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Start my travels tomoorrow...

I'm told you'd do well to take condoms and toilet paper... not sure for what but I'll bet you'll figure it out! :laugh:
Have a safe and fascinating journey!
Have a safe trip Fandruff! Be careful how you phrase your request for no dairy products, it's remarkably close to rape me with a cheese wheel! Get those controlled substances into your system and get on that plane!
Have a safe trip Fandruff! Be careful how you phrase your request for no dairy products, it's remarkably close to rape me with a cheese wheel! Get those controlled substances into your system and get on that plane!

I expected no less than a response like this Brad.

Anyways...I spent from like 8:17am till 5:00pm at Jack Schwartz. That was a huge blast. I went to this Thai place like 3 blocks from where I am staying at before I take a long flight across the pond. I started the morning off on a empty stomach...A Opus X Royal 8. After feeling a little shaky, I smoked a pretty good sized mild Blue Label Dunhill. I then decided what was going to be the last cigar for the evening, I picked out a Padron 1964 Piramide Maduro which wasn't good enough to finish the day with. I finished off the day with a Davidoff Millenium Robusto. I believe that was the size I had but not for sure.

Then I ate at the Thai place which has always been good. Anyways....About to turn in and see if I can get the controlled substances to kick in before my 5600 mile journey tomorrow. :thumbs:
Good evening Ladies and Gents...I have landed in Moscow aka Mockba. I started the day out in London which the BA guys that was supposed to get me to the gate for my flight almost missed it. But, good ole Mr Peat made it and thats all that counts. I was pretty worried at first.

I arrive before schedule in Domo which I think it could be North of Moscow, but not for sure yet. It was like a 45 min drive in and I saw some of the craziest drivers I could have the misfortune to run into. This lady by the name of Olga picked me up. Wow...What can I say I was in heave for awhile. She got me checked in with my special pass to get on and off campus.

Strange really...Cuz you can pretty much walk into any campus in the USA and not have to go through what I had to just so that you can get on. Oh but it gets good. As she is driving me around getting the stuff I need to get done...It had to ran like cats and dogs out side. I mean a nice storm. I had to walk like 5 blocks to get to the Internet Cafe which is pretty cheap considering things. 100 Rubles for 1 hour which isn't to bad considering the other options. :laugh:

I haven't taken any pictures yet due to the weath and the fast its dark here already. Typing this at 19:47pm and I'm still not tired. My room mate that I share the shower and toilet with, he is from France and speaks pretty damn good English. But he is only going to be here for 2 weeks so who knows what my new room mate will be like.

As for the food. Definitely interesting so far. Will see what other options will be like tomorrow cuz I think the Cafeteria is like a Death Prison Camp. Maybe I will attempt it again and get some pictures. The Soup I had left like a 2" grease ring in the bowel so I didnt eat much of it. :0 Its cheap but so is the health risk.

But so far I think this is going to be one hell of a good time. No cigar for me tonight. :(
Great to hear from you Loren and thanks for the updates. If your in need of any smokes, PM me your mailing address and I'll make sure to help you along. Take care amigo!

It's great that you made it to the land of the Czars Loren, please don't forget to take loads of pictures, the place where the statues of the old commie leaders lying on their sides with you in front would make a great keepsake. And try and find out what vodka goes with what cigar! :laugh: :thumbs:
I managed to get a stupid cold. I've been lucky and haven't had one for nearly 6 years. I had a brief stint of a cold for like 3 days last year but it didnt last. This one just started as it will rain cats and dogs here. With a lot of wind and then have snow. They finally cleared all the slush off the side walks near campus so its pretty easy to walk around now.

With this cold, I didn't do much yesterday. I went to class at 2pm and got down at 5:45pm. Then I went to bed till this morning at 6:30am when I finally crawled out of hibernation. I haven't taken any adventures into the City yet as its just so damn big. I've met a couple of dudes that speak English and another thats from Iran and has been here for 3 1/2 years studying. So he has been a great help when I need it.

The language isnt as bad as I thought it would be. But my poor brain is packed with new information. My 2 school texts cost me like $31 US which is just crazy cheap. Not that I will complain. The only real expense is the интернет aka internet at $5 US per hour. So I'm just using it every 3 days or so. But the start up costs for having it in the room is just insane. Alas, I didn't bring a laptop so it is a mute point.

The campus is huge and will have plenty of time for great photographs for when I get back. So yeah...just saying the women are beyond hot without pictures doesn't really help. But when I get home, some will get to see. LOL!!! The cafeteria is like a 3 min walk from my dorm room so that is great. But getting to Cafe-Max is like a 10 min walk. Its not to bad and will be better once I get over this damn cold.

Another day with no cigar as I ahve just been so busy and with this cold now, it wouldn't be a pleasant experience. So far the experience has been fun and will get better once I have a better grasp as the language.

For now...I'm signing off for now.

Loren, glad to hear you made it there. Had a great time hanging out here at the shop, happy you stopped by. Learned a lot about scotch, cigars, scotch, alergies, scotch, lactose intolerance, and scotch.
Loren's first visit here and he already set the record for most time spent in the shop smoking cigars. It's funny, one of the guys Loren was talking to for a lot of the day was the former record holder. I think Loren beat his record by a good two hours!

Loren, a couple of the guys you met here asked me to pass along a "hello and good luck" to you. Everyone here wishes you all the best. Keep us updated as best you can.

Thanks for the updates, Loren! Hope you get over that "cold" soon so you can enjoy a cigar. Jack brought up a great point... how do you say "scotch" in Russian? Vodka, right? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Thanks for the updates, Loren! Hope you get over that "cold" soon so you can enjoy a cigar. Jack brought up a great point... how do you say "scotch" in Russian? Vodka, right? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

OMG...I about choked on that one from laughing. Damn it...Good one btw.

