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another geeky game thread


Livin' the retired life!
Mar 26, 2005
Hey all,
sorry for another geeky game thread, but check this out... it may be better than Steam chat. Mumble, a free open source program for voice chat, has some really cool features. Noise canceling, higher quality voice, lower latency (for better sound and FASTER sound) and best of all...

positional sound in game!!! What's that you ask? That means if I was to your right in the game, you would HEAR me talking from the right! Way cool!!! Not all games support it, but it's a newer program and more support for games is coming. But right now, the best are... Borderlands, Left 4 Dead series, battlefield series, call of duty series, and more.

Plus it has an overlay in game, much like steam, that tells you who is speaking, and you can use the persons avatar int he overlay as well. I'm going to test it out.. if it's better sounding and faster than Steam chat, I'll highly recommend we start using it.

Here's the page - http://mumble.sourceforge.net/ if anyone wants to try it with me let me know
Hey Jim that sounds like a pretty nifty program. Definitely dig the positional sound. Overlays is also an impressive feature.
I'm willing to use it, the borderland in game voice chat sucks
My buddies and I all used a mumble server while playing League of Legends and Heroes of Newerth. It ran surprisingly well and never got the delay/lag that you experience with ventrilo.
I'm just glad that EQ2 has a great ingame voice chat.
Anytime Shawn... I'll be off work and gaming while the while the wife is working the next few days. Haven't quite got the server figured out, but there are others setup that we can make our own channel on.
Very cool, thank you vm. I have a LAN coming up on Saturday, this will be put to good use.
I wonder if the positional sound will work with the grunts from the zombies.