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New Pipe smoker


New Member
May 20, 2008
Hey I am a new pipe smoker. I'm 19 and currently in college.

So yesterday I went out to the only pipe dealer near me, the Tinder Box and bought a Missouri Meerschaum Corn Cob Pipe and one of their blends called Sunset. It smells really good, I think it's a chavender. Anyway I smoked for the first time about an hour ago. It wasn't too much of a pain to light. I had to relight it like 3 times, but it wasn't bad. It lasted about ~30 mins.

I am thinking of getting a briar pipe soon. Unfortunately there is only one place that sells pipes near me. At least there are quite a few tobacco dealers near me.

So does anyone know any good blends that the Tinder Box has? Something aromatic?

I have no idea what Tinder Box carries, but welcome to the world of pipe smoking! :)

There are a ton of good tobaccos out there and a cob pipe is a an excellent way to experience a great variety. There's only one way to find out if you like a particular blend...

HERE is a listing of some Tinderbox blends that have been reviewed at a popular review website.

Good luck!

Thanks for the tobacco review.

Ok so I have a couple quick questions:

What is B & M? I hear people mention it, but and where is it?

Also when I was looking at pipes, there are a bunch of different pipes (Meerschaum, Savinielli, Stanwell, Dunhill, etc) are they all briar pipes? Or are they completely different from that? Cause I am going to be looking for a briar and was wondering who was a good maker.
Brick and Mortar. A real store. One that you can walk into, as opposed to an internet store.Meerschaum, is a pipe made of a soft carvable stone. A Missouri Meer is a corn cob pipe. Stanwell,Dunhill and Savanelli are brands of briar pipe.

Ok that really helps clear things up. So back to looking for the "perfect" pipe for me.
So I am being drawn to the look of the churchwardens. Has anyone had any experience with them? I was mainly wondering if the longness of it would affect it's smoking ability or make it smoke differently then it's shorter brethren?
I think they smoke cooler. They're not very portable and they need more cleaning than a normal pipe because of condensation.
Edited to add: Everyone should own at least one.Here's some photos of mine
Since it's not very portable I think I'll wait and get a couple bent pipes first. My parents aren't big on smoking and I live here in the summer. So I don't know how they'll take it. And during the school year I go to a Christian college, and we sign a lifestyle covenant and one of the things says:

Because of the potential danger to one’s physical and psychological well-being, students are to refrain from the use of certain
products: tobacco in any form, alcoholic beverages, hallucinogenic drugs and substances (including marijuana) or narcotic drugs
not authorized by a physician. Under no circumstances are the above to be used, purchased, possessed or distributed on or away
from campus.

So I technically can't smoke my pipe, and if I do it'll have to be away from school. So a churchwarden would kinda be a pain. Oh while i'm thinking of school, do you know a great "public" where I could sit and smoke? Cause at home I can just go out back when my parents are out....but at school it'll have to be off campus, but I don't know any places I could do it at.
American Indians believe that tobacco is a gift from Mother Earth. On her journey, wherever she sat to rest, tobacco grew. Oh well.

Well I see you have pretty much decided to give up on the idea of buying a churchwarden and that's fine but I just wanted to add that they are my favorite style of pipe. I really, really love mine. They do smoke cooler as Doc said and I love the old timey feel of them. They were originally made for smoking in church but it appears the church has apparently changed their mind about tobacco from what you posted. You may want to convert to that Indian religion. Just kidding, just kidding! :sign:

So I've decided. When I get some more money, I am gonna go to my B&M and look at their pipe selection, if they have a churchwarden I'll get it....and that's also if it is reasonably priced. I really don't wanna spend $60 on a pipe, at least not yet. So it's not out of the picture, it might just be a while before I get one.
Hey there, welcome to the wonderful world of pipe smoking! I am also a newbie- have been a cigar smoker for years, but always was enchanted by the pipe. I actually smoke my pipes more then cigars now. Anyway, welcome!
Well I see you have pretty much decided to give up on the idea of buying a churchwarden and that's fine but I just wanted to add that they are my favorite style of pipe. I really, really love mine. They do smoke cooler as Doc said and I love the old timey feel of them. They were originally made for smoking in church but it appears the church has apparently changed their mind about tobacco from what you posted. You may want to convert to that Indian religion. Just kidding, just kidding! :sign:

Well, on a recommendation so glowing I might have to make one my second pipe. :thumbs:

Welcome to a wonderful way to enjoy tobacco. I just got back into it for the third time and enjoy it more now than ever before. Of course, a big part of the difference is the info I get here on the forum that I never had before. Some of that info was on improving technique and now my packs burn cooler and stay lit better with less bite problems.

Welcome to the smoking world. Maybe you should try looking on ebay and picking up an estate churchwarden and refurbishing it?
I've been keeping an eye on ebay, but when i've looked i've had to wade through pages and pages of junk. But an estate does sound nice. Any pointers on how to tell if an estate is junk?
Just to let you know the Tinder Box you are talking about does have some churchwardens. Carry Bjarne, some cheap no name, and nording dual stems. Also there are still a couple Boswell pipes available, if you have any questions you can send me a pm, because I work there.