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Padron 1926 #35 Maduro


Jan 24, 2009
I love Padrons. I really need to get that out of the way before starting. Well, that's not entirely accurate. I don't really care for the '64 line . . . due mostly to the price and what I feel isn't a better smoke than classics. Oh well . . . I digress.

I got this cigar in a blind trade with Anthem. Let me just warn you folks, ole Matt will put one on you if you don't watch him. :) Anyway, I was leaving the office the other day and needed a quick smoke after a long day. This one did the trick. This is one of the darkest maduro cigars I've ever seen . . . almost black in color, with plenty of oil to spare. As is the case with all Padron igars, I couldn't find anything wrong with the construction. Pre-light, it reeked of barnyard.

A typical Padron draw gave off early tastes of rich coffee and peppery spice. The peppery nature of the spice quickly faded and the stick turned more to the sweet side. Before long, the flavors turned a rich cream with chocolate undertones. These flavors would come and go with coffee notes and, at times, leave a splendid aftertaste of mocha.

The only thing wrong with this cigar is that there isn't enough of it. That, however, is why they have other vitolas of this wonderful blend. Thank you, Matt. I have smoked several '26 series cigars, but not the #35. It was truly enjoyed.

These are truly awesome smokes. Can you believe though that my last box had tight draws on 3/4 of the box? I mean really tight draws...on a Padron. That's unthinkable.
These are truly awesome smokes. Can you believe though that my last box had tight draws on 3/4 of the box? I mean really tight draws...on a Padron. That's unthinkable.

I've yet to even experience a remotely tight draw on a Padron.
Love reading your reviews man!!!

Have a quick question though, why do some of these have serial numbers on the bands and some don't??

P.S. I've got some family down in MS. Franklin county to be exact, a little more south than you are.
I love this smoke. Marcos....You should have taken the box back or sent it back from where you got it. Padron will replace that box for a B&M in a heartbeat.....even is it is missing almost a half a box.
Have a quick question though, why do some of these have serial numbers on the bands and some don't??

P.S. I've got some family down in MS. Franklin county to be exact, a little more south than you are.

According to their website, to protect against counterfeiting.

Yeah, Franklin county is below Jackson . . . at least 4 hours South of me. I'm about halfway between Memphis and Birmingham.
I love this cigar in the morning.
It's a great size for my ride into work with a strong cup of coffee.
I love this smoke. Marcos....You should have taken the box back or sent it back from where you got it. Padron will replace that box for a B&M in a heartbeat.....even is it is missing almost a half a box.

Hmmm....now there's an idea, Isy! :laugh:
Nice review. I admit I'm not a huge fan of Padrons but this cigar is on my top5 list. Incredible smoke which can be enjoyed any time of day.
I've said it many times and I'll say it again.

When you actually take into consideration: price, construction, burn, taste, overall consistency, and overall quality.....I don't think a better cigar exists.
Looks like a great smoke! I've been looking for a good quick smoke...this might do the trick. My wife is always waiting for me to finish...um? :0

However, after reading this I'm jonesin' for a smoke. I left for work on Tue and forgot to pack some sticks in my mad rush to get out of the house. I won't be home til sun. Please pray for my willpower...I have the urge to visit a B&M, but my budget doesn't warrant it.