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Start my travels tomoorrow...

Well, its getting late here and I won't have the time to write my last 2 days adventures till during the week. They will be some real good ones. Anyways, peace out for now from Moscow, Russia.

On a side note, I ran into 2 guys today smoking a Cohiba Siglo #6's. I stopped and chatted with them for a bit on my long ass walk. Finally saw some cigar smokers in Moscow. :thumbs:
On Saturday, 5th April 2008:

I started the day a little later than I wanted. The first thing I pull out before getting ready is a Power Ranger and a Anejo #48. I had no idea what I was going to do but my new neighbor Jens started getting ready and was heading to Cafe Max. I wanted to look up where the St Petersburg train station in Moscow was located at. So we walk in a nice, sorta humid day. It was like at 11am I think then we landed at the Cafe Max.

I got my little student 1.5 hour for 90 Roubles. All you have to say is, "Девуносто." Its pronounced as "Дивиноста." The language is very unique and filled will many land mines you have to watach out for. So now I have the address of the Train station I need. Its North East Moscow. When Jens was done, we headed back to the University as I didn't feel like taking the Metro for one stop as I would be back tracking. Grrr..I didn't need that crap. We stop on the Eastern side entrance of the University where he snapped a photo of me holding the Anejo #48 and the Power Ranger up. Yummy yummy to my tummy!

I get my camera and let the adventure begin and oh what a journey it will be. Having no freaking clue where I was going I said screw it. I will walk to the Red Square and Kremlin. Mind you it takes you a 20 min ride via the Metro to make the same distance I did on foot. I ran into a little forest with a Kujo Squirrel that had like jack rabbit ears. I mean this thing had like sonar ears that was the size of a 747 wing. Actually, it was kind of creepy little. So I got the best shot I could. I just slowly walk down the road and hit the street I need to head East on and ran into a truck load of motorcycles. From Harley Davidsons to Dirt bikes. I grabbed a semi photo of them as I had a goal at hand to accomplish. Now, it starts to sprinkle a little and I was like wtf. Don't rain on my parade today and let me have some nice weather for once.

A long distance later I ran into a little park area near the Moscow River. I mean a long distance. I would have to compare some photo times to give a real good idea how long it took to get from the University to the train station thats the first stop as you cross the River. I snapped pictures of some of the areas I've trespassed through. Some interesting places thats for sure. I walk down this path that leads to the River and what a little walk. Glad there was some signs posted to make it a little easier. I almost went the wrong way.

Now I pop out not far from the train station over the River. I pulled out the Power Ranger and lit the damn thing with my Davidoff wood matches. I was lucky as it wasn't to windy out and I got it fired up with just 2 matches. I have like 4 left so not good odds. I walked all the way to the Red Square which I took plenty of pictures and what not. Unfortunately the Power Ranger burned horribly wrong.

I decided that I would head to the Train station that serves St Petersburg. Oh this was a fun ride as I didn't dare walk that far from the Red Square. I get to the damn place and head to the information desk. Well, no one speaks English nor could I commicate a simple phase like Moscow to St Petersburg and back. LOL!!! Well the lady sends me to the upstairs where I wait for 45 mins to get an answer no one speaks English. WTF..Come on now. Not everyone that comes here knows Russian. Oh well..So I head out disappointed and go under the street walk way. Thats when Kujo attacks the Wonder Dog. Two stray dogs went at it. I mean going for the jugilar vein type fight. I mean people were getting out of the way of these 2 dogs. The Military guy with the baton does nothing and I'm getting ready to play Punt the Pooch. They rolled by me and hit this lady that was talking to a merchant. They took her legs from under her and she fell down. Lucky she wasn't hurt. Well I head back to the train station and head home.

I then decided to get something to eat at the Cafe as I am starving and grab some groceries. I head to the room and drop them off. Change to a fresh shirt and head back to the University metro where I back to the Red Square so I could walk around it while smoking the Anejo #48. Ahh thanks Billy. It was a beautiful night out to walk the Square.

I will get to Sunday's adventure at a later date this week. Enjoy and stay safe. :thumbs:
Well you have been quite the adventurous individual haven't you :D
Now I will address Sunday's exploits. I got up a little late once again as I was sore. I get ready and pulled out a Opus #4 and 5 for todays adventure. Who knows what I plan to do today. I head to the Moscow Zoo so I can Recon the area out and see if its possible to see it. Well, turns out the line was so long it went around another street. And how they do things here, you would be looking at a 4 to 8 hour wait just to get in so it would be closed. I said screw this shit and took a few pictures. Before I even left the University, I couldn't make up my mind what I wanted to do today. So I shot from the hip and took the Brown line to the Metro station transliterated into Kievskaya and I believe in Cyrillic its Киевская.

I come out of the Metro there and started taking some photos as that is the location of a major trainstation. I think it maybe the one that was in the movie Borne Supremacy. Not for sure as I will have to wait till I am home to verify that little tid bit of information. The area is pretty with some older buildings all around. To get to this area I actually went through some crazy merchant stalls like a tent city. The weather today was prime time except there was a nice wind. I managed to run into the Train station after a nice walk. The area I traveled through looked a little shady but oh well. I'm not to worried.

After I found the Train station, I was able to locate the Moscow River and started towards the walk path on the side of it. This is when the long as walk begins. Well, I already had a nice one to get to this point. Once I cross the road, I pulled out the Opus #4 to smoke. There is a beautiful walk bridge that pedestrains can walk across with tons of glass. I started taking many photos of the area and started the walk South East and start to enjoy the Opus. Not much to talk about as the photos will show more than I can tell on this section of the River. I pass some Power plant which was on the right of me which was a huge place.

After I crossed under the glass walk bridge, thats when I could see the University loom in the back ground. I have no idea how far away it is, but its one hell of a distance. I didn't know that the University is on higher ground than the River. Oh does it really show up in the photos. Its pretty crazy as the photos will show how big a presence the University has in this area. There is nothing like it so no mistaking it for another building. :laugh: The whole area is still kind cool. Not many people travel this section as its just kinda plain jane appearance.

I finally get to the section where the nice park trail along the River starts. This is where life really starts to come out like early blooms on a apple tree. Tons and tons of people about. I took a little breather on a park bench before I started the long walk back to the University. I ran into 2 guys from Turkey smoking a Cohiba Siglo #6. Now the catch is if it was real. They looked like a Maduro so it was funny. I didn't say anything as they said they got them from students from Cuba and we all know how that saying goes. :laugh: So I kept my suspicions to myself. I did have a nice talk with them so I pulled out the Opus #5 and fired it up in hurricane like winds along the River. Oh was it so windy. I was lucky to get it lit.

After about a 1/2", I shook hands and said good bye as I was already getting hungry at this point. So the long walk back I passed 1000's of people out and about. I stood near the street thats next to the walk way. Not like a normal street as its special a long the River. Ole PO-PO made an appearance. They looked at me kinda funny but didn't stop to pester me. I continue on down the path when I finally saw something funny. There is a little skiplace set up near the train station Vorob'yovy Gory. Well, just a little North West of there. Maybe a 20 min walk. They had some old snow on the hill still. But not enough to ski or snowboard now. I decided to walk up this hill. It was like climbing Mt Everest for me. But I had my trusty Opus in hand.

I finally made it up this steep ass hill. Out of breath naturally but the Opus kept me going. :laugh: I then realized I managed to get to the University side but its the North Side. This was the side they had all the scaffiling at for the giant snowboard competition they had before I arrived but took a month to dismantal. I saw a bunch of motor cycles and Russian tail. I wandered back to the University and got me a snack at the School then headed to Cafe Max for something to eat.

It was a great day for sure. Now that Spring seems to be here. :thumbs:
Ok this whole week has been pretty much the typical school with. On April 8th, I saw a Russian Opera at the University which was pretty cool. Not much of a Opera fan but still, it was pretty cool. On April 10th, we had a Vodka party through the place I'm going through. I met some new people which was cool. We had plenty to drink. The last thing for the normal week was the cat that was stuck in the tree for like 3 days. It meowed all that time and the University sent 2 people to get it out of the tree as it had become a nuissance at that time. I bought it 200 Roubles worth of Salmon and water so it would have something to eat so that it could go back to killing and scavenging for food. I had to watch my Grandma go through with starving to death which was her wished while she was loaded up with Morphine. So it sorta was rough seeing it happen to an animal outside my window.

