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Trying to tell a friend his ISOM's are fake


New Member
Does Monte make a Cuban Edicion Limitada 2007?

They are nice in color and triple capped but the labels are all poorly sized and I have never heard of ISOM's called these with Monte.

He bought them as singles.

All my REAL #2's and 4's are perfect with properly centered labels and they came in the box from a source I trust that was recommended and confirmed.

He doesn’t want to believe me and I am trying to tell him to take them back to the guy and get his money back.

Help is appreciated.

Pic can be seen here http://www.flickr.com/photos/23561842@N02/?saved=1

I tried to tell him not to do it but......... Damn for $15 a stick I could have gotten him so much better!!
If he dosn't want your opinion just let him enjoy them.

I am not as seasoned as most of the pros on here so can some of you let me know I am right so he can see its not just me? He is one of my best friends and I dont like seeing pals get ripped.

Thanks CP BOTL's!!!
Only '07 ELs were HDM Regalos, RyJ Escudos, and Trinidad Ingenios. Have your friend check out this site for future reference:

I just looked at the pics and those bands are horrible. Looks like someone printed out a sheet of them and cut them out with some dull scissors. Printing sucks as well......$15 bucks a stick too? Maybe I should quit law school and become a counterfitter :laugh:

This site rocks!!!!!!!!!!!! I love all you guys. You all have helped me find a great site for ISOM's and with my humi!

I always know that I can count on you all for help know matter what it is!
The bands definatley look like cut outs. And as everyone else said, Monte wasnt an LE in 07. I'd say fake.
No way that'd make it past Quality Control.
My God, Those are the worst excuse for fakes I've seen yet.
Sometimes it's difficult to tell, This time.....
UNBELIEVABLE!! How could anyone think those bands are from a factory?
P.T. Barnum was right about suckers!!
Plainly, I am in a MUCH less profitable business than whoever put those sticks together. If it weren't so immoral, not to mention illegal, I might actually consider trying ... certainly it wouldn't take much effort to rise to this standard!
Your friend's dough is already gone, I doubt the supplier will refund the cash. We can only move on and attempt to not commit the same errors twice.
Now I understand why ugly fakes can still survive in the market. There will always be someone who want to buy fakes. I guess if I buy a white band and wrote monte on it and tell the guys those are the best and its only for government officials, they will buy it right away. :laugh: