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Distant Member
Nov 11, 2006
They shall grow not old
As we that are left grow old,
Age shall not weary them
Nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun,
And in the morning,
We will remember them.

Uncle Joe passed on Sunday.
I know a lot of youall sent me prayers so Im just letting you know.
It has hit me pretty hard, so I dont really know what to say except thanks for the well wishes.

RIP Uncle Joe. Thanks again for sharing the stories with us, Dave.
I am so sorry for this loss. As I have been reading your posts I felt your connection to this man.
Stay strong Brother. Know that he is indeed in a better place now, looking out for his nephew.

I too am sorry for your loss. I was in a similar situation several yearys ago with my grandmother, so I know how you feel. Your Uncle Joe is in a better place where there in no pain or sadness, only joy.

Keep your head up and please continue to share your pictures and stories with us.

Sorry to hear this Dave. Stay strong and cherish his memory.
Sorry to hear of your loss Dave. Keep your head up brother. Cherish the time you two had together!
My condolences to you Dave, I can find no other higher purpose for our lives than to care for a loved one.
You did good sir!
I enjoyed the stories of your uncle as well. My sincerest condolences
Prayers of comfort coming your way, man. Thanks for sharing. I was really inspired by your posts.

