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Pet Peeve


New Member
Feb 28, 2006
In NJ when I fill up for gas and the attendant knocks on my passenger window for the money.

I'm not reaching across to pay. They should come to the driver side window.

I told him if he knocks again, I'm gonna break his hand.

They actually get mad if you don't hand the money across to them. Last time I checked their job description was 1. Ask what kind of gas 2. Fill up the tank. 3. Come back to collect the money. The passenger isn't paying! I am!

Is it all that hard to walk around the car to my window?

Sorry for the rant. But it's the little things. Ya know?
it still pisses me off every time I'm in Jersey that i have to wait for them, and am not allowed to pump my own gas.
Don't know if it's hand-breaking worthy, but I hear your angst at the little things that can get really irritating.
Drivers who try and drive around me when the lanes merge, just to get in front of me. I usually speed up and make then run off the friggin' road. Sheesh.
That would chap my ass as well. My biggest pet peeve (today anyway) is the jackass that doesn't know or care about the difference, between the fast lane and slow lane. I completely understand when people get "road rage" and run someone off the road, because they wouldn't move over. :angry2: :angry:

Great Topic!!
Oh, are we listing pet peeves on the road? people who don't understand the point of an alternating merge. It's not a freaking contest! It's rush hour, and we're all just trying to get home.
smokelaw1 said:
it still pisses me off every time I'm in Jersey that i have to wait for them, and am not allowed to pump my own gas.

Are there no self-serve gas stations in NJ?
TOFan said:
smokelaw1 said:
it still pisses me off every time I'm in Jersey that i have to wait for them, and am not allowed to pump my own gas. 

Are there no self-serve gas stations in NJ?

Nope. Against jersey law I'm pretty sure. that might only be in Northern NJ, or Bergen County...anybody know? I only ever fill up in Bergen County by my folks' place.
Any pet peeve.

That just happens to be Numer 1 in my book!

My girlfriends is when someone uses the paper towels and leaves a hanger.

After yesterday, people not cleaning off their cars is a close second. Come on. Back window covered. Headlights and taillights covered. Side windows covered. A little peep hole out the front window. And a mound of snow on their roofs. If you can't see. How you gonna drive?

Then we wonder why insurance in Jersy is so friggin' high!
I just can't stand dealing with stupid people, especially at work. It drives me nuts and can ruin my day.

I work in NYC - I rarely have a good day at work...

You can fill up your own tank. I have never personally seen a cop give a ticket to anyone pumping their own gas.

It's a law, yeah. Laws are made to be broken right? LOL

When I had my motorcycle I would pump my own gas. I wasn't going to let some idiot spill gas all over the bike. I never received a ticket or a warning.
My peeve? That moron who has to stick his nose out into traffic from some interection or parking lot. I try to see how close I can come to his car.
My pet peeve is people who park their nice cars at the back of a parking lot, or double park. I usually will park right next to them, no matter how far away from the door, in my beat up old Chevy... I know thats gotta freak them out. :laugh: :laugh: :D

The lady that is driving down the highway trying to put mascara on - just one time I would live to bump her and see what happens - :laugh:
I can't stand people driving below the speed limit in the left lane. I also hate all the documents I read at work with numerous blatant spelling and grammatical errors that are written by supposedly highly educated people. I don't expect everything to be perfect, but make an effort.
As of today my worst pet-peeve, and its a little lame, is when people hang up jeans on the flemsy little wire hangers that are meant for t-shirts. My girlfriend put up some of my clothes last night and I almost slit her throat right there on the spot!! :sign: It bends and ruins the hangers...honestly! :angry:

whew that was heated.

I guess one of my biggest pet peeve's is people who you are generous with, but are "stingy" in return to you.

Working in retail (Target), I've got so many pet peeves from work that if I were to list them all, it is likely that people would skip right over my post due to its massave length. LOL

(Maybe its cause I say stuff that COULD have double meanings a lot at work and my co-workers always point them out, but what I just said was not intended to be taken as a sexual joke.)
I have two, people who can't pull over for a funeral procession; and people who can't get the hell out of the way of an emergency vehicle.
hojadepuro said:
As of today my worst pet-peeve, and its a little lame, is when people hang up jeans on the flemsy little wire hangers that are meant for t-shirts. My girlfriend put up some of my clothes last night and I almost slit her throat right there on the spot!! :sign: It bends and ruins the hangers...honestly! :angry:

whew that was heated.


Wow, remind me to never be your house guest, I could get killed.
You all are canidates for peptic ulcers. Go with the flow, relax, have a cigar, thats what their for.

hojadepuro said:
As of today my worst pet-peeve, and its a little lame, is when people hang up jeans on the flemsy little wire hangers that are meant for t-shirts. My girlfriend put up some of my clothes last night and I almost slit her throat right there on the spot!! :sign: It bends and ruins the hangers...honestly! :angry:

whew that was heated.


Yeah dude.....I think you MIGHT wanna see a doctor about your anger problems....LOL

Gotta say though, it made me burst out laughing.