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Question on the JR MonteCruz's


New Member
Jun 9, 2005
Hi Everyone,

I was tempted to purchase a box of the montecruz dunhills that JR is advertising, but I was wondering if they are any good, or is it a you get what you paid for situation. Any input would be appreciated.


I've tried a 1/2 dozen of them. Robusto, torpedo, the perfecto (obesqu...something). I, frankly, was disappointed. Most of them were a bit bitter and just didn't have the flavor that I expected from the sun-grown wrapper.

My advice, pass. If you are going to order something from JRs, order the JR Ultimates (any of the cabinets, the principale in oscuro, and the cabinet belicoso in oscuro), Flor de A Allones Belicoso, or the Bolivar Fuerte Belicoso.

Just my 0.02. :D
Just what I was looking for, I thought I had read somewhere here before that JR stores everything very wet, so that could have affected the taste somewhat. Thanks for the tip.
cigardawg said:
I've tried a 1/2 dozen of them. Robusto, torpedo, the perfecto (obesqu...something). I, frankly, was disappointed. Most of them were a bit bitter and just didn't have the flavor that I expected from the sun-grown wrapper.

My advice, pass. If you are going to order something from JRs, order the JR Ultimates (any of the cabinets, the principale in oscuro, and the cabinet belicoso in oscuro), Flor de A Allones Belicoso, or the Bolivar Fuerte Belicoso.

Just my 0.02. :D

Quick and accurate with the good advice I see. Good show.
cigardawg said:
order the JR Ultimates (any of the cabinets, the principale in oscuro, and the cabinet belicoso in oscuro), Flor de A Allones Belicoso, or the Bolivar Fuerte Belicoso.

Wise words from dawg here. The cabs are especially good with one of the tastiest sun grown wrappers this side of a VSG. Ask them for an old box of the #10.