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Thanks to all my CP BOTL/SOTL


Kick Ass Duke
Apr 19, 2009
I was doing an inspection of my coolidor today and found myself thinking a lot about CP and cigar culture in general. While I recognize that I am still a total newb I have been around long enough to absorb a lot from the community at large! From brothers holding raffles to help fellow BOTL out, to public ball busting sure to lead to a national manhunt. Every day I am reminded to PIF not just through BOMBs or gifts but with respect for others and myself. During my year and change in residence on this board I have really changed my attitude towards many things. Don't get me wrong if something bothers me or is out of line I am still quick to jump in, but generally I find myself taking a much more laid back approach. I definately attribute this directly to CP. While I havent met many of you in person you have all rubbed off on me. Thanksto you all! Except for Souldog... That guy is a douche!!!

love fest off

Now for some look at what I got!

Again everything you see I owe to you!

Forgot to add...tARGET ACQUIRED!
Seeing as you owe them to "YOU," as well as for that Souldog crack, your pennance is to send the Opus my way. :cool:

Glad to have you here Nash, we love you too! :p
Must say I like the attitude around here and that is a nice stash.
You speak true, Nash. This is a great place.


Nice collection of Fuente's! Feel free to send some my way. Addy in profile. :whistling: ;)
That's a nice collection you've got Jim. There are some real treats in there. Enjoy!
Very nice. Love this thread. I nearly spit the Dorito's out when I read the dig at Souldog. It was perfectly deadpan (if that's possible in type) Then I began to drool down my chin after seeing your Fuente stash. Well done, Brother.
Nice collection of sticks there Nick. Oh and Jon lay off the Bromance's you have to many as it is!!! :whistling:
Nice collection of sticks there Nick. Oh and Jon lay off the Bromance's you have to many as it is!!! :whistling:

Apparently! Ugh. Too many bromances.

But, you never forget your "first." :looks furtively at Grapes: :laugh:
At the risk of being a perennial "me too!er" I echo Nashkicker's sentiment; I went from smoking a lot of Cigar International sampler packs and Gurkhas to goodies like Johnny-O, Anjeos, Partagas, Tats, and Padrons. And its all thanks to CP. :thumbs:
Nice set Jim! I finally smoked that xXx you sent me and it was mighty delicious! Here's to the newbs of '09!:cool: