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Portal give away on Steam until the 24th!


Bratwurst and Beer
Oct 6, 2005
Portal is one of the most fun things you can do on a PC.


And Steam is one of the greatest ways to get good games for a good price.


Just do it!
Picked this up this morning. Now I have a reason to finish it! Think I got to level 7 or something before I got sidetracked with another game.
Pretty fantastic game. I am sad I put off playing it for so long. A friend of mine kept trying to get myself and another of our compadres to play it. He whined so much we vowed not to play it and that was a year ago! He almost cried when I said I finished it this weekend.

Sometimes it is great being a stubborn bastard :D
I encourage everyone to at least try this game it really is that good, and its free so there is nothing to lose :thumbs: