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Can you control your temper

I wouldn't have had to do anything. My wife would've decked him. :laugh:

ditto- My wife woulda been on him like ugly on ape probably swinging at me to keep him to herself!! Don't get me wrong, we got each others back and all... but she's way more agressive than me. I would have probably been more like you and did the right thing and tried to remain calm.
The strange thing is this guy sounded like the owner of the company that manufactured the blue tooth device? I assume he was just a puke at the cash register- making this HIS personal battle? In this day of economic hardship ya gotta kiss the consumers butt, cause it's all about service man!! GOOD JOB for the patience. We should have a herf in his front yard and do some torch lighter comparisons when he comes out of his house...
My 2 cents...

Irrespective of the circumstances in returning the bluetooth, if the guy would have pushed my wife I would have had to use the three-step rule.

AngryFish's Three-Step Rule

Put your hand on my wife and you'll only get about three steps before the beat down begins. And the beating would continue until the police arrive.

There is absolutely no reason that anything said to the customer service agent under any circumstances gave him any right at all to touch anyone, period.
I wouldn't have had to do anything. My wife would've decked him. :laugh:

ditto- My wife woulda been on him like ugly on ape probably swinging at me to keep him to herself!! Don't get me wrong, we got each others back and all... but she's way more agressive than me. I would have probably been more like you and did the right thing and tried to remain calm.
The strange thing is this guy sounded like the owner of the company that manufactured the blue tooth device? I assume he was just a puke at the cash register- making this HIS personal battle? In this day of economic hardship ya gotta kiss the consumers butt, cause it's all about service man!! GOOD JOB for the patience. We should have a herf in his front yard and do some torch lighter comparisons when he comes out of his house...

Nothing quite as scary as a torch lighter... with the possible exception of the flaming temper some of our wives exhibit.

Oh yes... I just pulled a 'Dad Joke'. I am licenced to though, as I am a father of two. 'Licence to Pun'. I should get cards printed.
You are wrong here Moki, being in the service industry as well as a corporate trainer on custumer service I will tell you that a customer CAN say F-you and as a professional you MUST show restraint and be the bigger person, then handle the problem and thank them... if you think I am wrong give Stew Leonard a call, he built a business on this policy. As far as pushing a woman, that is out of line and should be dealt with man to man.

Wrong is such a strong word... I'd say we disagree. Though we agree that the company representative handled the situation poorly, I stated that several times in my post. I have customer service professionals who work for me as well, and I would be unhappy to hear if any of them carried themselves in this manner.

That does not change the fact that the northernmorris was wrong as well, escalated the situation, and is overreacting to it all by filing assault charges with the police. From the way he described the situation (and again, I wasn't there), it doesn't sound like he shoved NM's wife with the intent of harming her, but rather just rudly pushed his way past her.

Could the guy have averted the situation? Absolutely, I stated so in my post. But at this point, we get into the childish "but he said THIS" -- "oh YEAH? well, he said THIS!" nonsense from middle school, which makes it exceedingly clear that both parties were at fault... at least to me.

I also disagree with you that customer service professionals should withstand any and all verbal abuse that is hurled their way. We allow our customer service staff to "fire" one person a year. People who are so abusive, and such a drain on our resources that we'd rather refund their money, and politely divorce them as a customer.

The staff loves it, and it allows us to focus more of our time on helping our customers who need our assistance, rather than being someone's whipping boy.

If you disagree, that's fine... he solicited opinions, and I certainly wouldn't expect everyone's opinion would be the same.
Ok brother, we can agree to disagree on this one! And you are right on some of your points, there is a limit to everything. Thanks for remaining civil.
I can't believe some of you actually thinks he deserves $$$ for this? Was she hurt? It doesn't sound like it. He was within his rights to file a criminal complaint, although I have to agree with some this was a bit much. I definitely would have had the guy's job, sometimes you need to be the bigger men.

Lesson learned....never buy anything from a mall kiosk, especially of it was re-taped.
..and yes, I'd visit you in jail.

Like, conjugally? :laugh:

Back on topic, I think Andrew is right in most respects. The filing of assault charges is petty. You should have just knocked him the fugg out. Most officers I have come across in situations like this are usually pretty lenient.
I'd have to agree with moki as well. There seemed to be unnecessary escalation from both sides, which led to the unfortunate physical consequence with your wife. I wasn't there, but I can't help believe that the situation could have been defused before it reached the level that it did.

It's easy to answer the question, "Can you control your temper if someone pushes your wife?" Most of us (myself included) will answer "No, you'd better never..."

However, a more appropriate question for the scenario you described might be, "Can you control your temper before it leads to someone being pushed?"

Just my $0.02...
Sorry to hear about this. I stay away from the stores during the Holiday Season. I hate stupid people and the mall attracts them in droves, both workers and patrons.
That is seriously messed up and you handled it the best way possible. When I was younger (dumber) I had gotten into a scuffle a time or two over someone pushing my GF (one) or someone else pushing another woman (twice), I realized now that it was dumb but now I would hope that I could handle your situation the same way.

If not - I would LOVE to handle it souldoggy style ....pulling out a piece and dropping "you just F'd yourself Mf'er" ....now that would be really cool and then dropping the badge off the punks skull...

I hope it works out and the punk gets his.

I'm not touching that one. And with the emphasis on LOVE, gives me reason to further distancing myself

What's wrong with the way he handles IT? :whistling:
The last guy to say something bad about Ms KB got a punch to the back of the head and then slammed into his SUV... I have a really, really bad temper... And I have to agree with some of the guys on here, Ms KB probably would've knocked him down herself. She knows how to throw a fist. Her nick name is "The Hammer". ;)

Myself, I'd probably just drop it. I've gone to court over that kind of stuff before, and no one really ever wins. Best of luck though.
I worked in retail mgt. for almost 10 yrs, and the old saying "the customer is ALWAYS right" is bullshit. There are A LOT of dishonest people out there who are always looking to screw buisness's over.

Now I am in no way saying Northernmorris was working a scam here. The phone guy obviously was in the wrong at every turn IMO. Pushing people is grounds for immediate termination from his job and if I were his boss thats exactly what would happen. But I have to ask, while I think he deserves to loose his job, does he really deserve to have a criminal charge brought upon him in this case?

I know I would be livid if my wife were pushed like happened in your case and I would defintely would not let it go without at least talking to his superiors, but calling the cops? That I doubt I would do.
I wouldn't have done a thing. My wife would have kicked his ass. She used to work at a mental institute......

Then again, I'm a big fan of killing with kindness, and probably would have gotten my way anyway.
At this point I assume the employee knows that you're threatening to press charges? Have you attempted to get a hold of his supervisor/manager or the store owner? I'm guessing that if you get a hold of one of these people, explain to them calmly what happened and let them know that you absolutely are going to press charges and take this up the chain to the corporate level they will probably go ahead and refund your money.
I really have to shake my head at people who say that they or their wife would have decked the guy for pushing past her.

At least now I know how the Jerry Springer show kept their stables stocked all these years.

I mean seriously... despite how poorly the employee handed the situation, northernmorris was clearly antagonizing the employee, by bitching at him and saying "fuck you". And given that northernmorris is telling the story here, it's reasonable to believe it was actually worse on his end than he describes.

And yet somehow it's reasonable to deck the guy because he gets sick of being abused and pushes his way past your wife?

Give me a break.

The clerk was a jerk, and should probably lose his job, if for nothing else his complete lack of customer service skills. Northernmorris should lose the the lawsuit, presumably after pissing thousands of dollars away on legal counsel, and wasting everyone's time.

And everyone who's claiming that they or their wives would have beat the crap out of the guy for a rude push past his wife to escape an abusive situation -- if you're not just being "Internet tough guys", you should have your license to breed revoked.

The mind boggles...
I really have to shake my head at people who say that they or their wife would have decked the guy for pushing past her.

At least now I know how the Jerry Springer show kept their stables stocked all these years.

I mean seriously... despite how poorly the employee handed the situation, northernmorris was clearly antagonizing the employee, by bitching at him and saying "fuck you". And given that northernmorris is telling the story here, it's reasonable to believe it was actually worse on his end than he describes.

And yet somehow it's reasonable to deck the guy because he gets sick of being abused and pushes his way past your wife?

Give me a break.

