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You guys are having an effect on me...

Dr. Marneaus

I drive a station wagon
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
Las Vegas, NV
So, prior to my joining (around Christmas time) I had been a big proponent of Drew Estate...as I'm sure you all know. Acids and Naturals were the top of my list. Well I haven't smoked an acid in quite some time, and thats okay with me, I probably will eventually, but I was really in love with the Naturals, especially the Root.

I had purchased one before winter break and it traveled to NH with me, where I was told to go buy some Padrons, and from there, it was a downward slope. The Natural sat in my humi until tonight, when I figured I'd revisit my old favorite!

Wow. My tastes have changed. I don't think I'll buy another. The thing was packed so loosely and left a cigarette-like taste in my mouth. What was I thinking? Y'all were right....

So, I wanted to say thanks for the advice on the Padrons, and thanks to the few folks who sent me a couple smokes to try out. I still haven't tried too many different things, but damn, I wont be going back to naturals.

I'm a changed man!

I gotta keep explorin what's out there!

I know what you mean. I have been on for far less time than you, and have already noticed the same thing.

My old smokes: La Gloria Cubana serie R #4 naturals and a few Patels.
Now: Tatuaje, Fuente Opus X belis, Pepin blacks etc

This community does wonders to ones bank statement. :)
Just wait until you try Opus, Anejo, and good ISOMs. Your bank will stop sending you statements and starting calling you.

I was in the same boat. My first cigar in many years was the DE White Rabbit. It was a great cigar and went well with the Mackeson Triple XXX Stout. But they eventually changed it to a Maduro and then phased it out altogether. That's when I started trying other sticks.
I had the same experience with Helix's cigars. Once in awhile I can go back to a maduro..but jeez I cannot taste a damn thing in a Nat anymore. Too bad too..it was my first cigar and will ALWAYS hold a special place in my heart. I remember I had to have my buddy light my cigar for me...yes, he puffed on it to get it lit...sick eh? hahaha.
This makes it all worthwhile. The youth of CP, growing up before our eyes. I don't mind saying, that I find it gratifying.

Welcome to the beginning of an interesting journey. I started smoking quality sticks maybe four or five years ago, and I can't tell you how much my tastes have changed. For me, it was an interest that turned into a hobby that now gives me many hours of solace and relaxation. In addition, thanks to this board, I've made many new friends that are some of the best folks I know. A quality bunch, to be sure.

One warning; my little starter 20 count desktop turned into a 100 count desktop, that was filled quickly so I ended up with one, then two, then three, then four coolers..!! Last year, I had Bob Staebell build me a custom cabinet humidor.....and now that darn thing is almost full.... ???

Can you have too many cigars? Dunno.....but I'm working on it..... :laugh:

Best Regards - B.B.S.
Welcome to the beginning of an interesting journey.

Screw the journey. It's the destination that counts.

Sign up for 8 or 9 credit cards. Sell anything besides cigars you've collected in the past and build a big walk-in humidor. Fill it with Opus, Anejos, Padron Annis and Cubans.

I remember when I first started and smoked an LFD. Way too strong at the time and hated it. Now, I absolutely love them. Went to revisit a rocky patel connecticut a few weeks ago (which loved when I first started) and it just didn't cut it. Don't know what I was thinking at the time. All growns up. :D
Yeah, you might want to keep you eyes open for sales on LARGE coolers. It's a hobby and a sickness all rolled into one.
Yes I too have begun travelling down the long road of enlightenment. I'll admit that I had an Acid Liquid last Thursday and enjoyed it, but I had another kind several weeks ago and had to pitch it. Mouth tasted like lavendar soap.

The destination may be the goal, but I'm still on the interstate.
One of the toughest things about my changed expectations from a smoke is that I wonder if I havent boxed myself in a corner. I honestly would love to smoke better grade sticks everyday, but it puts such a hurt on the old wallet that I have found myself on a quest for a decent everyday smoke that won't completely empty my pockets. I have tried alot, but always seem to come away dissappointed or just wanting more or just getting disgusted and going back to the favorites.

I think I may have really screwed myself....(damn who'd of ever thought I do something the ex wanted)


Ahhh the wonderful world of cigars, its funny though, something so relaxing is always viewed as a nasty habbit. But I have learned that I enjoy great cigars and people just have to deal with it. I remember trying to hide from people when I smoked (figuratively speaking of course) but now all my buddies know that if we are getting togethor on the weekends they have to pick a cigar friendly place for me, hehe! And when they dont, my happy little butt stays at home on the patio!!......My wife loves the smell so its never hard to smoke. Problem now is just affording the cigars without putting a dent in my wallet!! CP is gonna be the end of me :D

Please dont bet too mad at me but...

I was at the Pauite Indian tobacco shop, and they had some "Acid 5's" in stock. Something I'd never seen or heard of. Turns out they're 5 year aged acids, limited edition blah blah blah so I bought a little bitty one.

Smelld good, looked very dark.

Well, lit it up and...blah. I really didn't wanna smoke it after the first 5 minutes.

What have you done to me?
Just wait, it gets worse. There are cigars out there that will blow your mind that no one ever talks about here. The world is far and wide.
I started out with Kahluas, CAO flavoreds, and Havana Honeys.

Now I'm into Rocky OWRs, Javas (still have to have a LITTLE flav), La Glorias, Rocky Vintages...the list goes on, and will continue...

I feel your pain fellas. I started smoking Swishers and the like, but the first REAL stick I had was a Padron 64 on August 23, 2007.(10th Anniv present from the wife) Since then I have smoked LOTS of different cigars trying to find the perfect mix of flavor (not flavored) and price. The real problem is that I have a Tatuaje taste and a factory reject budget. That is the tragedy of it all. Coming here and learning about all these other great smokes has made it worse, but the future is looking up. Can't beat the fellowship here though and the knowledge base here is unprecedented. :thumbs: