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LGHT I am calling you out...

Well, Emo, we heard from the dope and it was pure crap! This moron has about as many connected neurons as his stupid avitar! Put this fish out of his misery and shoot him now!!!!
Rod said:
Thanks for pointing out that "I'm too stupid...". You are clearly missing the whole point. This is a tightly knit community, where a lot of money is at stake (every single day), as well as the reputation of CigarPass. If we allow users to conduct poor trades and lack in effective communication, then what positive purpose would we be serving?

That's pretty sad you "second the vote" to have yourself banned. Clearly you don't give a damn about this community or it's members. Correct me if I'm wrong. Don't PM me, reply to me here.

If it's public that your trade was not acceptable at the other end, then how can you believe that it's no one else's business? As a community, everyone looks out for each other. Who really wants to trade with someone who can't communicate effectively? I understand if things are busy, or if the box was misplaced, etc. Open communication would have sparred you from public humiliation. It's really quite simple. You decided to ignore everyone's PM's, therefore that makes you look guilty. I'm sure you saw the thread in the SS forum, why didn't you just give an update? Instead, you ignore the situation at hand, and make things worse. To answer your PM, yes, this is how I handle situations in real life; again, I believe in open communication.


The "I'm too stupid" comment was directed toward emodx and his inability to realize that everything he reads isn't true.

This wasn't a poorly conducted trade it was simply an issue where the box didn't get shipped because the PO closed early for the holiday and I was on the other side of the country.

The reason I seconded the vote is because if you yourself allow useless admins to openly accuse members of wrong doing when they have no clue nor seem to care about the truth. It seems his only concern is to point fingers and flame because I didn't reply fast enough.

I agree that it was a public trade, but I don't agree with being "called out" like a 2 bit break dancer from the 80's which is probably an accurate description of emodx.

I have already replied to anyone who was DIRECTLY INVOLVED and wanted to know what happened and why the cigars didn't arrive in time.

I have never ignored a PM that I felt required a response in which emodx pm didn't as he was not involved with organizing the trade or was on either end of the trade, but simply an overzealous admin with nothing better to do than sit around wonder about things they have no concern with. Not sure about others, but I don't sit around all day waiting for PM's or have the time to sit around and send PM's.
EMO is not an ADMIN. Don't understand why you keep referring to him as one.
LGHT said:
Rod said:
Thanks for pointing out that "I'm too stupid...". You are clearly missing the whole point. This is a tightly knit community, where a lot of money is at stake (every single day), as well as the reputation of CigarPass. If we allow users to conduct poor trades and lack in effective communication, then what positive purpose would we be serving?

That's pretty sad you "second the vote" to have yourself banned. Clearly you don't give a damn about this community or it's members. Correct me if I'm wrong. Don't PM me, reply to me here.

If it's public that your trade was not acceptable at the other end, then how can you believe that it's no one else's business? As a community, everyone looks out for each other. Who really wants to trade with someone who can't communicate effectively? I understand if things are busy, or if the box was misplaced, etc. Open communication would have sparred you from public humiliation. It's really quite simple. You decided to ignore everyone's PM's, therefore that makes you look guilty. I'm sure you saw the thread in the SS forum, why didn't you just give an update? Instead, you ignore the situation at hand, and make things worse. To answer your PM, yes, this is how I handle situations in real life; again, I believe in open communication.


The "I'm too stupid" comment was directed toward emodx and his inability to realize that everything he reads isn't true.

This wasn't a poorly conducted trade it was simply an issue where the box didn't get shipped because the PO closed early for the holiday and I was on the other side of the country.

The reason I seconded the vote is because if you yourself allow useless admins to openly accuse members of wrong doing when they have no clue nor seem to care about the truth. It seems his only concern is to point fingers and flame because I didn't reply fast enough.

I agree that it was a public trade, but I don't agree with being "called out" like a 2 bit break dancer from the 80's which is probably an accurate description of emodx.

I have already replied to anyone who was DIRECTLY INVOLVED and wanted to know what happened and why the cigars didn't arrive in time.

I have never ignored a PM that I felt required a response in which emodx pm didn't as he was not involved with organizing the trade or was on either end of the trade, but simply an overzealous admin with nothing better to do than sit around wonder about things they have no concern with. Not sure about others, but I don't sit around all day waiting for PM's or have the time to sit around and send PM's.
If you look at my initial post, I didn't accuse you of anything. I simply asked what happened. I don't believe everything that is read, which is why I brought this public. So all sides could have a forum to adress what happened. I do care about the truth, which is why I asked questions, not throw about thin accusations. You are not above the good of the community. Period.

Rod, he ASS-U-ME's I am a board Admin, but I only claim to be a CPI Co-Administrator as what is quoted in my member title.

emodx said:
LGHT said:
Rod said:
Thanks for pointing out that "I'm too stupid...". You are clearly missing the whole point. This is a tightly knit community, where a lot of money is at stake (every single day), as well as the reputation of CigarPass. If we allow users to conduct poor trades and lack in effective communication, then what positive purpose would we be serving?

That's pretty sad you "second the vote" to have yourself banned. Clearly you don't give a damn about this community or it's members. Correct me if I'm wrong. Don't PM me, reply to me here.

If it's public that your trade was not acceptable at the other end, then how can you believe that it's no one else's business? As a community, everyone looks out for each other. Who really wants to trade with someone who can't communicate effectively? I understand if things are busy, or if the box was misplaced, etc. Open communication would have sparred you from public humiliation. It's really quite simple. You decided to ignore everyone's PM's, therefore that makes you look guilty. I'm sure you saw the thread in the SS forum, why didn't you just give an update? Instead, you ignore the situation at hand, and make things worse. To answer your PM, yes, this is how I handle situations in real life; again, I believe in open communication.


The "I'm too stupid" comment was directed toward emodx and his inability to realize that everything he reads isn't true.

This wasn't a poorly conducted trade it was simply an issue where the box didn't get shipped because the PO closed early for the holiday and I was on the other side of the country.

The reason I seconded the vote is because if you yourself allow useless admins to openly accuse members of wrong doing when they have no clue nor seem to care about the truth. It seems his only concern is to point fingers and flame because I didn't reply fast enough.

I agree that it was a public trade, but I don't agree with being "called out" like a 2 bit break dancer from the 80's which is probably an accurate description of emodx.

I have already replied to anyone who was DIRECTLY INVOLVED and wanted to know what happened and why the cigars didn't arrive in time.

I have never ignored a PM that I felt required a response in which emodx pm didn't as he was not involved with organizing the trade or was on either end of the trade, but simply an overzealous admin with nothing better to do than sit around wonder about things they have no concern with. Not sure about others, but I don't sit around all day waiting for PM's or have the time to sit around and send PM's.
If you look at my initial post, I didn't accuse you of anything. I simply asked what happened. I don't believe everything that is read, which is why I brought this public. So all sides could have a forum to adress what happened. I do care about the truth, which is why I asked questions, not throw about thin accusations. You are not above the good of the community. Period.

Rod, he ASS-U-ME's I am a board Admin, but I only claim to be a CPI Co-Administrator as what is quoted in my member title.


Emo, like I have already stated I don't OWE your nor the public any explination nor do I care about giving one so please stop waisting my time by asking for one. If coventrycat86 would like to post the outcome and what happened he is the one administrating the pass not you. Considering that HE is the one that was in charge of the pass I gave him a clear and exact explination on exactly what happened. This has nothing to do with the public nor you so again please don't direct it as such.
explination is spelled explanation.... :laugh:
Emo, like I have already stated I don't OWE your nor the public any explination nor do I care about giving one so please stop waisting my time by asking for one. If coventrycat86 would like to post the outcome and what happened he is the one administrating the pass not you. Considering that HE is the one that was in charge of the pass I gave him a clear and exact explination on exactly what happened. This has nothing to do with the public nor you so again please don't direct it as such.
So you are above being questioned, let alone held accountable for your actions here on CP? And why exactly doesn't this have anything to do with the public? Are you hiding something or just embarassed?

LGHT, if you didn't want to hear about being a f**k up, you shouldn't have f**ked up.
You don't get it LGHT. EVERYONE in SS and on this board is entitled to an explanation when one doesn't keep his commitments regardless of the circumstances. (Please read the previous sentence over and over until you understand it) If you had a personal tragedy---we understand. If you were deathly ill---we understand. If you just didn't plan ahead---we understand---we understand that you let your particpant and all the board down, please explain.

You failed to keep your commitment and have been called to account. That is how this board works. Sunlight on everything.

Why you accuse Emodx and insult him is beyond me. The correct response is:
I am sorry. I did not keep my commitment to my Secret Santa. It will never happen again if I am given another chance. Thanks for your help in keeping this board honest and full of integrity. I know I shouldn't be given the benefit of the doubt any more than a scammer should. I am not a scammer just a slacker in this one instance.
LGHT, you should read the flaming of KayakinBoy too see how to CORRECTLY take your lumps and come out better for it.
LGHT, make things right, I believe they are still giving you a chance.

*edit* this was before I read the Fuente thread
jabba said:
LGHT, make things right, I believe they are still giving you a chance.

You should read the Fuente selling thread by LGHT. This is strike 2.
lght... you are a real piece of work. So you don't feel like you should be held accountable for your piss poor actions? Really? How'd the troops like those cigars you sent... oh that's right you were lying. So you asked your wife to mail the package for you... and you didn't follow up... didn't wonder why there was no acknowledgement... wait, it's coming to me now... wait.... ah, got it, you are lying again. You had roughly a month to get the ss thing done yet you didn't. You have now disrespected this community, members here, and yourself. You are a liar, a self deluded, puffed up wannabe. You deserve no respect much less the benefit of the doubt. You'll need to be going back to that other board that protects petulant little bitches like you. You are no longer welcome here. This will be the first time I've ever said this so read it carefully.

BAN this POS now.

I have to agree with the FOGs here ban this guy.When reading the fuente thread the first time I thought he was a living skid mark now he has confirmed it beyond all doubt.He is a liar, he lied in the fuente thread and there is no reason to believe he isnt lying about his wife not mailing his SS.It takes a very very small person to lie and try to lay the blame on someone else so he can LOOK innocent of misbehavior, I mean I dont think ANYONE here would have given a single speck of grief if he had come in here and said he just screwed up and forgot or really any other believable fugg-up, I vote for banning and even listing on the scumbag list.
So LGHT, has your SS cigar package been mailed out to Pierce? I could give a rats ass about the Fuente thread, lesson learned there. I am worried about you making good with what is promised. Remeber that the cigar forums community is fairly tight nitted. It is plausible that if you stiffed someone here, it would affect your credibility elsewhere.

Hate to have to ban people, but LGHT didn't seem to want to cooperate. He clearly doesn't get the concept of a community which watches out for each other. User banned.
Rod said:
Hate to have to ban people, but LGHT didn't seem to want to cooperate. He clearly doesn't get the concept of a community which watches out for each other. User banned.

SEE YA !!!!
I don't know, I always think it's sad when someone flunks Responsible Human Being 101.