The clerk was a jerk, and should probably lose his job, if for nothing else his complete lack of customer service skills. Northernmorris should lose the the lawsuit, presumably after pissing thousands of dollars away on legal counsel, and wasting everyone's time.

And everyone who's claiming that they or their wives would have beat the crap out of the guy for a rude push past his wife to escape an abusive situation -- if you're not just being "Internet tough guys", you should have your license to breed revoked.

The mind boggles...

:laugh: I curious, tell us how you really feel Andrew. :laugh:

I wish I could be there while you smoke that dog rocket I sent you before you go into the court room and make this chump whimper.
Thanks for all the responses. I'm the first one here to know I was wrong to curse. And not to justify it, I was not loud or even yelled F you. It was actually said fairly calm. And yes that does not make it right. Honestly at no point did I make a scene.

I can't believe some of you actually thinks he deserves $$$ for this? Was she hurt? It doesn't sound like it. He was within his rights to file a criminal complaint, although I have to agree with some this was a bit much. I definitely would have had the guy's job, sometimes you need to be the bigger men.

Lesson learned....never buy anything from a mall kiosk, especially of it was re-taped.

Point agreed with and I want to make this very clear, I WANT NO MONEY OUT OF THIS... I mean seriously why would I even be entitled to any.

At this point I assume the employee knows that you're threatening to press charges? Have you attempted to get a hold of his supervisor/manager or the store owner? I'm guessing that if you get a hold of one of these people, explain to them calmly what happened and let them know that you absolutely are going to press charges and take this up the chain to the corporate level they will probably go ahead and refund your money.

I breifly spoke with the Mall head manager today and am waiting for a response from him. At this point I would like my money back.

I really have to shake my head at people who say that they or their wife would have decked the guy for pushing past her.

At least now I know how the Jerry Springer show kept their stables stocked all these years.

I mean seriously... despite how poorly the employee handed the situation, northernmorris was clearly antagonizing the employee, by bitching(how is trying to get a exchange bitching at him? I was very polite and calm up until I cursed and even then was not loud. Wouldn't you speak up if you received a broken item. Who would really keep it and say nothing?) at him and saying "fuck you". And given that northernmorris is telling the story here, it's reasonable to believe it was actually worse on his end than he describes. Not true at all, though only can be proven by my word..

And yet somehow it's reasonable to deck the guy because he gets sick of being abused and pushes his way past your wife?

Give me a break.

The clerk was a jerk, and should probably lose his job, if for nothing else his complete lack of customer service skills. Northernmorris should lose the the lawsuit, presumably after pissing thousands of dollars away on legal counsel, and wasting everyone's time. The procedure for simple assault is very simple, its only a court date with no legal counsel needed. Ultimately resulting in a dissmissal or fine on his part.

And everyone who's claiming that they or their wives would have beat the crap out of the guy for a rude push past his wife to escape an abusive situation -- if you're not just being "Internet tough guys", you should have your license to breed revoked.

The mind boggles...
Thanks for all the responses. I'm the first one here to know I was wrong to curse. And not to justify it, I was not loud or even yelled F you. It was actually said fairly calm. And yes that does not make it right. Honestly at no point did I make a scene.

Something I always tell my wife... "You can catch more bees with honey"... I'm positive you could have approached this from a different angle, and gotten what you wanted (a refund or exchange) with far less drama, and far less time wasted on your part.

Ask to return it, and when he says "No, you broke it" say "I understand it might look that way, but honestly, I didn't. I noticed the package was taped shut, perhaps it was returned to the store by the person who really did break it?"

And when he insisted on being dramatic about it, I would have asked if there was a manager I could speak to, rather than continuing to bicker with this guy. I would have explained to the manger that I've spent quite a bit of money at this store before, and I was not attempting to scam anyone, despite appearances, etc, etc.

I'm betting dollars to donuts you would have gotten a new one swapped in... the store can usually return merchandise to the OEM claiming it is defective without much of a problem. You'll encounter resistance only when you seem to obviously be scamming them, or get in the grill of the employees, at which point they aren't going to feel much obligation to help you over a $50 purchase.
I think this should serve as a lesson for all men; nothing good can come from going to and shopping at a mall, especially a kiosk! :rolleyes:

My wife is definitely not the type to deck anyone. She might kick the guy in the balls, however.