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You can not smoke in your backyard or I'll Sue!

Diesel Grinch

I have Neal's pants.
May 18, 2005
The land of the free? What's happening to the country I love.


Thing just keep getting more & more wrong.

Maybe they were just trying to get money, as an ex-smoker it seems pretty weak. A cigarette lasts at most maybe 3 minutes? so 3 minutes of a small stream of smoke in a giant backyard was enough to cause this couple to get sick? Maybe she was riding on the anti-smoking sentiment to make her some bucks.
Hmm... If it were me, I'd turn my backyard into a smoking lounge. I'd have smoking parties just like Kramer did in that episode of Seinfeld. Haha.. People like that just annoy me. I understand people have the right to smoke or not to smoke but, OMG get real. Everyone is sue happy :angry: :sign: . OK enough of my ranting. They should be happy they don't live next to these guys.


Yeah, exactly why the plaintiff's in the case should be happy they don't live next to them.
What a silly waste of the court's time. I hope they were fined for it.
What I have to say about this I just can't say on a public board I respect or in court. The anti-smoking BS is going way too far everywhere you look lately.
Hey...California is trying to make it illegal to smoke in your back yards and to smoke in apartments.. So this doesn't surprise me... Glad the verdict was positive on this one!

In our previous house the neibhor (whom also happened to be a co-worker) would complain about my cigar smoke. She never did it to me but she would complain thru other people and then I would have to listen to it thru 3rd parties. We were in a development, but the houses certainly werem't on top of each other. We have a Yellow lab also that, how shall we say, craps alot. I usually pick it up, put it in a bucket and put it out with the trash. After listening to the complaining for a while I figured if she could smell the cigar smoke then she could also smell the dog crap. I went out there on a hot, humid day, moved the bucket close to the property line and started to pick up the crap. I just happened to get distracted and left the bucket of crap with the smell there for a few hours while the sun baked it. Lets just say after that I never heard another word about the stink of my cigars.
The land of the free? What's happening to the country I love.


Thing just keep getting more & more wrong.


Seems like it went pretty well. In this country we love. ?

Bitch about attorneys if you want to bitch about anything. Practicing 'law'. Fng joke.