Anyways...12th April 2008 aka Saturday was completely insane. I couldn't sleep so I smoked a Power Ranger at 2am and made 2 phone calls. Poor ole Wilkey and OpusXKC. It was a refreshing change. It was so nice out that it was perfect cigar smoking weather. There was a group of guys smoking cigarettes and making a racket so ole Po-Po finally made an appearance at the South Gate in a car. Well, they was on the outside and spoke over the sound system they have. It didn't take long and the kids left and it got real quiet. At one point a guy came down and peeked outside the door with disgust and went back in. Not long after Po-Po came so I'm betting he told the Guard. :laugh:

So a little after 8am I walked to Cafe Max for a coffee but the cafe was closed and the internet side was open. Bah...I was hoping to kick start my day off right. So I headed to the Metro station called Университет and headed to where the Red line meets the Brown line. I made a quick transfer from Парк Культуры and got on the brown line for a ride to the station named Павелецкая which is the transfer station to the Green line. I had to only goto the 2nd stop on this line heading South and its called Коломенская. This area has the ghettofied look to it. I walked a little way North towards the river and headed East to as far as I could go. As there is this Island section with a lot of water on this part of the River that I wanted to see. So I get all the way down there and did a complete 360 camera shots of this area before heading back the way I came.

It was a long ass walk. I passed guys fishing in the River and the thought of the fish that comes from there I shuttered. This section seems to be mostly Industrial on the one side and housing on the other. I waited to fire up the Opus Perfecxion till after I made it back to the point where I came down. I saw a paint crew repainting the rails along the river which was cool. You see a lot of cleanup and street trucks cleaing the streets and sidewalks. At least Moscow seems to some what care about its look. Anyways...I make it to the bridge and pulled out the cigar for this long ass walk. I fired it up and start heading towards the Red Square. There was plenty of cool buildings to get a picture of and I didn't waste time as it took me 6 hours to walk with no breaks in between. This section had no benches and I was pretty exhausted when I made it to the Red Square. At least the cigar kept me busy and happy for 2 hours. :laugh:

Again, this section looks like a lot of industrial businesses so some of its pretty dull and other sections is pretty cool as I walked by what seems to be some Music Hall. Its a Round building and it has a ton of glass. I did take plenty of pictures along the way. I think I got like 200 this journey. Maybe 150 but can't remember. It was a crazy day. I hit the Red Square and weddings have taken place once again. I did get a great Russian tail shot for you all. :thumbs:

I didn't stop at the Coffee House I normally do after a long walk. Instead I head to the Metro and get back to the University. After such a long day, I took the yellow trash can on wheels to the University. 10 Roubles spent well. I headed to the Cafe and had a great meal. I didn't get my usual as they was out of the chicken breasts. So I have my normal Greek salad followed by the main course of Salmon with Caviar sauce and the rice pilaf. I then had the fruit cup and 2 Cokes which was 250 ml bottles. I ran into the guy from Florida so we had dinner together and bullshitted. Other than that, it was a completely exhausted and went to the room. The night before I coffee with Jens and this dude from Italy who is attending Oxford. Sounds like he came to Russia to do some research as he is getting a degree in War History.

Other than that, a pretty uneventful day.

Sunday, 13th April 2008. We had the guy from Italy leaving today so he came up for some coffee before he had to leave. After that, I headed to the Red Square so that I could get a decent lunch at the Coffee House and then went to the Book store for 2 more books. Plenty of hot women out and all dolled up. It sounds like the ratio from women to me is 4-5 women to 1 man. You do the math. :love:

I have lots of studying to do so I will put this to and end. Have a nice day back in the States and I will be there in 2 weeks.
So I shot from the hip and took the Brown line to the Metro station transliterated into Kievskaya and I believe in Cyrillic its Киевская.

I come out of the Metro there and started taking some photos as that is the location of a major trainstation. I think it maybe the one that was in the movie Borne Supremacy. Not for sure as I will have to wait till I am home to verify that little tid bit of information.
You are correct about that my friend. That is the station in the The Bourne Supremacy.