The last couple of days has been hectic. My instructor, Olga, has me on my toes every day. She had me spell like 50 different Russian words the other day. Just crazy...but it is a blast considering the cold. The food here is so unique. Some of it would make a Billy Goat puke. :laugh:

Its been snowing off and on every day. Yesterday I took a little adventure to this huge Shopping Mall that has every thing in it including a grocery store. So I picked up some tea supplies and what not. That was an interesting experience. The ladies doing the check out are sitting down in chairs and while waiting in line, there is a TV to watch and listen too. Its a slow process but the TV helps a lot. Now hte Grocery Carts are funny as hell. You can spin it in one spot aka 360 degree rotation. I haven't seen a cart like that before so that was funny.

They did have a big selection of Booze but I didn't check it out. Now I wish I had. Just to see what they have and the prices. But I had a Vodka Party on Thursday through the program I'm going through. They throw one for the new students. So in the next 7 weeks, new students come each week. We will have one every week. woohoo!!! Free booze...I had 4 shots on Thursday and I slept like a baby. Still have this cursed cold which I'm thinking its turned into Bronchitis. If I dont show improvement by next Friday, I will probably get the Health Insurance at Campus so I can see a Doctor aka брач.

I'm planning on lighting up a AF Cuban Belicoso after I leave the Cafe Max. Its kinda expensive but it could be worse. I get a 3 day weekend as Women's Day is today so the Official Day off is on Monday. So its kinda nice to have a 3 day break. Other than that, not much happening here.

Except for the final note...the scenary here is so yummy. If you want pictures, come to Russia and hang out with me and I will show you first hand what the women are like. hahahahahah!!!! :D
Since my Instructor is a women, I don't have classes today which is nice. I'm starting to feel much better now. I still have a cough here and there, but I'm able to hobble around. I had my first experience on the Metro yesterday. I got a ticket that has 20 rides on it so I won't have to bother in getting one for awhile. The ticket cost 280 Roubles. When I get comfortable with the language I'll get out a lot then. But the teacher keeps me busy and with classes at 2pm to 6pm, its hard to get out during the week.

The Metro is like a Sardine can at times. The ride to the Red Square is all underground till a brief moment over the river. I think its the Volga, but not for sure. Either way, its a big river. :laugh: The ride from the University to the Red Square is like a 20 min ride. You can't really talk on the train as its just to loud to even here so everyone is just being silent. After you stop at the Station, you have to listen carefully for the name of the Station.

Once you come out, then its a shock. Well, for me it was. I wasn't expecting the Kremlin and Red Sqaure to be so damn big. Its funny that 17 year old kid was able to land a Cessna in the Red Sqaure. I have no idea why he didn't take back off. Plenty of room. :laugh: The area is huge. Its ironic. You go into other areas of Moscow and its packed and then you see areas like this. SO much open space its not even funny. All I could see was huge $$$ off the open space. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I walked around the whole area and by the time I was done, I didn't feel so good as I was in pain. But I am getting more walking in now than I have in years. I took a bunch of photos of the Chruches and what not in the Kremlin area. The color of the one Church reminds me of Canday Land Game meets Willy Wonka Factory.
We went to a little Coffee House that had desserts and what not. I had what they called Classic Frappe. A strange version of a Iced coffee. It was pretty good. I also had a Double Chocolate Cheese cake and that was amazing. It wasnt think like at home, but lighter in like fluffiness I guess. Hard to describe it.

Over all, yesterday was a blast and I covered the whole Red Square. Now I just need to find where that Grand Havana place is near there. Its a huge area so finding a store thats 10,000 ft2 is just common. :laugh:
Not much has happened as I have been busy with my studies. The teacher is still crazy and hot at the same time. She has me doing some crazy exercises within the text books she is teaching from. I've learned a lot since I've been here. Hard to believe that I have been in classes for 2 weeks tomorrow. THe city has been under the weather meaning that its snowed once again and rained again today. So everything is wet and flooding some what.

The people are just like any other big city but they speak a different language. Sometimes I know what is being said and at other times, all I hear is.."Blah blah blah...I'm a dirty little tramp." :laugh:

I finally figured out how to call home to the good ole USA but it cost me like $2 US for 1 min. I managed to get ahold of OpusXKC for one brief minute. I need to get my SIM card charged with some Roubles as we can not find the place that sells like International calling cards. Probably find the damn thing the day I leave as that is how it usually works out for me. :laugh:

I've smoked a AF Cuban Belicoso today while it was raining out. There is this little alcove I can stand in out of the weather. The poor guys taking down this scaffling or however its spelled didn't look like they was having much fun. I have a nice picture of it and words can not even describe how big this thing is. I guess they was doing some Snowboarding competition on the damn thing. When I get home and post it, you will understand. They like to do things BIG here.

I maybe going to a Russian Birthday Party this Saturday but will see how things go. Its the last day my neighbor will be here as he leaves Sunday. So we all want to do something before he goes home. Well, he did throw a Vodka party in his room last night. The poor guy Julian who is from Korea, he managed to miss class today as he was still suffering from a hangover. I woke up feeling fine and so did Eric. He's from France aka my neighbor. Other than that, not much happening this week.
Loren, thanks for keeping us in the loop on your Russian experience. Hope all goes well and you pass your course.
Dude, pics of your hot instructor is a must :D

Bah...I can't take a picture of her. Its not polite here so I will just have to remind you of that. You want to see hot russian women, come to Moscow or look on the internet. Me...I live and see it every day. :laugh:
Sounds like you're having an experience of a lifetime. If i sound jealous, well i am. Glad you're doing fine Loren. :thumbs: