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Organizing a HERF


Active Member
Feb 20, 2009
I tried to search for info on this but didn't find what I was looking for...

I have been talking with the owner of my local shop about the possibility of setting up a HERF. We are both fairly new to the world of cigars so neither of us really know what the details are in hosting such an event. He seems to really like the idea of a get together for the local folks and whoever else would like to attend. Can any of you that have attended/hosted such an event give me a run down of how something like this is organized?? How much should tickets for an event like this cost?? What should the price of admission include?? What other features of previous events have you liked or disliked?? Any information would help.

Thanks, Mike

There is a lot to think about when organizing a herf. Some herfs are informal get together's, others are more involved. Most herfs are free, unless you're renting space and operating costs are involved. If you're just looking to meet other cigar smokers in the area and bring people to the shop, no need to charge. Just make it clear that if the herf is to be held at your friends cigar shop, everyone should support him in some way. Whether that be with purchasing at least 1 cigar, drinks, etc... Never cool to hold a herf in someones shop/lounge and not support it. You'll probably be asked to never come back. :)

You can hold herfs anywhere smoking is permitted. We often herf at the local Double Tree; no fees involved. We do support the bar, however. Wherever you herf, always support them! I can't stress that enough.

Let us know if you have any specific questions...
He actually holds what he calls "King's Hours" on Thurs and Fri nights from 4-8pm...we had just been talking about maybe doing an event that he could possibly host. In hopes that he could not only promote the shop but try and get more of the folks interested in cigars together at the same time for every one to meet each other and have a nice social evening. We thought about serving some kind of meal and putting together a small event sampler of 2-3 sticks to help make the evening. I just thought maybe everyone here could throw around some ideas so that I can help him with the planning and preparation.

BTW He is a nice enough guy to let those of us that wish to do so bring our own sticks on the nights he holds "king's hours" but we always make sure that we support his business as well by buying drinks, food, and the occassional extra stick or two. I would never ask anyone to join me that would not also wish to support his business as he is a completely stand up guy and the only good source for a tasty smoke in the local area. And I would hope that we all understand that owning a business also comes with financial responsibilities and without the support of his customers that his business would sooner or later cease to exist.

Here are some ideas:

- Go to Costco, get some sandwiches/drinks and charge $10 entrance for the evening
- Hold a raffle... Sell tickets for $1 or $5/ea, and raffle off cigars, accessories, membership, etc
- Get a manufacturer to visit the shop and promote their product (Tatuaje, Arganese, etc)
- Choose a couple cigars and host a cigar tasting

That's a start... Good luck!
Wow! You are in the quintessential "Middle of Nowhere" :laugh: so finding enough people around you may be tough.

Please don't take my comments as a slam, I wish I was out there in northern Wyoming with ya! :D :thumbs: the less people that live around me, the better as far as I'm concerned! ;) You only have 750 people in your whole town and from the looks of a map, you're the major population center in your immediate area! :D You're an hour and a half from Billings and 45 minutes from Buffalo which only has a population of 4,000. :0

Where's your local shop?

EDIT: Ooops, sorry I missed Sheridan on the map (it was easy to miss, LOL! :laugh: ). Population is 16,000 so that's a decent size town. Your shop must be there, right? The nearby "city" for me (ten minutes away) has a population of 20,000 but there are no cigar shops at all. :angry:

One last question, how in the hell did a Democrat ever get elected Governor in Wyoming? :laugh:
Things you'll need

Matches or Lighters
1 to how ever many people you want to attend
Chairs and maybe a table.
A computer with wireless internet, so you can post smoke by smoke reviews.
A house, park, cigar shop or lounge to hold the host.

Might be a few other things I am missing but that;s about it.

I am in the process of starting a MI, OH and IN herf.

It is very slow going, but once the thread is more active (not buried), you can watch the progress of it, as I intend to make it a public thread for the sake of education.

You can also read back through the Tri State Herf if you want to see how to involve a lot of raffles and manufacturers. Those guys did it up pretty well.

The MI herf will be much more casual, which is what it seems like you are trying to do.

I hope that helps a little.
Looking at member locations, I'm seeing a fair amount of members in the MA / CT area. I'd love to have a chance to sit and enjoy a smoke or two with anybody from this board. I'd even pack up my espresso machine and grinder to bring to such an occasion.
Looking at member locations, I'm seeing a fair amount of members in the MA / CT area. I'd love to have a chance to sit and enjoy a smoke or two with anybody from this board. I'd even pack up my espresso machine and grinder to bring to such an occasion.

Funny you mention that, when I first joined the board, I was the only active member from CT and there were none from Massachusetts. What a difference five years makes. :D
Looking at member locations, I'm seeing a fair amount of members in the MA / CT area. I'd love to have a chance to sit and enjoy a smoke or two with anybody from this board. I'd even pack up my espresso machine and grinder to bring to such an occasion.

Funny you mention that, when I first joined the board, I was the only active member from CT and there were none from Massachusetts. What a difference five years makes. :D

Yup. After you moved out, they all came out of the woodwork. :laugh:
I heard Bill is going to be hosting this year's Nova Scotia herf. :laugh:
Thank you to everyone for all of the ideas. I had never thought of a raffle for an incentive. The Costco idea is also a good one but the closest one is in Billings 2 hours away.

Sheridan is where the shop is located and is now a town of about 25000 and gets to be much more full during the summer months and also during the infamous Sheridan WYO Rodeo.

Hopefully I can throw some of the ideas out to him and we can start planning an event soon if we can find enough interest in said event. I know that there are quite a few cigar smokers in the Sheridan area, he and I were just hoping to bring them out to a night of dinner, smoke and socializing. He also has a cafe in the back of the shop so serving dinner would not be out of the question and alcohol is also served in his establishment. Plenty of seating is available for around 50 or so people in his place and if enough interest arrises he has informed me that he would not be against renting some place that would allow us to hold such an event.

Thanks again to you all.

I was listening to an old episode of Dogwatch recently, and they had one of the Outlaw guys on to talk about how they dealt with the city council recently. IIRC, he mentioned that the Outlaw was very involved in the community and nearby charities. This got me to thinking. A great way to herf, and get on the local's good side is to have events with local emergency personnel. Make a few bucks for the great people who keep your area safe, and get on the city council's good side.


ETA: I'm sorry, I didn't really give you an answer to your question. I'm sure there are area reps for the cigars that your shop sells, you should be able to get the rep there and have a few deals on the cigars the rep sells. They might also be able to raffle off ashtrays or other swag.