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The "olden" days of the NFL

Why bother signing multi-year contracts if you're just going to hold-out if you have a breakout season? I don't see owners having the same leverage to withhold salaries if a player sucks it up. You don't see Mo Vaughn of the Mets complaining, do you? Sitting on a fat stack of cash (I believe $15 mil this year) and hasn't nor will he play a single game this year. You think the owner is happy giving this guy $15 mil of his money? What about the year after Aikman retired from the Cowboys? Jerry Jones still coughed up some $10 million.

If you sign a 3-year contract, then you will and SHOULD serve by the terms of that contract for... THREE YEARS. Shocking, I know.

As I see it, the player signs a multi-year deal. If they play like ****, they still get their money. If they play better than their contract pays them, they hold out for more. Since when is this a logical concept? How many of us can do that at our respective jobs?

As for McKenzie (and any other whiny bitch athlete), I feel no sympathy for them. Yes, they may step on the field tomorrow, blow out their knee, and end their career. Boo freaking hoo. Most, if not all sports contracts today come with an injury clause that pays out the terms of their contract (or a substantial percentage of it) over a longer period of time. They will still have made more money in the few years of playing than most of us will make over the course of a lifetime. Let's not also forget a small detail... they get played to play a GAME.

I enjoy sports and the entertainment it brings, but I do NOT support spoiled bratty athletes who cry because they can't afford to buy a 3rd Bentley or a 5th vacation home in Tahiti. I don't care that you think you should be making $5 mil a year instead of $3. In fact, I hope you DO blow out your knee. Then you might be able to join the rest of us in the real world.
gawntrail said:
If the guy wants out of a city, holding out IS NOT THE WAY to deal with it.

This guy is a corner. Not a Champ Baily, but is decent enough to command $3 Mil a year. Dude should just go about his business and have his agent constantly talking to the powers that be about a trade.
I agree, holding out is NOT the way. Given the Packers are near the max on the salary cap, they have very little wiggle room to adjust his salary. What if he does hold out for the whole year? What does he gain? He still owes the packers 3 years on the contract.

IMO, this all started because Lionel Washington (assitant secondary coach) was passed over for a promotion. The Packers brought in Kurt Schottenheimer to be secondary coach, and McKenzie didnt like the "snub" of his buddy.

Well, we all cant pick our bosses. Shottenheimer had much more coaching experience and was even a defensive coordinator, so they went with experience.
Fast4Dr said:
Muley said:
i hate the yankees.
Why do you hate the Yankees?

The Yankees are run like a business. They hire people that will get them to where they want to be and they will reward them for it. Steinbrenner had plenty of years where the Yankees were horrible and got fed up with it. Now he brings in players and pays them to get the job done.

Bottom line is that the Yankees will continue to do as the are as long as they continue to win and are profitable
Almost everything you said is spot on. The only qualm I have is that the Yankees (just like any other team) ARE a business.

But, I still hate them.
All I know is that if I held out on the contracts I've signed, I'd be thrown in Leavenworth prison, had all of my money taken away, been labeled a felon, and thrown out on my keister without a job, home, or family when I was done getting butt-raped in prison. :sneaky:

Cry me a friggin river. Read your signature on the bottom of the page, suck it up, go play your 16 games and get paid. Three years is nothing. If you're really as good as you think you are, it'll all work out in the long run. :0

Oops, guess what? Now, because you've just hung yourself with the rope called "hold-out" even after this contract you'll be a bargain for whoever decides to take a "chance" on you. ???

A hold-out today is damaged goods tomorrow.

(And the Yankees still suck!) :sign: