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Parting Comments

GOATS? Listen punk, you sauntered into chat without so much as a "hey there,,,,". You hardly said a word, then ran off. Now, I know the internet is a vast and scary place, but CP chat did not contain any mention of goats (today). You're lucky it went down like that, because if you had tried to puff up your feathers and cause a ruckus, some of us (me) would have saved the log, for posterity. If you want, I can post the logs of the last fool that came around talking big and fell into the chat room.

Being called out on the board is one thing, but if you ever,,,,,,,,,,EVER try to mess with or talk bad about the chat guys again, you will surrender any chance you have of redeeming yourself.

now, where are my jailbait pics? : ??? :

ps. brent sucks

edit, cuz what's a post without a pic?

Can we please enjoy a nice read of our friend Cory's chat meltdown? :D
Can we please enjoy a nice read of our friend Cory's chat meltdown? :D

If anyone objects to the content of this, I'll remove it, and you can PM me for the log.
fwiw: I love all these guys (except cory, but phil makes his love known for him)
edited: to find the funny pieces

*redacted CIA style*

chat log now available in handy dandy .doc form via email, for a low introductory rate of $3.95
Can we please enjoy a nice read of our friend Cory's chat meltdown? :D

If anyone objects to the content of this, I'll remove it, and you can PM me for the log.
fwiw: I love all these guys (except cory, but phil makes his love known for him)
edited: to find the funny pieces

There was a post a few months back asking if there was a log to the Chat room. The answer was no.,,,,,,,,,,,Apparently you found it and kept it to yourself. Hmmmmm.
Ok there is a button that says "Save" at the bottom of the chat screen. If you click it you can save a log of the chat while you you are active. Rod meant the system itself does not keep an archive of the chatroom. It is the same thing as if I took a screenshot of this thread and then it got deleted. I would still have the screenshot...
Wow,,,,I thought for a minute I was in a mens cigar forum but as I keep reading I see a soap opera instead. Gentlemen, this is a cigar forum where people have opinions and opinions are answered with more opinions. If you don't like someone's opinion,,,read it and move on to the next biggest hurdle in your life without whining like a bunch of old women who have nothing better to do than beat a dead horse. It's a cigar forum for Gods sake,,,if you get your feelings hurt over something on here then you need to stop purchasing cigars and save your money for some therapy on how to handle your feelings when on a cigar board forum. I can hardly believe I have to write this on here to grown men,,,grow the fk up!!

You can leave too.

You know what cigar you can puff on JetDr,,,,and you can either light it or not.

Now I'm sure of it. I don't like him. He may go now.
4 Members: Gonz, Mr_Wolf, Mike33, Brazilla


ps - It is only grammatically correct to use three (3) periods in a row as seen above. Any more or less is an error.
[CigarPassSucks] 4:26 pm: souldog. grow up.
[souldog24ca] 4:26 pm: i am grown up, but what cigars do you like
[souldog24ca] 4:26 pm: seriosuly.
[CigarPassSucks] 4:27 pm: no your maturity isnt
[CigarPassSucks] 4:27 pm: how old are you?
[CigarPassSucks] 4:27 pm: mr. tough guy with guns
[souldog24ca] 4:27 pm: im only 17 almost 18, but I KNOW I am grown up dammit
[souldog24ca] 4:28 pm: I dont have any guns either, I just pretend i do
[souldog24ca] 4:28 pm: I collect nerf guns okay,
[souldog24ca] 4:29 pm: theres NOTHING wrong with Nerf guns, i also have
a Crossman and i can hit a can pretty far off
[souldog24ca] 4:29 pm: bet YOU cant do that BITCH

[NullSmurf] 4:29 pm: time for me to make like a dick and pull out of here

GOOD TIMES!!! Thank you Robbie!!! :love:
Ya' know I was on Arpanet in 1976 then Milnet and then what we now know as the internet and in all these years I didn't know that commas were used to indicate a pause when on any sort of chat or BBS or forum. We always used periods. For example: You're an idiot........really.

That,.,.,., my friends is why AVB is the effing man!
Ray, think modem dial strings. I know, right up there with PDP card decks.

atdt 9,,,9876543210

Up there, it really does mean pause.

Ruh roh, SC is here.
While true, he wasn't talking about modems but I suspect if we squeeze him hard enough he may start beeping and boinging like one.

Ray, think modem dial strings. I know, right up there with PDP card decks.

atdt 9,,,9876543210

Up there, it really does mean pause.

Ruh roh, SC is here.
Dickweed #2 showed up in chat, but had nothing to say. Shortly after I showed up, he took off.
I got your dickweed right here , numb nutts. I went into the chatroom and didn't see your statement as I was multi tasking and just logged off. So, don't think that whatever inane statement you made had any affect on me as I just logged off because it was the usual childrens chatter on there,,,talking about goats or the usual trash talking nonsense little boys engage in. Real men will PM the person they have an issue with which I did to you but if you prefer to use the boards as your playground as to how " quick witted" you are, be my guest. I could use some more laughs as to how little boys try to act like men and usually make themselves look like a punk.
So this is your idea of maturity cigary? Seriously? At least you achieved that last part cause that's what you're looking like. What are you 12 years old? And the Patriots going 19 - 0? Puhlease. They can't cheat no more and they had all their cheat discs confiscated (well at least copies) and you still think that? I'll say this though, that beat down, belly flop in the Super Bowl was worth the price of admission. The most hilarious part of your nonsense though is where you said the referees fixed the game... I mean... this after what belicheat did? You brought a smile to this old man's face. Thanks you little nit.

You have to hand it to Cigary: his unintended hypocrisy gives a rather amusing ironic twist to all his posts. Attacking others for bad spelling when he uses,,,,,,,, the strangest application of commas I have seen in some time, as well as using logic that would better suit my cacti.

If he is not a troll I will be rather surprised. That would make him one of the most idiotic internet personalties I have witnessed since... Cory. Come to think on it, his meth-laced logic and seeping immaturity matches up rather well with our recently banned humidor thief.
If I could turn back time
If I could find a way
I'd take back those words that hurt you
And you'd stay
If I could reach the stars
I'd give them all to you
Then you'd love me, love me
Like you used to do

If I could turn back time

My world was shattered I was torn apart
Like someone took a knife and drove it deep in my heart
You walked out that door I swore that I didn't care
But I lost everything darling then and there

Too strong to tell you I was sorry
Too proud to tell you I was wrong
I know that I was blind, and ooh...

To the OP; Stick around, really, all things heal in time. Things were typed, feelings were hurt, and??? We are all big boys here, disagreements are a fact of life.

To the other guy; If you really don't like it here, you could stop posting. That is an option. Or, you could keep basking in the attention that it seems mommy and daddy never gave you.


edit: format
Cigary tried to jump ship to another site. Funny how tight of a community we are. Made sure to link to this thread. I hear CL is having a membership drive. :whistling:

Heh if you think the chat was childish and downhill then, you should pop in sometime that im in there :whistling: