.

Over the last two years I've had some shitty times. Some family members passed away, my Mom got cancer but beat it, I ended a 4 year relationship and of notation to this board I lost my entire cigar collection to that angry ex.

Since then I got my life straight and have recently returned to that hobby which I find so relaxing. I bought my first real humidor last week, nothing too big like my cooledor before, just enough for a few boxes. Then I went to cigarbid to load up on my favorite usual smokes. Anyways I am glad to see this board here as a learning resource for me once again.
Congrats, it is nice to see things turning around for you, and great to have you back in the hobby.
Congrats. :) I like to run, too, though I've seriously run out of time these past couple to three months.
Congrats, 36 minutes is a good time. Its also good to hear things are looking up for ya
Congrats! I'm a runner too, although not too seriously, and I always love hearing about races and times. That's a great time for sure!