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Start my travels tomoorrow...

Loren, it's eight years to the day since our trip. While we didn't have nearly the experiences that you'll have or have had, it was a very memorable trip. Sounds like you're doing well and learning. Best wishes for your remaining time.

I caught the dates on the photos as well. I thought that was cool you was during the same time of year and month as i was. Just a different year. I know you will relate to the photos I've taken and once home, can post them for the world to see the crazy bearded fatman in Russia. I have some classic poses I've taken of me smoking some cigars.

Well, I did have an experience of a lifetime the other day. This happened in the afternoon of my last post. Yeah, shit like the following happens to me all the time. Doesn't matter what country I'm in. So I decided to smoke the AF Cuban Belicoso as my teacher keeps me busy. I figured I would relax after I got back to the dorms. I go up and grab the tools needed for burning this bad boy. My trusty cheap ass cutter I picked up on the way to Moscow and a cheap ass lighter I got at the PAMCTOP. I cut the bad boy and proceed to light it. I'm just standing around minding my own business under my little alcove people have seen me under so much.

So this hot Asian girl has a handful of bags so I went over to open the door for her. I've done it before and she always says Спасиба aka thank you. I always try to do one good deed a week to offset all the negative karma. As I've accumulated plenty over the years. :whistling: I go back to my alcove and continue with the cigar. It didn't have much burn problems this time which was good. Because the last one kinda sucked with the 2 channels it had in the filler. But it still tasted good and so did this one. It approaches a little past 5pm and this nice vehicle is buzzed through the gates and drives to the opposite side I was. Then it came to the side I was and parked like 3 feet from me. I was thinking WTF dude. But I didn't say a word and just continued to smoke my cigar. Well the driver gets out and its a dude in the Military uniform with 4 gold stars on the shoulder bars.

He walks over to me and asks for my Documents. I started to grab them out when I saw it was an Officer in the Military as I knew what was coming. He then said Passport and I was grabbing for it already trying to shuffle the cigar from one hand to the other. He reads the letter I have from the school and my official registration. Looks at the Passport and said something in Russian like..."Thank you and have a nice day." I understood him and just nodded and went back to my cigar. He drives off and out the gate. Talk about an interruption. I mean wtf...I'm smoking a cigar. At least wait till I am done to pester me for my documents. :laugh:

Now yesterday was an interesting day as well. I did really good in my class as I wasn't woke up at 10am. But I shocked my teacher with some comments. Go figure...Mr Peat say shocking things....Say it isn't so. :whistling: Anyways...I changed some of the exercises she has me do in the books. I asked her what the Russian word for Cigar is and she was like cigarette. I said no, no, no. I mean a cigar. She was like oh and said, Сигара. She was like you smoke cigars and I responded with, umm yeah. :D Over here cigars are very expensive and crappy. The PAMCTOP has some Nicaraguan(sp?) cigars I have never even heard of. They looked to be some REAL winners. But they cost like $20 to $30 a stick and you couldn't pay me $100 to smoke one of these dog rockets that looked to have been shoved up someone's ass to catch the turtle drips. :laugh: I guess it means if you are smoking a cigar that you have some money. Not the first time I have ran into that mentality while traveling abroad.

I did smoke a Opus X #5 yesterday to break up the boredom from studying as it was absolutely beautiful out. There was a nice wind, but it wasn't cold at all. No snow either. It did rain off and on throughout the day. But while smoking the Opie, it only dropped a few drops here and there so I would just retreat in my alcove. After I was done, I headed to the Death Camp for dinner. Oh boy I thought. Another shitty ass cold meal once again. This wasn't the case. I actually got a fresh miniature meatloaf with the fried potatoes and ketchup. You have to have the ketchup as the food is pretty bland. Damn them for no pepper. I tossed the salt on and ate my meal. Its also another requirement to stuff your face like you was setting the World Record of eating a meal. Because its generally like Dumper Diving Dinner, you have to eat it fast so you don't gag on the shit they call food. Even the females eat fast. Some have eaten faster than me. And anyone that has seen me eat, thats crazy shit. Just ask OpusXKC. :laugh: But the meal was warm this time so it was edible. I had some other side dishes and called it a night. I went back home and took 10mg of my Hydrocodone in hopes it would knock me the hell out. Alas, this wasn't the case. I was up once again in the we hours of the morning. Oh well...nothing unusual for me.

I got up at a decent hour today. It was around 10am when I strolled out of bed and started my day. I did my studying and drank two cups of the Instant Coffee I have so I could wake the hell up. So class went pretty damn good. Out of like 100 words i was quizzed on, I got one wrong. All because I wrote a N when I thought I wrote a И. Oh well...at least she was happy I learned them so she is moving forward tomorrow with a whole new set of grammar and like another 100+ new words. Oh joy!!! I had my dinner at Cafe Max as I didn't want to brave the Death Camp today. Peace out for now and enjoy!
What I would give to be right next to you smoking that cigar Loren. Although my story would be different from that asian girl part and on... :D Thanks for sharing this Loren. I'm lovin the stories and the fact you're having a blast over there.
I was getting ready for class today and just finished making a cup of instant coffee. What do I hear? The infamous knock at the door. I know who it is immediately. I had a gut feeling she was going to cancel class today and alas, it came true. I asked her to check what she had me write for an assignment as I need to know now if I was right or wrong. Most of it was correct and I did some crazy additions to the assignment which was part of my mess ups. Oh well...Live and learn the hard way. So she told me she had to cancel class as she has to goto the Doctors. I was like ok. Then she laid the bad news on me.

I had planned this weekend to ride the Metro all over Moscow and snap some pictures if the weather was good for it. Alas, that isn't going to happen. I get to have class on Saturday. Oh lucky me and it will probably be a extremely nice day and the class held in the afternoon which will ruin any fun I could possibly have. I still want to see the Red Square at night as its supposed to be pretty cool looking when its all lit up. Again, I will just have to make due and go with the flow. I figured if the class is early, then she didn't party Friday night. If its late, well she probably had a great time. Needless to say, my weekend is ruined, but so is hers. Always a bright light at the end of the tunnel.

Well, Julian said he is supposed to be heading to St Petersburg on Friday as he will probably skip his classes. If he goes, he will have a great time with the people he is going with. The same ones we went out on the Discotek evening. I wished I could go, but alas I have other priorities to catch up on and class on Saturday. So nothing special planned tomorrow. Maybe do something on Sunday.

So after I paid to have my laundry done as it doesn't cost much and so much easier. I paid 340 Roubles to have 2 loads done in 3 hours. The place is like a sweat shop if you ask me. Its so damn hot and their labor is cheap. LOL!!! Oh well...I will utilize that service when I need too. I headed to smoke a Opus X Reserva D Chateau after I got the laundry put away. They folded it all neatly and put it in some grocery bags for me. I got them all put away in the room and went outside. I lost my damn cheap lighter so I had to rely on the Davidoff matches I have. It was pretty windy so I went behind the area that some dumpsters are at and they have a walkway there covered with some metal siding. Ahh...this is going to be an easy task I thought. Then out of no where a giant rat scampered by me. Damn...I wished I had a camera with me but I don't think I could have got a snap shot of the thing. It looked like a wolverine crossed over with Kujo. I wanted nothing to do with it and it wanted nothing to do with me so it headed wherever it went as I was lighting the cigar. I was lucky that I lit the cigar with just 2 matches.

The wind picked up nicely. Maybe gusts of 30 mph here and there so it got a tad chilly out. I managed to smoke the Opis down to a 1/2" when I said I'm done. I head up to the room as I wanted to have dinner at Cafe Max. I get there and they had the Internet down so I ate and figured while I am halfway to the Metro, why not get lost on it. I was gonna get out at the Red Square area and go from there. Well, I missed that stop as the train was like a boiling sardine can on tracks. I get off at some unknown stop. Well, the train I take from the University area is Line 1 and somehow I managed to get on Line 2 which heads to Sokol Airport which is like North West Moscow. I go outside to see what the area I was in looked like and the first smell that greats me as I exit the Metro is like a Whore house. I was like wtf. So I head back into the Metro and continue on. Now mind you exiting the Metro took like 15 mins as this is rush hour. Imagine like 5 million people riding the Metro system and you may have an idea what its like at this time. I had this hot lady rubbing her ass all over me to get to the esculator and only 1 is working. Oh joy..Well...I couldn't complain as I had some nice scenary to look at while waiting to get on. I felt like I was a cattle heading for hte slaughter house ride.

