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mignulikz is an a@@hat


Active Member
Jul 23, 2008
What one does in the privacy of ones home is between them, their spouse and God. That sort of stuff gets you beat down irl. Go away and spam somewhere else!!!!
What one does in the privacy of ones home is between them, their spouse and God. That sort of stuff gets you beat down irl. Go away and spam somewhere else!!!!
I recieved the message but the link doesn't download, i just assumed some jerk was asking for money. :angry:
Lots of us got hit this morning Kevin, and yes it was sick I was getting my daughters ready for school when I opened it. Thankfully they were in the bathroom brushing their teeth.
Thanks for the heads up fellas. Message has been deleted.
I also got the PM from Comrade Mignulikz and immedately deleted it, when I saw the URL link ended in "RU". RU means the site is in Russia.

Here's a tip for everyone. NEVER EVER click on any web link ending in RU (looks like www.****.ru). Because you are just risking getting your PC infected with a virus or spyware or other crap.
Strangly some good came from the Spam.

I haven't been on CP for over a Year. So, After I Deleted Tool Boy's spam, I had a look around and thought....Why am I not Here more?

I'll have to fix that.


why did you guys click on a link from an unknown who had 0 posts & didn't describe their link? You know if you hover over it your browser will display the address in the bottom of your window? :laugh:
The site changes each time you click on it. I assume he makes cash on each hit.
When I saw he didn't have any posts & hadn't filled in his profile, I just deleted it without opening it.
I got it also. Did a quick Google and saw that it was crap. PMed Rod before I checked here. I see that y'all are on top of this dirt bag.
I use my cell phone 90% of time and can't see the links like my home pc, should've known. Pornbots etc still have to be started by people who should be beaten daily for being losers.
Ha, I just got home from work and had a message from this guy but his membership was already deleted! :laugh:
I got one too. Just deleted it. What the heck did this guy do, send it to every member?
why did you guys click on a link from an unknown who had 0 posts & didn't describe their link?

Exactly... lol... kinda deserve whatever porn or viruses you get. You guys who clicked on the link are exactly the reason why this sort of stuf works.