By the way, the internet is a scary thing... have fun!
His name is Craig D. Mandell, he's 52.
edit -address and contact info removed
His neighborhood area:
edit - image removed
His city, the yellow dot is his house:
edit - image removed
A good shot of his quaint little house:
edit - image removed
Don't do anything stupid! This is all taken from publicly available records.
Edit: Who in that area wants to knock on his door and get a picture for an Opus X RdC?
Edit2: Someone with really good connections -- feel free to forward that to the Fuente family courtesy of me.
I don't think posting his personal information on this forum will be productive. Nor is it in good form...
By posting his personal information (although it can be secured through public channels) can be seen as a form of stalking. Even you posting to offer a reward for a photograph is a form of harassment, or encouragement of. Should someone do something stupid, I wonder how this would look as evidence? Accomplice? Premeditation? Throw me some words.