I managed to get on Line 5 finally and again, Sardine packed train and I head to my stop called Park Kul'Tury and get off there. On the way I had a blond standing like on top of me and yeah, she was all dolled up so again, another nice ride till I get to my stop and head to the University Metro. I was so glad to get off there as its just so hot at this time of day in the Metros with so many people using it. And here I am, writing this little journal article. :thumbs:
Dude, buy a freaking camera, act like a damn tourist and snap some pictures of these hot ladies.


Keep up the updates.
Dude, buy a freaking camera, act like a damn tourist and snap some pictures of these hot ladies.


Keep up the updates.

I do have a camera but I'm not gonna go up and say, "hey baby. ya so hot I need your picture to show a bunch of pervs how real women look."

:laugh: Speaking of a hot women. She is sitting not even 15 feet away from me in a black mini skirt, tanned legs and black high heels. :love: And no, she doesn't have hairy legs. :laugh:

Anyways...Olga changed my class time once again. She has moved it to next Saturday so I guess this weekend I will get to do some crazy stuff. Who knows what I will do but it will depend on the weather here. It changes so fast. Here is something I had to do today and make it up as I went along.

Кто Вы? Я Военнослужащий. Я учу пусский рзык. Я слушает радио и занимаюсь утром. У меня урок русского рзыка днем. Я курю сигары на улице и слушаю музыку вечером. Я говорю по-русски плохо. Я понииаю по-русски и учу хорошо.

Thats what I did today and made it up as I went. When I said I smoked cigars in the evening she went on like smoking is bad for you. I said there is a huge difference in cigarette and cigar smoking. You don't inhale cigar smoke so its way different. Lucky me I get lectures on how bad cigars is for my health from everyone I know. I wanted to say that with the stuff I've been through, cigar smoking is the least of the problems. But I'll leave that conversation for another day. I will need to clarify that I don't smoke cigars every day as I don't any more. I've smoked more since I've been in Russia than I have in the last 9 months.

Other than that, not much happening here. Since I don't have class tomorrow but next Saturday which I'm sure will be changed once again till the point she won't have to teach me it. Since she has missed 2 days, I'm a little behind where I should be at and she kinda forgets that. Its ok as I have enough on my platter because of her. It would have been cool to goto St Petersburg with Julian and the 2 girls. The one from Bulgaria and the other from the Netherlands. Oh well...shit happens so I may have to try to go next month and if it doesn't happen, oh well. It just gives me an excuse to come back under different circumstances. :thumbs:

Hopefully I will have some crazy story to tell after this weekend. I plan to start off early so that I can hit as many different areas of Moscow that I can. Then go wherever the train leads me too.
Tell her you want some photo's ot 'remember her by'.....and ask her to hold your cigar!

Sounds like you're having a great time!
Well, another adventure into Moscow today. Oh joy I am in some nice pain. Oh well...Nothing unusual for me. Today it was like 50 degrees out so a wonderful day to wander around. Naturally I go all over the place on the Metro so I can be comfortable with transfers and what not at the different stations. I finally landed back at the Red Square area when I visited the one Church. Standing only in it. Its a small building on the inside but looks pretty big on the outside. :laugh: A Priest was holding a donation box as you enter today so I tossed a 100 Roubles in it out of respect. Then after I came out, I had passed 2 old ladies asking for loose change. Since I'm not poor, I pulled out 2 50 rouble notes and gave one to each of them. One of the kept saying Спасиба over and over and over. It means thank you so I had a smile on my face for helping some poor old lady out that looked to be in her 70's+. Like I said, I'm not hurting in the $$$ department so I will donate here and there.

I head back to the one Coffee Shop I frequent when I am in the area and ordered me a Chocolate coffee shake and this Veggie Sandwich which was actually pretty good. Well both of them was good but the shake isn't really a shake. Its like a Cafe Mocha like you would get at Starbucks or something but not hot. I figured I would try something different this time. After trying to pay my bill for 15 mins as its way different here than in the States. You have to tell the waitress that you are done. Its a strange concept to me. When you see someone time, go clear up the table and ask if you want something else. If not, get the check so they can pay and leave. Not here. :laugh:

So I decided to walk North and see whats up this major street. I finally found a book store that looks like the size of a Super Walmart. It was a good solid street in length and so tomorrow, I will probably visit it. So I kept on my journey and ran into a pretty cool looking statue so I snapped a couple of pictures and continued on. I finally ran into Pushkin Square and I took a few photo's. The statue looks like Napoleon. I saw in the background the Russia Theater so I took a picture of it from a distance as it had a huge line so I didn't want to get to close to the local Po-Po. So I turned back and headed towards the Red Square area. I go into the tunnel that crosses under the major street and come out the other side. This is the safest mode to crossing a street. Unless you want to play real life Frogger and in this traffic, I wouldn't advice it. The one drunk bum was still laying on the ground with a scalp wound above his right eye. It had already dried so he was snoozing.

