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This Makes The 'Bacon Explosion' Look Like Diet Food!


Ye Old Newbie
Apr 8, 2008
Not sure if you guys saw this before, but my son Anthony found this guy on You Tube...funny stuff!

Epic Mealtime!

Check out the rest of their videos...funny as sh*t!...and listen to how he closes each episode...especially the ending about 'Snooky' :laugh:
Yeah those guys are nuts! Could you imagine all that grease? Heart attack waiting to happen. But regardless, it's funny as hell!
Cigarette hanging out of the cooks mouth was a nice touch.

LMAO....my jarhead kid and his buddies watch these guys all the time. Now, that is some funny stuff......(burp).....
Talk about a meal that comes with rib spreaders ...Looks awesome though ...
That was one of the funniest things I've ever watched. Thanks for sharing.
That looks really good. I wouldn't mind trying a little bit. I saw them make breakfast one time and it looked pretty good too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZDv9pgHp8Q