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Marine Impersonator Outed


Brutish Nubber
Jan 23, 2008
Ok. I searched for every possible phrase I could think of that would pull this article, and got nothing, so if this is a repost, I apologize.I picked up on this story back in late March, when doubt had just started to arise. I've never served (except as a policeman here in the states for a while, but as a private citizen, I'm outraged that someone would use such credentials and stories for self-fulfillment.

I'm glad to know that there are laws in place to punish these kinds of idiots.

The story can be found here.
If the laws don't get him someone probably will. There was a story a while ago about a doctor/professor that even taught to students and did research and ended up never having gone to medical school. These people just aren't right in the head.
There was another piece of garbage that got caught about a decade ago. He would go to funerals and every time he would have one more ribbon on his chest. Pictures taken show him going from 2 rows to 5 over the course of a year until some real Marines asked a few questions and got the wrong answers.
These type of stories sicken me. Trying to build yourself up by the sacrifice of others, wow, what a man.

We locally had a "Man" who was driving around with a Purple Heart designation on his vehicle license plates. After some calls were made, it was learned that he had falsified the documents to

obtain the plates and was charged accordingly.

I do not understand these type of people, and never want to. A real disgrace to the real men and woman who serve and have served.
Pukes like this are becoming more and more prevalent. We always have a laugh at work when we catch someone online posting "combat photos" or pictures of them in uniform.
We have had a few of those cockroaches here in OZ as well, they eventually get caught out and made to look the fools that they are.
Something tells me if the law doesn't get him, some very fine tuned mean lean U.S. Marines might...
I'm just sickened by someone who would act like they had actually put their life on the line like those of us who have really been there on a two way range when the bullets start flying and the bombs starting going off. I hope they fry him...