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"A day in the sun"


Highest Passer CONUS.
Sep 16, 2002
Well, I have been planning this for a while, my first pass. I have been watching lots of passes and I haven’t seen “An Old School” pass since I started watching. You know, where you send out one box of cigars and people take from that and ‘the puts’ come back to the person that started the pass. I call this old school because this is the way a box pass was explained to me, but no one seems to do it that way anymore.

I love cigars with Sun Grown wrappers. So I got to thinking how can I combine my love for Sun Grown smokes with a pass. Then it came to me, start a pass seeded with Sun Grown cigars. Also, I could make it an old school pass so I’ll get to try lots of different SG cigars. Cool idea, but which cigar to seed the pass with? I bounced the idea of the “Chateau Fuente” off of FT. He said, “great cigar, but most people can get it, why not try something harder to get”. He suggested the “Cuban Belicoso” that way it’s a win-win game. Passers will get something they might not have tried and I get cigars I haven’t tried.

So now I’m the proud owner of a box of “AF Cuban Belicoso SG” cigars. Not a bad thing at all. So let’s start a pass. This is my first pass so if I mess up and post something stupid just let me know. I will work to fix it


1. The pass starts with 20 “AF Cuban Belicoso SG”.
2. Each player will take 2; I only have room for 10 players.
3. Puts: Only cigars with Sun Grown wrappers.
4. Standard rules for puts apply… blah. blah. blah..
5. Have fun.

I think these are rules I can live with. So what do you think? I have to admit the cat was out of the bag early to FT and JoeM. So there are 8 seats left. Let the game begin.

1. FatherT.
2. Joe M.

WOOhooo!! Great idea MP..count me in...PM on the way!!! :) :) :thumbs:
If Big Worm's in.....I'm in! :lookup: PM sent.

Cool, I was telling Horse last night that I didn't want to rename the pass "A day buy myself".

1. FatherT.
2. Joe M.
3. shadow
4. big Worm
5. Skydivnekd

Well five down five more to go. Hey FT what would that be about 20%. :D :D

hi all,

Horse and I have been having an off line discussion about this pass. Horse pointed out that some people might not want to be in a pass and only take 2 cigars. I still wasn't getting the point so he whacked me with the clue stick again. The postage on the pass might not be worth it to some if all they are getting is 2 cigars. It was at this point I started thinking hummmmm what to do. Maybe I had been to eager to start a pass, postage never entered my mind. well, five people have signed up for the pass so what do I do now? So I'm posting the 3 things I came up with.

1. this is not a problem and we move on with five or so players making the pass smaller and cheaper to mail.
2. close the pass and the players all take 4 cigars if they want. This way each player gets more cigars if they want.
3. I add more cigars.

Well what do you think? I’m not trying for the most people in a single pass award so if you don’t think it’s broken we won't fix it. If you think there is a problem then we'll work on it. I want every player to feel he or she got something out of the pass.

Well, I want to join, but I am concerned that I don't have the cigar ammo to compete. If this is a 1 for 1 pass, I don't have any really great Cubans to put in. I just have some minis and some without bands.
MP, it's on you bro....I could give a crap about the postage and all..(What's that Horse know anyway...they don't allow ANIMALS in the POst OFfice anyway!!! :0 :p :p :sign: LMAO) It's your call, I'll still play no matter what the setup or situation!

BW :)
Hey McP....Cuban Belicosos are made by Fuente. They're Dominican and they go for about $5 and change per stick.
Me, me, me!

<Singing> Gotta pass, gotta paaaaasss... :D

Info in profile.

Now I can test out my new packing method :p
FatherTiresius said:
...Cuban Belicosos are made by Fuente. They're Dominican and they go for about $5 and change per stick.

Well, then I am in if you will have me! Address is in profile, sir. :D
Tell horse to shut up and let a newbie start his first pass!

(Politely, of course. Maybe toss in "no offense" at the end, if you think it's needed :p)

Seriously, though -- not every pass has to be just like every other pass. If someone doesn't want to join a pass because you have to pay postage and only get 2 cigars (minus your puts!), then don't join up. You got 5 people in under a day (plus me, of course!), so I'd think this isn't a problem. Obviously, we either like to pass regardless of postage, or we're too stupid to think about that :D

Seriously, the smell of opening a pass box is worth the cost of postage to me! :thumbs:

Well, do whatever you like, but I think your pass is just fine. One thing you might want to consider is that it probably won't up the postage that much (i.e., probably only a $1 difference) to put in a 2nd box of cigars. Perhaps tell people they can take up to 2 of each (between 1 & 4 cigars), if they like, or something. Maybe make the 2nd box one of your fave bundles, for people with lower-end budgets. Or whatever.

...Point is, your pas is just fine, the way it is (except for the part where I haven't seen you say I'm in, yet :0)

Oh, and Horse: "no offense" :lookup: :love: :D
I'm still game! :D If I think the postage is just TOO high, I'll just 'jack the package and claim it was lost/stolen prior to me gettin' it!!!!! :thumbs: ROFLMAO!!!!!!!

Do what ya want , brother! Heck, it's yer pass!!!!

Wow Look at all the traffic. It looks like plan 1 is the order of the day. I think I can keep the postage down. So an old school pass it is. Everyone thanks for your responses. I think this will be a fun pass, now I just need to stop thinking so much.

McP yes this is a 1 to 1 pass the sticks were about $5.00 each as FT posted. Each player is expected to take two cigars and replace them with two cigars of equal or grater value. The only twist to this pass is your puts must have a Sun Grown wrapper. That’s it not very tricky. Sorry about the Cuban thing and not making it more clear.

Thanks FT for helping me out on that. The new list of players is below.

1. FatherT.
2. Joe M.
3. shadow
4. big Worm
5. Skydivnekd
6. McP
7. Misc.

MountainPasser said:
McP yes this is a 1 to 1 pass the sticks were about $5.00 each as FT posted. Each player is expected to take two cigars and replace them with two cigars of equal or grater value. The only twist to this pass is your puts must have a Sun Grown wrapper. That’s it not very tricky. Sorry about the Cuban thing and not making it more clear.
No problem. I appreciate you letting me in! I will be sure to put some great SunGrowns in there for you, bud!
Hell, I can't pass this one up! I'm in if you'll have me and you have my snailer!!

Cool idea! :thumbs: :thumbs:
your in.

1. FatherT.
2. Joe M.
3. shadow
4. big Worm
5. Skydivnekd
6. McP
7. Misc.
8. Leebo
