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What are your plans for Fall?


Staff member
Jan 4, 2001
Well, it's nearly that season again. Fall is beginning to set in. That's right, the short days, cooler weather, storms approaching, leaves falling...

What will you guys be doing for Fall? Any special "Fall Cigar's" you like to smoke?

Personally, I tend to get into pipes this time of year. Typically between October-January, I bring out the pipes, and dabble with them a bit. It's nice to sit inside with a good smelling pipe tobacco, and puff the night away. Smells up the house quite nicely. :)I love the smell of pipes. MMMMmmmmm...

Does anyone else do anything special for Fall? For me, it's enjoying the stormy weather (what little we get here in Southern California) and indulging more in Pipes.

:p Well I am definatly looking forward to some new smokes that will be coming out this fall. Carlos Torano will have a new one and Partagas is coming out with a limited addition black label and Montecristo has a new smoke out now. So it should be a good winter. It will give me a better selection to buy when the babies are born.:0 :p :cool:
With the cooler weather comes the need to brew some heavier beers. I am intending to brew some oatmeal stout :p and a barley wine. Hard apple cider is also on the agenda. A friend and I already put 20 gallons down to ferment and we will be getting another 500 lbs of apples in the next few weeks. It is grape time and a few batches of wine will need to be made. The grapes are already finishing and really sweet. Should be some good stuff to make some brandy out of. It will be a very busy Fall.

Oh yeah. I will be smoking cigars, also.:D
*Cigars on the front porch enjoying some cooler weather. Watching the rye grass grow. Darn, never get a break with the mower. Typically gotta mow 2x per wk with the rye.

*Can you say Football?!?

*Putting together a new quartet as we speak. There's gonna be lots of good music making at home.
ormdh, I'm just starting to plan my brewing schedule. Brewing starts for me usually October 1 and continues until March. I'm planning at least a batch every week. My wife and I both like stouts and porters so that is what I concentrate on until February then I start fixing IPA and brown ales to tide us over the summer. I never could get into brewing year round. Too many things going on during the warm months.

I'll be putting a major dent in the coolidors' inventory over the next month and a half on the back deck and maybe longer depending on the weather. Once winter sets in it's cigars in the garage and my local shop.
Im going to Sams house to smoke cigars but first Ill stop by shadows place and pick up some brews and then over to ormdh's place for some brandy!!! After Sammy humidors are empty Ill return home to the monstador to start on some aged smokes!!

Seriously though. I wish I knew how to make beer and brandy!! I'd never go to work then.. Sit home and drink and smoke all day!!