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Its time to upgrade


Jul 14, 2008
I have grown out of my 75 stick desktop. I am looking for something that will hold anywhere from 200-300. I have done a little looking and some of the prices are pretty steep. For the money, it might be worth me going for the wine cooler conversion(probably a little more pricey). I am looking for something that black and fairly modern looking(not that big of a deal), that is another reason the wine cooler might not be too bad of an idea. I am fairly new to the cigar game(only a few years in it) and I don't know what to do and I don't know any good places to look beside Google. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!!!
Search is your friend, plenty of places to find good ideas and places to score fairly inexpensive humis.
A true 200 to 300 cigar humidor is fairly large. A Good one, that holds stable humidity might be fairly pricey.

If you have your heart set on a true, and rather attractive wood Humidor, a cooler or vinotemp might be you best short term solution.

Then you can beat the bushes for a good deal on a nice humidor.

Nice thing about either one of these is that they can be utilized for their original purpose.

You may even decide that the cooler, and your desk top are good enough.
Personally, if money is an issue, I would go the Coleman coolidor approach before springing for a cheap, large humidor. I wouldn't risk ruining hudreds if not thousands of dollars of cigars in a poorly constructed humidor that does not hold humidity well.
A wine cooler is a good solution if you need a larger box. I did a nice conversion, fully lined in cedar with fans and perpetual high tech wizzzz bang super hydration system (condensation routed into beads). Total cost was $300-$350 ish the way I did mine, but you could just buy the cooler add some shelves, and beads for about $240.

I also have an Avallo end table which is awesome, but was $600 used which is a steal. There are cheap chest humidors, but you get what you pay for once you leave desktops.

HERE is a pile of info and the details of my build, it has been running perfectly since I built it, and I have not added a drop of water in a year. I live in FL so it drains just enough condensation to keep the beads about 50% wet.

see ya
First ask yourself if you plan to store full boxes, or just loose sticks.

If you need to store boxes they won't fit in a 300 ct humidor. you'll need a coolidor, winodor, or cabinet humidor.
First ask yourself if you plan to store full boxes, or just loose sticks.

If you need to store boxes they won't fit in a 300 ct humidor. you'll need a coolidor, winodor, or cabinet humidor.

For now, mostly just loose sticks. I did a little more searching and I saw a 200ct at JR that they are selling for $99 dollars with the purchase of any box in the place. I might take a ride over there and check it out in person. I was looking at pictures of some BOTL's winodors and they are calling my name. I just need to look into the pricing on the shelves and drawers.
I just picked up a 120qt cooler from wallymart for $52!

I like my nice cab, but when you really start buying, coolers are the only way to go, or a nice converted room to a walk in.
Vinotemp! Just fork out the money, you can do 300 singles easy, and boxes too! Plus, temperature controlled = peace of mind. I have been able to leave my vino alone for over a month, and the RH hasn't budged from 62-67% and ~63 degrees
Wine cooler is the way to go if you are at all concerned about temperatures. Mine holds flawlessly and holds well over 300 sticks, and its always best to buy bigger than you think you need.
Go for a Curio-o-dor! Mine is getting seasoned as I type this, almost up to 61% RH, only about a day more to go! It should hold me off for along time! will hold approx 2000-3000 sticks!

The only problem is filling it!.... wait thats not a problem thats the fun part!!!