Kiyevsky Rail Termainal -- Wikipedia
So I shot from the hip and took the Brown line to the Metro station transliterated into Kievskaya and I believe in Cyrillic its Киевская.

I come out of the Metro there and started taking some photos as that is the location of a major trainstation. I think it maybe the one that was in the movie Borne Supremacy. Not for sure as I will have to wait till I am home to verify that little tid bit of information.
You are correct about that my friend. That is the station in the The Bourne Supremacy.

Kiyevsky Rail Termainal -- Wikipedia

I thought it was as I seen it in Wikipedia as well. But thanks for verifying it Tony as I took a few pictures of it. I may have to go back and get some better ones. As one they say is from the embankment is incorrect. I know this for a fact as I walked the street and there is no way you could have got that shot from the River. :laugh: Gotta love Wiki for that.

Well the good news is I don't have class on Tuesday, April 15th. Bad news is I have class on Wednesday from 10am till around 17:30pm which will suck. So today I am hoping to see the Moscow Zoo as most of the city will be at work hoefully. But it has rained today so will adjust my plans according to the weather. The back up plan is taking the Metro for North West in Moscow to this area that has a park at the end of the line. Also just south east of the last stop is a strange section of the Moscow River I want to see. Will see how things go and just go with the flow. I managed to get all my written work done so I don't have to worry about it. But I am down to 4 Opus X. I plan on giving Jen's the Opus X Reserve D Chateau while I smoke the Opus Skorpis on April 19th. I guess will we goto a place he knows for dinner and fire up those bad boys. Which means my last weekend I will smoke the other Skorpis and the final smoke in Russia will be the Opus Lancero from 2005. Ahhh...what a way to end the trip in Russia.

I've managed to snap 620 pictures so far. Uploading them to Photobucket is going to suck big time but it will be worth it as the pictures speak volumes.

Anyways...will see what kind of crazy adventure happens today. Peace out for now and now less than 2 weeks to go. :thumbs:
Well this week has been crazy. I managed to goto the Moscow State Zoo yesterday but alas, it had to be raining of course. The trip up there involved several transfers so that wasn't bad at all as I have been to the area a few times now. I get to the Zoo Kacca aka where you buy your tickets and I showed them my Student ID so I got in for free. The ID was checked twice before I was let in. Not a lot of people was at the Zoo due to the fact it was during normal working hours and the weather didn't help much. It was like a constant drizzle so nothing to worry about.

The zoo was pretty cool considering the time of year and the actual time I was at the Zoo. I think it was feeding time for most of them. Unfortunately I didn't get to see most of the big casts. The White Tiger as out and about pacing back and forth. Even the Cheetah was out of her cage. Plenty of birds all around. Now the male Polar bear was some funny shit. I actually thought it was dead as it didn't move and all stretched out. So I sat and watched for a inhale and exhale of its lungs. Finally saw movement. I can say that bear was chilling as if it just had a nice Scotch and a great Opus X. :laugh: I did get a couple of shots of a few animals.

The Asian Lion decided to let this side of the Zoo know the king was up. I saw him just cleaning himself and I stood for a few minutes and headed next door to the Black Bears. I think they are black bears. Anyways...they got a little frisky with each other. It was like one was saying, "Look asshole, move it or lose it." And the other was responding in kind, "Get of my koolaide ass clown." So they went at it a little showing some teeth. I couldn't get good picture of that. :(

I didn't stand in one place for overly long as the constant drizzle really sucked after a 2 hour investment at the Zoo. I decided to locate the Hard Rock Cafe and after a hour of not being able to locate it, I gave up and had my lunch at the Coffee House so I could't get a break from outside. I know I was in the area but the map I have doesn't really work to well in the rain nor how they have the street signs for this area. Ok...just a couple of street signs with some names not on the map. Oh well...when its a better day I will go back hopefully before I leave in 12 days.

Other than that, not much happening here as I am tired after having 6 hours of language study today. And she really covered a bunch of new material today so I'm getting closer to where I should be at if she didn't miss 2 days already.

I do have a day out on the town come Saturday when I will smoke the Opus Skorpis since I can't be at the Carlito event. :thumbs:
Damn Loren,

I think if there was one good reason to miss the Carlito event, you definitely found it!! I think it is great you are having such an amazing experience!