More than likely passed out. Anyways I'm next to the bank and said screw it. Its time to light up the Anejo #50 I grabbed for todays adventure. I want to find the Grand Havana Shop so I strolled around the whole area. Needless to say, people looked at me kinda funny. This crazy looking dude walking down the street smoking a cigar. :laugh: At least they don't pester me. As they don't know if I will knock them the hell out or be the nicest guy they ever meet in Moscow. I was watching out for any signs of the cigar place and never found it. I did happen to run in to the Po-Po a few times. Ok..one spot had like 10 cops standing around. I've seen some vehicles like you see in the Borne Identity movie that deals with Moscow. I'm guessing its the FSB aka Special Police. I've seen them escort a few vehicles. When they flash their lights and have the sirens on, people get the hell out of their way. Its a funny sight to behold.

So I find myself back on the major street that heads North and South of the Red Square. I snapped a few pictures of it as the traffic is insane at this point. Hell, I saw a sign for one of the bands I like. They was playing somewhere yesterday. Oh well...That would have been cool to see. So I am standing on this corner and smoking my cigar minding my own business. Watching countless of nice looking women stroll by. This car parks in front of me and this was a classic moment. Enjoying the cigar when I see this dude on a bicycle come down the street which is just absolutely insane to be doing if you ask me. This car was to the left of him and the parked car to the right. It was like slow motion. The dude went airborne and the bike read tire went 90 degrees up. You could hear him hit both cars. Luckily, the dude wasn't injured. The dude that was in the left car freaked out like the guy on the bike totaled his vehicle. The lady in the right car got out and inspected her car like some snob high on the horse. She had dropped off this brunette lady that was smoking hot and she must have been waiting for her to return. I was done with the Anejo and tossed it to the street.

I go into the tunnel to cross the street and I almost went to the booksotore. But I didn't since I had no idea what I was still going to do. So I head to the Metro and end up at the University Metro and then I head to the Ramstor for some McDonalds as I wanted a snack. I get my meal which was hot and fresh. Stuffed my face and headed out back to the University. Well, after I crossed the street that runs on one side of the University I had 2 smoking hot women walking in front of me. I'd already pulled out the Opus X Super Beli to smoke on the way back once I left Ramstor. So I wandered behind them for several miles as I decided to take the back way to the dorms. But I had a great view so how could I not take this way. Yes, I did get a picture. No, I can't post it but I did get a great tail shot of some Russian tail. :love:

I get back to the dorm area and since I was still smoking the Opus, I finished outside the gate. Again, a beautiful day to wander around Moscow. Tomorrow its supposed to be a little warmer so maybe soon people won't be wearing coats. hehehe!!! :thumbs:
Seems as though the scenery will improve dramatically when the weather heats up. Make sure you keep your camera on you at all times Loren. :thumbs:
Seems as though the scenery will improve dramatically when the weather heats up. Make sure you keep your camera on you at all times Loren. :thumbs:

Who said I was going to post pictures of any hot Russian tail I see? Muhahahahahaha!!!! It cost me a bundle to come over here and get a chance to see you. I guess you can do the same. Muuhahahahahahaha!!!! :p

Well, I managed to start off today late. I didn't leave the place till have 1pm here. I didn't get to bed till real late like the norm for me when I have a lot of pain. I woke up feeling like a Mac Truck played Dodge ball with my body. OMG I hear 2 girls speaking English that are definitely not Russian and they are sitting right behind me. Its a refreshing change. I may actually say something to them. :laugh:

Anyways...I took my meds and got ready to go out into the big wide world of Moscow. The walk to the Metro Station was like having someone use a nice drill on my left leg. Every step of the way was extremely painful as the meds don't work right away. It takes sometimes many hours to kick in. Of course its a beautiful day out today so I had to goto the bookstore. Come hell to high water I was going to make it and check the place out. The ride on the Metro wasn't a little packed which is normal for it. Probably get worse when the weather really gets nice out. I head out of the Metro and walk to the Coffee Shop for some breakfast/lunch. I had a Chicken salad which some strange dressing was on it. It was actually pretty tasty so I was happy. Nothing like ordering something you have no idea what its going to come out like.

I had me the Classic Frappe again as I was a little warm and wanted something that wasn't hot. So I got my check real fast this time and headed to the bookstore. Of course, plenty of hot tail all around in high heels. Very nice indeed. My leg was still giving me fits so I had the hop-a-long gimp walk going. :laugh: Again, nothing unusual for me when the ole leg flares up. I may have to try to get a Orthopedic Doc and fix what the Army should have done the first time as I am tired of pain. They want me to walk, but won't fix the leg problem. Imagine have a 2" thick needle hammered into the bone. That gives an idea of the pain I have every day. Oh well.

I go into the book shop and see some English writing as well as Cyrillic. So I head to the Information desk so I could ask where the Russian Literature section is. I was trying to explain authors like Shakespeare, but Russian authors. Well, that didn't work out so well. I did pick out two pocket sized maps that will work for my last 4 weeks here in Moscow. Hard to believe 4 weeks have passed since I checked in my room. I did finally get to the right section. I asked this lady that worked at the bookstore and yes, she was hot. :love: She took me to the Information desk and a different lady was able to understand what I was looking for so she told the hot lady in Russian. She then took me to the section I was wanting to find. I picked out two books. I have no idea what one of them is, but the other looks to be some collective works of Достоевский. I know the author, but no idea what the works are but on the bind, it has 1846-1859 on it so I couldn't pass it up. It will be interesting in trying to read the thing. :laugh:

After that little adventure, I head back to the Metro and get off at the University metro where I head to Ramstor. I had me some McDonalds again for a snack after all the walking I've done today and then head to Cafe Max for some coffee and a Sandwich. I asked the two girls if they spoke English as I haven't heard much since I've been over here. They are from Australia so that was a nice change on the ole ears. Since its 6:30pl here and I still have an hour on the internet, dunno what I will do for the rest of the day. Probably listen to the radio and read over some of the stuff my teacher has me memorize. She through a nasty curve ball at me on Friday. She said like 75 words in English and I had to write them in Russian. It was a fun exercise and I didn't miss but like 5 of them which was good. Sure made the day seem like it took 20 hours to pass after that little stunt of hers.

I should look at the maps I have and see if I can track down the Grand Havana and some other places in Moscow to see like Музей and other places. I may have to grab a couple of cigars one weekend and walk this area of the Moscow River and see where it leads me. You go over it every time you head to the Red Square area. It would be a refreshing change of scenary. Especially when its nice out.

Other than that, not much of a report since yesterday. Peace out for now from Москва. :thumbs:
Well its been a hectic week with classes. She has thrown a bunch of new words at me that I have to memorise once again. And of course, to spell after she says them in class. I've gone through 3 ink cartridges for me pen and its the last one so it should die today. I have a back up pen but not happy with it since she has me write so much. I was dragging so bad on Monday that I didn't really want to have class. Just sleep in but I didn't. I got myself motivated and headed to class. Of course this is the day she throws like a new bunch of 100 words at me and new tactics on the old words. Going to class is like stepping in a mine field. You never know what will happen with this teacher. :laugh:

I did a bunch of research on the Moscow Zoo. I looked at the entire website they have which seems a little outdated so the plan is to head to it on this Sunday. Julian said he wants to go but I don't know how that will work out. Either day, I'm headed to the Zoo. It seems like a interesting place to visit. I'm supposed to have class on Saturday but again, she will probably change it as the weather is turning for the good here. Its been hitting in the 40's and low 50's since the last weekend. I will see if she cancels and I'm betting she will. Not that I really want a class on Saturday. :laugh:

I had to tap the Vodka bottle the last couple of nights since I haven't been getting to bed till like 4am here and then getting back up at like 9am. Oh I feel like I've been tired to a Mac Truck and taken for a ride. At least the hip popped back into place. At least I hope it was back in. As it had an earth shattering thud the other night. It wasn't a pleasant feeling and the 10mg of hydrocodone couldn't stop the pain. Hell, I could feel the pop through the metal frame of the bed. :laugh:

Yesterday the teacher threw some rough stuff at me once again. She wants me to pick up another book on Phonetic Exercises. Ahh...How I find out the the University doesn't carry it. This will be interesting. I have no idea how old the book it but the copy she has looks to have been around for awhile. After class, I tried this Cafe next to the mini-grocery I goto. As I am sick of the Death Camp. Julian said they have English on the Menu. He warned me its a little pricey from 150 to 450 Roubles for a meal. So I head there knowing it has to be decent and it turns out, it was great. I ordered some Greek salad which all it has in it is cucumbers, tomatoes, yellow peppers, and something else. But it had a great dressing. Now the Spagetti I ordered, thats a different story all together. It had what looked to be like a Dorthy Lynch color dressing. Basically regurgitated baby shit dyed a orangish/brown color. I didn't care for it as I enjoy the spagetti sauce at home. :laugh:

I pulled out a Opus Belicoso for the afternoon smoke. It was a great way to unwind after a stressful day of class. Well, the last 2 classes which technically is 10. Five classes per day but on Friday which is 4. It was a nice smoke as I didn't need to correct it at all. Plenty of hot women walked by of course. I did have 2 dudes come up and ask for a cigarette. When I told them I smoked cigars they smiled and was disappointed at the same time. Oh well...if I had a cigarette, I would have gave them some. But alas, that isn't my habit.

I talked to my connection back home for certain smokes so I could send a shout out from Russia. He was shocked that I was here. I'm almost done calling everyone that I wanted too. As its like $2 a minute, conversations are pretty short. Thats good cigar money for when I get back home. Other than that, not much happening today on Hump day. I have a bunch of studying to do after I get done here and head to class. Wonder what stuff she will throw at me today. :thumbs:
Never a dull moment over here. I was informed that I need to come into the Language Center on April 2nd to get my special pass renewed that goes with the Student ID. Well, I find out that I have to go in on the 3rd after 4pm. Which means I had to ditch class early. Grrr...Jack asses need to get corrected on some aspects of business. :laugh: When it turned Midnight on April 3rd aka just after it turned to April 3rd in the wee hours of the morning. This is when my pass was invalid and if I would have gone on the 2nd and come in after Midnight, I wouldn't be allowed in. So no food for me from the 2nd till after 5pm on the 3rd. Grrr...Class was rough on April 2nd. Then on April 3rd, class was completely insane as well. Since I had to leave early, I had to learn the hard way the new set of grammar rules. It makes English grammar seem easy now. :laugh:

For the 2nd, I was so tired and exhausted that I didn't do much at all after class. I ate at the Cafe once again but ordered this Chicken breast dinner with Rice. Of course I had the Greek salad as its just to yummy. I had this mini 250ml Coke which is a funny bottle. Great dinner this time. I liked it so much I had it for dinner tonight but not a Coke. I had the Mocha instead. Anyways...Now April 3rd its like I sat in a 50 gallon drum of gasoline and was smoking a cigar.

I didn't get to bed late and that means studying wasn't exactly easy. I knew I had to cut my class short and was already dragging. I drank 3 cups of Instant coffee which didn't pick me up. I really wanted to go hibernate. But again, I motivated myself. I did get a new neighbor who is from Germany. His name is Jens or Yens. No idea how to spell his name. He took like 2 years of Russian so he came here to get back into it. As a lot of Russians here speak German. I had a brief conversation with him before heading to class. I knew it was going to be like my body was dragged over broken class and the dosed in 151 Rum. :laugh:

I had told Olga the day before I had to jet out early do to the Pass bullshit and of course, she forgot. Oh well...I got her to give me what she would have covered so I had to do that shit the hard way. Painful...just painful. I got almost everything right but like 6 words out of like 75 sentences. I guess you can teach old dog new tricks. So I leave and I didn't think she really comprehended the fact I wasn't coming back after I left at 4pm. So I had to pick Julian up as he was detained with a invalid pass. :laugh: Go figure...I told him if when he left on the 3rd you wasn't getting back in till we could get the Pass after 4pm.

At this point I would eat a skunk raw. Hell, I may have eaten dry wall if it had ketchup. I was starving at this point. Get to the Language Center and they was prepared for us, sorta. I told the lady what happened and what not and the fact I haven't gotten to eat since the day before...etc etc etc. She called up my instructor to make sure she understood I wasn't coming back. :laugh: So the lady said it would take 2 mins. Well, that 2 mins turned into 45 minutes. Yes, you read that right. I can not stress enough they take their sweet ass time to get things done here. Oh well...we head to Cafe Max once done so that Julian could get some money exchanged at the bank thats attached to the same building. Then we have lunch. Of course this wasn't enough for the fat man, so when we got back to the University, I had to get some grapes and what not. Since I didn't want to brave Death Camp knowing it could be my last meal at any moment. So that wasn't going to be the place I wanted to eat my last meal from.

