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What is the hype about Cuban cigars?


New Member
Jul 15, 2010
I mean cigars from Cuba...I dont know why people get all crazy about them. Obviously, ive never had one so id like to know what the hype is...what makes them special?

{crawling backwards with a washtub over my head in case I get stones thrown at me
It's probably due to the fact that, we as Americans, aren't supposed to have them due to the Embargo.
Your search for the term +hype +cuba returned 26 results




(just a few selections)
Agreed with that Jonesy.

To add, Cuban cigars are different in flavor profile from other, non-Cuban brands. Some people love the Cuban profile just like some people love Dominican, Honduran, or Nicaraguan flavor profile.

I think a lot of it has to do with the chase to get them.

And they're yummy!
They are just cigars from a different region that hit some people's sweetspot. I've had some great ones and I've had some duds, same as Nicaraguan, Dominican, etc. Some people get their panties in a bunch because of the forbidden fruit syndrome and some actually have tasted most others and prefer some marcas from Cuba, to each their own. Some say there is no such thing as a "Cuban taste", that you are identifying familiarity rather than regions, others insist there is a definite "Cuban taste, or 'twang'". It's pretty much up to the individual whether they prefer Cuban marcas over others. I'll tell you this, it is a fun experiment and journey to find out for yourself.

Edit spelling.
The fresh hay and barnyard aroma from a freshly opened box of Cohibas, taking in a deep breath from the foot of the still-tied bundle, is heavenly.
Your search for the term +hype +cuba returned 26 results




(just a few selections)


Honestly, just about every question you're going to have over the next three or four months will be copiously (and more effectively) answered via the search function.



Honestly, just about every question you're going to have over the next three or four months will be copiously (and more effectively) answered via the search function.


sorry. ill stop posting now.

Dont take your ball and go home. Realize you were given the best suggestion on how to use the valuable resources here.


Honestly, just about every question you're going to have over the next three or four months will be copiously (and more effectively) answered via the search function.


sorry. ill stop posting now.

Dont take your ball and go home. Realize you were given the best suggestion on how to use the valuable resources here.

ive tried the beloved search function. if i type in the word "Padron" i get 700 pages of posts talking about passes. no matter how i phrase a question in search, i cant find what im looking for. im not stupid nor ignorant. i know how to use a search function MOST of the time. I did try it with this question about the cubans...again, typed in Cuban cigar and got pass posts but no real info. So, excuse me if I get a little frustrated when every question i have results in some people answering and the one person who tells me to use search.

Like i said, if i have a question from now on, ill search for it. if i cant find my answer, ill just not ask. simple.

And before someone calls me out about capitalization and spelling, im typing in the bunk, one handed, in a moving truck.
Yes, the basic search function sucks.

The trick to searching effectively:

  • Click "Advanced" next to Search button
  • Type in keywords in "Find words : "
  • Click "Search Titles Only" box
  • Enter
Why can you only type with one hand if you're in the bunk and not driving? Oh, wait....ewwww.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes, the basic search function sucks.

The trick to searching effectively:

  • Click "Advanced" next to Search button
  • Type in keywords in "Find words : "
  • Click "Search Titles Only" box
  • Enter
Great advise but I think you mean "Search Posts Only" box.

Oh, and hype is just that. Just have fun trying everything you can get your mitts on and take note of what you like.
Great advice from Kirk. TT, Tom and others are just giving you some good advice that everybody in this thread has been given more than once or twice, so at the risk of sounding like a jerk: Grow some thicker skin. You're a trucker for cripes sake! :angry:
Also TT, if you come to something you have a question about but can't find via search. Send a PM to me. I may not know a whole lot, but I'll find out who does! There are a lot of good people around here! Hang out and become one of the crowd!


Honestly, just about every question you're going to have over the next three or four months will be copiously (and more effectively) answered via the search function.


sorry. ill stop posting now.

Naw, that's not what I meant. Sorry my advice was incomplete, but MMM gave you the rest of the 411. Advanced search is WAY better than Basic.

We LIKE new cigar smokers! It means the passion is alive and growing . . . but when you're new, it's easy to just type a question every time it occurs to you, and . . . well, multiply that X1000 and I'm sure you see where that could get a little old for the more experienced members here (or anywhere).

There's SO much good info here! Take a little time to ferret it out and you WON'T be sorry!

Best way to participate when you're new is to read the archives, and join existing threads rather than starting ones that have, frankly, just been done to death. There's a LOT of opportunities to get involved in the conversations here. Don't think you have to start your own threads just to talk to us! And definitely check out the Newbie Sampler!