Stay safe bro!

Damn Loren,

I think if there was one good reason to miss the Carlito event, you definitely found it!! I think it is great you are having such an amazing experience!

Stay safe bro!


Don't worry Billy, it wasn't an easy choice to make. On one hand I've wanted to see Russia since I was a kid and the other hand, you have Carlito. But I know some things will eventually change due to medical reasons so after 2 months of thinking, Russia won. Yet, I've smoked so many Opus over here so its like I get a piece of home every day. Well, a weekend did take 4 cigars so the last couple of weeks have been rough. As I am giving a Opus to Jens tomorrow while I smoke the Opus Skorpis, I will call Tony so I can talk to Da Man. :thumbs:

We have a nice plan for tomorrow so hopefully I will get to pollute the indoor air of a Restaurant aka Ресторан. I can not wait for that as I have already pulled the Opus's out of the Armored Humidor case which by the way is a fantastic item to have for traveling. Unfortunately it is way to small for my needs, but it has maintained the humidity nicely. Hopefully I will have some crazy stories from this weekend as I am down to 10 days and counting down before I leave here.

I did stumble into a nice 500mL bottle of Vodka which is yummy. Definitely a bottle I want to bring home to share with the boys. Will see how it goes as I've picked up some Достоевсктий books which was very cheap. So it will give me something to do when I can't sleep. Just read it in Russian and translate it over to English. Anyways....so much to do right now so catch ya all later.

For the boys at the Carlito Event...smoke some good Opus for me and no, not my cigars. :laugh:
Well...here was a fun day. It started off a tad late in the day at like 12:40pm. I got up and got the room organized which is the norm for me. I talked to Jens to see what the plans was for the night as I told him that we may want to leave earlier than was planned due to how things are here on Saturday. So we planned on leaving at 5pm.

I decided to due some of my school work so that Sunday wouldn't be so stressful. I started pacing the room around 4pm as I knew that I would be smoking the Opus X Skorpio and have been looking forward to this since Feb when I got them. I got dressed and made sure I had everything I needed. Everything in check, we head to take the Yellow Trash Can on Wheels so we can save a 15 minute walk to the Metro. Its hard to pass up at times when it costs you only like $0.50. We get off and head to the Metro station which wasn't to packed yet.

We get off at the Red Square Metro and head to the book store. I picked up the Том 4 Достоевский. I still have 5 more volumes to get and I have the entire set in Russian. I found out that the 3rd one is Crime and Punishment. I may have to try and get War and Peace in Russian. Since these 2 novels is one of the greatest works and especially from Russia. Anyways...After I paid and Jens paid for his books we head upto the Pushkin Metro and head South East 2 stops. Well, we got off on the first stop and had to get back on. But once to the correct station, we managed to stumble into the Ukranian place we was going to eat at.

We get on the waiting list and sit down. They offered us refreshments and she said Vodka. We said in return. "Да." How can you turn down a free drink right? Especially when you saw her. They gave some fatty thing wrapped around 2 small pieces of green onion. I guess its a come practice but I knew better than to eat it. It looked like the fat off a piece of bacon and not cooked. But the Vodka was nice. It seemed to have a spice taste to it. Finally get seated and they pull out a English and German menu.

Now this isn't some "normal" sized menu. You could beat someone to death with this thing. It looked to be like maybe 24" long by 12" wide by may 2" thick. Yes, it was freaking huge. Once it was opened it took up nearly 1/2 the table which could seat 4 people. Well, take 1/2 of one side. :laugh: I ordered this salad that was of cucumbers, tomatoes, yellow peppers, and some onion. It was pretty good. I had a 1/2 of Duck for the main dish. It had a side dish of Saurakrat and rice. Again, a nice damn meal. I was told they cook it all to order. Well, most of it was. That was pretty cool. The Waitresses was dressed up as if they would in the Ukraine which is pretty unique looking outfit. But the service was better than at other places I've been. For my poor dessert, I had a Cappochino. Now here comes the fun part.

