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Thou shall not smoke or go comando


New Member
Apr 10, 2010
Wow, now the anti-smoking zealots are going overboard; a city in Florida is trying to pass a law forbidding city workers from smoking while on their own time in their own vehicles and homes.

I personally find it rather odd that these idiots even have a law requiring workers to wear under-ware, wonder how they enforce that one. :D

So what you are saying is that if I want a 'balls out, stank on, smoke'm if you got'm' work experience, I should not apply for a job with the City of Brooksville, Florida. Good to know!
tell me thats not the onion of florida that cant be real what is this world coming to
i blame jay
She added that city staff would focus on helping habitual smokers rather than those who use tobacco on random occasions.

Funny how I randomly feel like lighting up a cigar every few days. "No boss, I didn't plan on smoking yesterday.... it was a random event. It won't happen again under the identical circumstances as I experienced yesterday."
That's absolutely ludacris, the government over stepping their boundaries, and taking control.
Cali is looking to make it illegal to not only smoke in an Apt....but to make it illegal to smoke in your back yard and get this... to smoke at ALL in your own home...if you have kids or kids regularly visit your home.... Land of the Free and Home of the Smokeless......
During Monday's 5:30 p.m. meeting at City Hall, council members will consider a tobacco policy that forbids smoking or chewing the substance on city property, in city-owned vehicles and personal vehicles that are on city property or are being used for a city function.

The policy applies to city employees and the public alike.

I'm not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV but, the way I read this it would seem to say that anytime you drove your vehicle into the city limits on city maintained roads you would not be allowed to smoke. Last time I checked city maintained roads belonged to the city right?

"There's no reason people should smoke, nothing good ever came from smoking." Badburn said, referring to smoking as the root of all evil.

This country is quickly collapsing in on itself if I ,or anyone else for that matter, was quoted by replacing homosexuality with smoking there would be an uproar. You would be labled a homophobe and driven from polite society; say it about smoking and nobody bats an eye.
Lets keep this all in check, please. There is no political talk here at CP.

Yes there is. As soon as the "politics" we're not allowed to discuss here gets into cigar territory, watch those restrictions disappear. Asininity can be called by its rightful name.

Lets keep this all in check, please. There is no political talk here at CP.

I'll nip this in the bud... My statement was not meant to be political and I meant no offensive to anyone or group. I was merely stating what IMHO was a fact.

If I crossed the line please accept it as a rookie mistake and I will try not to make it again. :D