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NullSmurf and Others...


Top Striker
Though I've singled out NullSmurf as having been offended with my previous avatar (you'll notice it now displays the crest of FC Barcelona), this note is in fact directed towards all of my fellow CPers. Perhaps it's the case that I've offended more than just my BOTL NullSmurf with Diego Maradona's picture next to my name. I hope that's not so, but if it is, here's what happened.

I don't particularly feel the need to explain myself or provide any excuses for my actions, but only to express my apathy towards the famed footballer's political affiliations, having not even taken notice of the tattoo on his shoulder of the infamous Che Guevara. I instead was concerned only with his status as the world's finest footballer, and thought it pertinent that he was pictured smoking our beloved leaf.

My love for football continues to be expressed without Diego's face, instead replaced by FCB's crest. I suffer no loss at having his or Che's face missing from my profile, for I am no fascist, and certainly am not here to promote any fascist ideals.

I would, however, without any hard feelings, like to express my apology to any and all of you BOTL's I might have alienated because maybe you thought I was promoting political ideologies, or using Maradona's picture for the purpose of putting Che's face on display. I hope that if you were offended before, you will see now that it was not my intention.

Thanks for understanding guys,
Crap I thought that was a picture of you on a bad day!

It didn't offend me so you need not apologize to me in particular. Bruce is sensitive like that!
When you spend six months at a time, under water, in a confined space, playing cat and mouse, chasing commies, for 10 or so years, it tends to make you a little touchy...or touched. :whistling:

When you spend six months at a time, under water, in a confined space, playing cat and mouse, chasing commies, for 10 or so years, it tends to make you a little touchy...or touched. :whistling:


'six months'

You certainly do not need to apologize. I at one time had Che as my avatar as well. I removed the photo after discussing the subject with a member I have great respect for. He had far more knowledge on the subject than I, and I certainly did not want my ignorance to stand in the way of a relationship I am fond of. However, I never meant to offend anyone and therefore did not feel the need to apologize for having the avatar in the first place. I simply replaced him another, one I'm much more familiar with.

Don't sweat it. You did the right thing.
When you spend six months at a time, under water, in a confined space, playing cat and mouse, chasing commies, for 10 or so years, it tends to make you a little touchy...or touched. :whistling:


and spending 20 patching up Jar Heads makes you sensitive. :sign:

Thanks for humoring me, SAF.
Let me preface this with the notion that this is my view and my view alone....

I was one of the members that made a comment...not toward Maradona's skill as a soccer player, but his obvious love for Che Guevara. I personally don't share his opinion on this self proclaimed Freedom Fighter. Andy, I applaud your stepping up to recognize the issue. I'm also saying that because of the comments, you really didn't have to change anything...it's your right as an American.

People around my age (54) still remember the Cuban Missile Crisis. I'm not unique in the fact that I still remember going through the Bomb Drills in grammar school, practicing hiding under our desks with our heads down between our knees. It would be hard for you to identify with my feelings I guess until you lived it, those moments in time when the threat of War was real. When the Cuban Crisis was at it's highest, we moved the practice drills from in our classrooms to quickly walking in single file down flights of stairs and lining the concrete hallways down in the basement of our school, sitting down on the cold floor with our backs up against the walls with our heads down in between our knees. At that point it went from being fun and missing class to scaring the crap out of us....we were 8-9 years old at the time. I still remember some of my friends crying, echoing down the dark hallways as the siren was blasting....not knowing if it was a drill or the real thing....the teachers wouldn't tell us. This left a lasting impression on me for life...I've discussed this with my kids as they grew up just to let them know how fragile freedom can be and how quickly it can be taken away.

Now you fast forward to years later when the stories behind the Missile Crisis came to light. The one that has stuck in my mind was an interview someone did with Che Guevara after he was chased OUT OF CUBA. At that point in time he was a hired mercenary with his band of men somewhere in the Asian Pacific, if memory serves me. He was quoted as saying, (and I'll paraphrase here) that 'if I was in the control room during the Missile Crisis, I would have pushed the button.' Well, I guess you could imagine how that went down with those of us that remembered what the United States went through during that very tense time. This was on TV and in the newspapers constantly, President Kennedy would address the Nation and the US would come to a stop and we would listen, hanging on every word, looking for hope. I would sit and talk to my brothers and my friend's Fathers & brothers that were in the military during this period and the stories they told about standing ready for imminent War...at any moment...weapons ready and hot. Not fun to hear as a kid.

To glorify this person by tattooing his face on your body or wearing it proudly on a tee shirt doesn't sit well with me....kind of makes me angry thinking if only the younger people knew the history behind that whole series of events. If Guevara had his way, many of us wouldn't be here to enjoy the freedoms that we do...we'd be dead.

To single out Guevara's reputation as a freedom fighter is short sided at best...read his story and decide for yourself....and to use his likeness as a representation of Cuba because you like the cigars is a little misguided as well. But then again, it's free country...that's what makes it so good to live here.

Like I said, this is just my view....and the reason why I think the way I do.
Great post ironpeddler. A good example of why we should be reminded of history and listen to those who have experienced it first hand.

While I am a bit younger, I do remember "get under the desk" drills while in grade school. I hope for the better for all of our kids.
Great post ironpeddler. A good example of why we should be reminded of history and listen to those who have experienced it first hand.

While I am a bit younger, I do remember "get under the desk" drills while in grade school. I hope for the better for all of our kids.

That's a "duck and cover" drill.
Ha, you think you fellas had it rough. If you went to a Catholic school in those days, not only did you worry about the heathen Commies and a nuclear Holocaust, but you had to sweat out the Pope opening a letter from Our Lady of Lourdes. The world was going to end. Either the commies or God was going to do it.

Maradona......That's a swear word around my part of the world, heehee. I just joined today and I'd never get offended by some-ones avatar or tag line. Freedom of speech......If you don't agree, STFU.

Ok, I don't always abide by what I just said.
Maradona......That's a swear word around my part of the world, heehee. I just joined today and I'd never get offended by some-ones avatar or tag line. Freedom of speech......If you don't agree, STFU.

Ok, I don't always abide by what I just said.

You may not want to go down this road.