So we are just chilling and waiting for our meal. A big group of people started talking to us. Naturally, they have been drinking and wanted a picture of me. Damn my beard. Not the first time I've ran into that here in Moscow. People are not used to a beard like mine so many photos have been taken of me. I think its funny. But they offered us a glass of Vodka. Again, you really can't turn it down. So the guy goes on this long ass speech and finally we chug the shot. This was actually Pepper Vodka and it was way better than I thought it would be. It had a subtle spicy taste to it. Pretty mild but it was damn good.

So the table behind me joined in the conversation. So it was one hell of a good time at this Restaurant. Ok for the bad part. We had asked for the smoking section and even asked if it was ok to smoke Cigars. They was like Да, Да, Да. We are like cool. So its like after 8pm Moscow time so I called Tony in Kansas City in hopes to talk to Carlito since I couldn't be there for the event. So we pulled out the Opus's and started out little Mini-Herf in a Ukrainian Restaurant in Moscow, Russia. Of course this took place over 7000 miles from The Outlaw. Naturally I got the bad news he hadn't showed up yet. A waitress came upto us and said, "Нет Сигары." I put mine down and Jens was like just smoke it and relax. We puffed on the cigars very lightly so the area would get accustome to real cigar smoke. As everyone else was pretty much chain smoking cigarettes. Gah!!!

Finally this dude comes up and says in Russian that we have to leave the place. So we asked for the check and paid. It came to 1710 Roubles which is like $75. Which is pretty cheap in Moscow for 2 people. Unfortunately, for the discrimination, we left like a 5% tip. I hate to do that but I also hate the fact that we sat in a smoking section and was discriminated again. Oh well...So a Opus X Reserva D' Chateau and a Opus X Skorpio got us kicked out of a Restaurant in a city that is SUPPOSED to love cigars. Oh yeah...NOT!!! So you learn something new every day after all.

Anyways...we head back to the Red Square as I know the way since I have walked the whole entire area. We finish our Opus up there and get on the Metro for the ride back to the University Metro station where we had to walk back to the campus since it was a tad past 11pm here. We ran into the girl from Kazakstan(sp?) and chatted with her for a bit before heading up for a Midnight Coffee. Then called it a night.

Unfortunately I couldn't sleep so I grabbed my other Opus Skorpio and headed outside as Tony informed me there was a huge crown around Carlos. I finally got to talk to Carlos over 7000 miles away while smoking the Skorpio in some nice weather in Russia. It was a hell of a way to end the night. I got told the story behind the cigar which was cool. I loved the Skorpio and hope to get some more once I am back in the States. :laugh:

I finally got to bed after 7am Moscow time. :(
I'm glad I could get you on the phone with him my friend. Once he showed he was swarmed as if he were the queen bee. When I did to talk to him luckily you called and he was alone in the humidor. When I told him I had a friend of mine on the phone from Russia, he seemed more than a bit surprised :cool:.

Have fun with the rest of your adventure. Hope to see you soon.
I'm glad I could get you on the phone with him my friend. Once he showed he was swarmed as if he were the queen bee. When I did to talk to him luckily you called and he was alone in the humidor. When I told him I had a friend of mine on the phone from Russia, he seemed more than a bit surprised :cool:.

Have fun with the rest of your adventure. Hope to see you soon.

Well it did make the morning go by much easier even if I was up past 7am. Ahhh...I did sleep in Sunday and was dragging all day. I managed to smoke both of the Skorpio's so I can say they was definitely a great smoke for me. I enjoyed the 2nd one more as I couldn't be kicked out of a Restaurant for smoking a cigar while the others are chain smoking cigarettes. :laugh: I did get some studying done and that was about it. I wasn't really motivated in doing anything that involved more than walking 10 steps. Plus, it had rained cats and dogs all day and well, for most of the week.

Again on Monday it has rained cats and dogs once again. It looks like my last week in Moscow will be under solid cloud cover and rain 24/7 for the next 7 days. Just my luck. I still have the Opus X Lancero from 2005 to smoke. So I may have to smoke under a umbrella for my last smoke. Only in my world does this shit happen to me. :laugh: Other than that, not much to report on as its the final week of school. Which the teacher has kicked it into overdrive. Ugh!!! So much to learn and never enough time.
Its been a really busy week so I haven't really had time to write on here. I get to sit in class from 2pm till 7:30pm tonight. Definitely wasn't my last Friday vision I had of Russia. :laugh:

Anyways...I have one cigar to smoke and its the wonderful and great cigar we all know and love, the Opus X Lancero. Debating on if I want to smoke it on Saturday, Sunday, or the morning of Monday and smell like a cigar on the airplane ride to London. :laugh:

Ok..I have to get going for class and get something to eat before it so will hopefully have this finished real soon. :thumbs:
Glad to know it's almost over for you Loren, but i'm sure you'll have some good memories and new friends to talk about. Have a safe trip home. :thumbs:
Ok....this week has been really crazy. My classes have been accellerated at a nice clip. So I have basically been studying and what not during the week. Jens talked me into going to a Organ Concert at the University on Wed. It was pretty good even if it as a bunch of Bach works which I can not stand whatsoever. But the performers were pretty good. Not much to really talk about as its not a think I normally would enjoy. But again, I'm in Russia and got to see something unique as the Performance.

Thursday is a different story. They decided to have a Vodka party for my last party with them. I took my expensive bottle and we drank the rest of it up. By the way it was a 500mL bottle. The Farid pulled out a 375mL bottle and we drank that up. So all of us was feeling pretty good at the end of the party that we didn't get done till almost at 11pm which we started at 8pm. I did get a couple of pictures of the people going through this company. I definitely want to come back and do some more studying as the experiences here was just fantastic. One of the best trips I've ever done.

I did find out that my Instructor is the odd ball of the bunch. Most of them just concentrate on just speaking and thats about it. Mine on the other had is what I call Чёрт which means Devil. She had me write so much that my Russian writing is pretty much flawless. Only one letter I do not do how they do and thats the d aka д. Its just plain goofy to me. :laugh: Here its like a tradition to get something for the Instructor from what I gathered so I got her 3 Roses. As you always give in odd numbers for flowers as even numbers is for funerals. So that could pose a problem if you give someone 4 flowers. :D

But she also taught me a ton of grammar rules so reading, writing, and comprehending what I read I'm good at. Speaking is another issue. Well, I do pretty good as long as I'm not being put on the spot. Oh well...I've learned more than I could have ever hoped for in 2 months. I did get my neato certificate that I was here and what not. Nothing fancy but at least if I try to take a Russian course at home, I will no longer be the dumbass in the class at the beginning level since this language is insane with all the rules it has.

Anyways...as for this weekend. No idea what my last 2 free days will be like. Other than I will smoke a Opus X Lancero from 2005. And the weather is supposed to be nice here this weekend so anything is possible other than drinking a lot. That is definitely out of the question.
Well, looks like a couple of post was eaten. Oh well...I have 4 pictures for a teaser.


Above picture is of Moscow State University (East Side).


Above picture is of Billytpage. I didn't know he was in Moscow, Russia when I was. :laugh:


Above picture is me in the Red Square smoking a Anejo #48 with St Basil's Cathedral in the background.


Above picture is of some Russian tail. For all the perverted bastages on CP.


Above photo is from left to right: Jens, Julian, and Maria Victoria and of course, me!!!
What the hell man!?! You just blew my secret hide-away!! :laugh: :laugh: Man, the university looks beautiful. How old is the building in the picture?

What the hell man!?! You just blew my secret hide-away!! :laugh: :laugh: Man, the university looks beautiful. How old is the building in the picture?


The building was built in 1951 by Austrian prisoners. I have no idea how many there were, but by the size of the building, I would say a lot. They were then executed after it was done. So the University has some tainted blood on the walls. Its an amazing building since its so freaking huge. It houses like 6000 students normally which the dormitories are generally the whole outside of the structure which the center has all the offices and what not. The center being the part that the Star is at the top with the metal thing with CCCP on it.

Edited to add this link of Moscow State University at max 4.0 Megapixel and a good solid 2 hour walk away.


The one below speaks for itself from the Borne Identity Movie scene.


Photo below is of me smoke the Opus X Skorpio on the South East side of the Red Square/Kremlin.

I am finally home safe and sound. But will have to add a couple travel days before this comes to an end. :thumbs: