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Replete in my splendor...


Previously, on Battlestar Galactica...
Oct 26, 2008
So, not usually a big fan of posting my dinner pics, but in this case...
Homemade, slow cooked French Dip w/ Au jus & Jalapeno Dills.
Slow cooked beef chuck roast for 9 hours, toasted pepper & sage buttered rolls, caramelized onions and red bells, lots o' provolone. Strained and fat removed Au jus from chuck, w/ sweet onion.

Damn, it was good!
Enjoyed with giant iced, sweet green tea and followed by a Siglo I.
Lazy...sated and just as relaxed as can be on a rainy late-Friday night home alone.
edit: Spelling and spacing! Yeesh!

Whoa...looks great. I'm making a mental note of this skill...
MadMonk said:
Whoa...looks great. I'm making a mental note of this skill...
Danno, road trip to LA?  Trey's gotta have leftovers he's willing to share, right?
mjolnir01 said:
Whoa...looks great. I'm making a mental note of this skill...
Danno, road trip to LA?  Trey's gotta have leftovers he's willing to share, right?
HERF at Axl's house! Come on! Let's do this!
Spad31 said:

Whoa...looks great. I'm making a mental note of this skill...
Danno, road trip to LA?  Trey's gotta have leftovers he's willing to share, right?
HERF at Axl's house! Come on! Let's do this!

Hmmm....very tempting
That looks amazing.  Jason's Deli, here in town, used to do a "Sgt. Pepper" sub that was a Philly cheesesteak with an au jus French dip on the side.  They discontinued it for some reason (I still miss it) but your version's SOOOOO much better!
Not A Nice Person said:
That looks amazing.  Jason's Deli, here in town, used to do a "Sgt. Pepper" sub that was a Philly cheesesteak with an au jus French dip on the side.  They discontinued it for some reason (I still miss it) but your version's SOOOOO much better!
Yes! I used to LOVE those! That's kinda what I was going for. Only difference, is the wait time for my sandwich was very long! A Strongly worded letter was sent to the kitchen. ;)
Truly inspiring... looks so freaking amazing... I'm bored of food on the road... :(
Wish I would have saw that this weekend, I would have cooked up some goodness!
BUT my OCD is killing me, PLEASE dont keep your Au jus that close to your keyboard!  And the plate is half off the edge....good god man, there is a disaster waiting to happen.  :laugh:
OOH MAN!! You got my mouth watering.  Good Stuff!
Sounds like a great day / meal. Way to treat yourself, You've earned it!!  
modo22 said:
Wish I would have saw that this weekend, I would have cooked up some goodness!
BUT my OCD is killing me, PLEASE dont keep your Au jus that close to your keyboard!  And the plate is half off the edge....good god man, there is a disaster waiting to happen.  :laugh:
HA! Creative placement on my part so no one saw the complete explosion disaster that was the rest of my desk! :P That's not where the plate ended up while I ate!
Not gonna spill anything on keyboard, BTW, and plate half-off? Jesus, dude...it's, like, an inch of just the corner! Breathe! HA! :P
modo22 said:
Wish I would have saw that this weekend, I would have cooked up some goodness!
BUT my OCD is killing me, PLEASE dont keep your Au jus that close to your keyboard!  And the plate is half off the edge....good god man, there is a disaster waiting to happen.  :laugh:
Au jus probably wouldn't crack the top 10 worst things Trey has gotten on that keyboard.
Pretty much this ^.
I've been to the end of the internet and back, man.
Dark things...
"Replete in my splendor"??? Fuggin' Zoomies.
Devil Doc said:
"Replete in my splendor"??? Fuggin' Zoomies.
Ha! Translation for the Squids & Jarheads: *Fart* *scratch* *sniff* "Cookie....gimme more." *belch*