Around 10pm, we had a little Vodka party so the new guy was offically welcomed the right way to the University. I did sleep pretty decent but I still woke up tired today. I went to class and had a hair raising experience. The new grammar rules suck big time. But slowly getting a grasp on them. At least she didn't drill me with a bunch of quizzes and what not today. Oh that would have been bad. Very very bad. Oh yeah...I forgot to mention. As we left the campus yesterday, we saw this lady guard. She was a blonde in a mini-skirt outfit. So I told Julian and Jens about Eager Beaver from the day before. This had girl was sitting at the table facing towards me with her legs open. So I had said Eager Beaver in the chat room. The two guys here have never heard of it so I had to explain it to them. They got a chuckle out of it. So after me and Julian walked by the hot guard with a gun at her hip. I told Julian I wished I had a picture of her so I could be photoshopped into it with me saying above it..."Punish me...Please, I've been very bad." He just laughs his ass off but didn't take the picture. Damn bastage.

So no class tomorrow as she cancelled it again. Just like I figured. So no idea what I will do tomorrow but the Moscow Zoo trip is a go on Sunday. If its really nice out, I may have to walk on the sidewalk around the Moscow River while smoking a good Opus.

Anyways...Peace out for now and hopefully some crazy stories for next week. :thumbs:
Quite an adventure my friend.

Sounds a bit like the army, hurry up and wait.

Your travelogue has been an absolute treat to read. Continued good travels and keep them coming, my friend.


Your travelogue has been an absolute treat to read. Continued good travels and keep them coming, my friend.


x2. Couldn't have stated it more precisely than that. :thumbs:

Your travelogue has been an absolute treat to read. Continued good travels and keep them coming, my friend.


x2. Couldn't have stated it more precisely than that. :thumbs:

Well, I'm glad everyone is enjoying them. They are fun to write. As I keep a hand written journal and this as well. Hopefully I can have some crazy experience tomorrow. Depending on the weather as its getting pretty cloudy here. Could mean it will rain cats and dogs within minutes or just do nothing. There is signs of life that Spring is slowly approaching.

Anyways...I will keep posting next week.
Ok gents...I'm about to head out for a grand adventure today. I have some idea what I am going to do but will depend on how my leg treats me. So I have a Power Ranger and a Anejo #48 for the long walk. "Catch ya on the flip side." What movie is that line from?
Damn Loren, you're having the experience of a lifetime, wish i was there!
Damn Loren, you're having the experience of a lifetime, wish i was there!

Oh you have no idea. What I am writing is only part of the experiences I am having. As I can not write it all as its just way to much stuff. Today was one hell of a day. The weather was nice and I took 143 4meg photos of my journey today. I finally got to see the statue on the river that I've been wanting to see. WOW!!! Its so damn cool and I took a few photos of it. I saw it on my pocket map of Moscow. Well, its like 60 pages but it fits nicely in my back pocket. I will be busy once I get home to post all of them in Photobucket. :laugh:

I still have to write my days adventures in my journal so I after my trip to the Moscow Zoo tomorrow, I should be able to type of the adventures of today. I saw a lot of Moscow that I haven't seen before. I even when to the Train Station that serves rides to St Petersberg so I should be able to get a train ticket for a 2 day trip in St Petersberg. Since I don't know if I will ever come back, I may as well hit the city I've been wanting to see since I was a teenager. Julian never did show me his pictures he took, but I should get the opportunity to get a bunch of my own. Will see as it costs like a total of $200 US or so for a round trip ticket. As I want a decent cushion in the bank when I get home.

For Billy...That Anejo #48 as my trip cigar. It was fantastic. I smoked it up in the Red Square area and a few people took photos of me smoking it. Hell, I walked the entire way around the Kremlin and almost smoked it all before I made it around. I sat down on some wall thing in the area and finished it there. Thank you for such a great smoke as I couldn't have had a better background to smoke such a great cigar as it. :D

Like I said, I should be able to write out my days adventure tomorrow after the Zoo trip. Will see as it will pretty fun to write. Especially with the dog fight in the underground walkway to get to the other side of the street. Now that will be a classic story to read. :laugh:

Ok...Peace out for now as I want to get home and get off my aching feet and let my hip pop back into place.

Everyone smoke a good cigar for me as I am running out. :(