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My brother in-law is extremely lucky to be alive today...


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2010
He was riding his motorcycle by his house in Arkansas and was kicked in the head by a deer.

I guess what happened was that a deer jumped out in front of him, then tried to jump over the motorcycle and kicked him in the head in the process. With Arkansas not having a helmet law, he was not wearing one. He was thrown from his bike and into a ditch hitting his head a few times.

After a few frantic phone calls with the wife and family, we found that he is going to be fine (all things considered). The CT and MRI both came back negative for fluid on the brain, or any abnormal brain functions (as of right now). He broke 4 or 5 of the bones in his face, and will have to go through a few re-constructive surgeries to get everything fixed. He also got a few teeth knocked out and broke his jaw (and will need another surgery for that). One really crazy thing is that he never lost consciousnesses, and was coherent enough to be able to tell the medics his wife's cell number. Isn't adrenaline an amazing hormone?

Will be going out to the patio tonight and smoking a good one. Things like this just make you realize how fast someone you really care about can be gone in an instant.
Wow.... that's crazy! I wish him all the best and his family as well. Sorry to hear of this horrible news. Here's to a speedy recovery.
Man! Glad he'll be okay. Those deer can really do some damage.
Glad to hear he should be ok, albeit with a few surgeries.

The thing with deer is, you can never tell what they are going to do. I have heard of them running into 4 wheeled vehicles but never a MC.

You are right as well about your life changing in an instant.
I actually saw a helmet cam from a motorcycle/deer accident just recently.

My sincerest condolences, and wishes for speedy recovery.

I've hit a deer with my car at 85pmh, but I couldn't imagine hitting it with a motorcycle.
Very fortunate that he is still alive. It is true how everything comes into focus. I have a similar story about me, a deck and a 15` fall. Best of luck to his family and hits recovery.
Amazing that he didn't have any serious brain trauma. Never lost consciousness? Wow, very lucky.
Glad your brothers OK. If you come here to NH, you'll see great big yellow signs warning you to brake for moose. I suggest you do.

Thanks for all the well wishes, it means a lot to our family.

A quick update...

His jaw was wired shut, so he doesn't do any more damage to it. Some of the swelling in his face has gone down. The nurses got him up and tried to help him walk. but it looks like he might have a broken foot since he had a pretty big limp and was in pain with the one foot.

Another CT and MRI today still came up negative for head/brain trauma.

We haven't talked to him yet, as the smallest thing causes him to get really tired. Hopefully we will be able to talk to him tomorrow.

He will be going into the first round of surgery on the 9th, we aren't sure what it's for yet though. We are thinking it will be for the plate in his cheek.

Update on the accident:

He saw one deer on the road and downshifted to slow enough for it to clear, then a second deer (the one that caused the accident) jumped out from the wooded area and tried to jump the bike. He was only going about 40 (speed limit was 50) when he came in contact with the deer. His wife was following a few cars behind him and saw the whole thing happen.
Sorry to hear about the accident. Hope the recovery goes by quickly!
Sorry to hear about the accident, but glad he's going to have a pretty full recovery.

Something about Arkansas, motorcycles and deer... I hit a deer on my motorcycle in Arkansas in 2006.
Helmets.............I hate 'em but I wear 'em! :whistling:
Road ID. I always wear one when cycling. Motorcycle riders should too.
He was discharged yesterday, and resting at home until Monday when he is scheduled for the first reconstructive surgery on his face.

He has been catching some hell from everyone he talks to about not wearing a helmet. I think he is going to be getting one when insurance replaces his bike. I on the other hand, have been telling him that he needs to quit the evil knievel crap when he is riding, there is no reason to hurt innocent deer. He has a pretty good laugh at it, since everyone else is so serious about it, he likes having some humor in the mix.
Sadistic Bastid. Laughing must hurt like hell.

We had one here a couple of days ago, same thing, a deer started crossing a highway, the biker braked then layed his bike down to avoid the deer, unfortunately, a car behind him swerved to miss the accident and ran over the biker. Fatality. Damned shame.
It's always the second deer...

I hope your BIL has a speedy and complete recovery.