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Any vegetable gardeners out there?


Yada, Yada, Yada.
Jun 22, 2004
This is the first year for the wife and I, so we're pretty excited. We built a raised bed and have a bunch planted:

2 tomatoes
1 bell pepper
9 sweet banana peppers
12 yellow onions
12 red onions
12 cucumbers
12 lettuce
12 brocolli

Had our first storms last night, since planting these and it seems they all made it through without any damage. Is it bad that I went out first thing this morning to check on these little things? Sheesh, I feel like a new dad again :whistling:

What does everyone else grow?
Make sure you plant some hot peppers next to the tomato plants! ;)

I had gardens before, may even plan something this year.

Everything from watermellons and pumpkins to corn ans asparagus!

Enjoy the fun...and weed often. :thumbs:
I've got 4 tomato, 2 habanero pepper, 4 jalapeno pepper, 6 cilantro and a whole bunch of nopales plants growing right now. Last year I had zuccini, okra, corn and tomatillos as well but scaled back this year.
Well, the flatlander is gardening. :laugh: Check and ajust the Ph of your soil. Soil test kits are available at the local feed store. Farm and Garden to you flatlanders. Trust me on this, it's the most important thing you can do.

Well, the flatlander is gardening. :laugh: Check and ajust the Ph of your soil. Soil test kits are available at the local feed store. Farm and Garden to you flatlanders. Trust me on this, it's the most important thing you can do.


Yep, next is the daily vitamin container and I'll be all set in my old age, LOL.

I'll definitely check into the Ph and see what it should be, much appreciated. We also started a compost behind the shed, which we're already contributing to and looking forward to using once it's ready.
This will be the first year we'll put out a garden at this house. We had a great little garden at our previous house.

We'll have tomatoes, beans, squash, assorted greens, potatoes, carrots, and a few other things.

We always have way too much, but with canning and freezing we have good veggies for most of the year.
Well, the flatlander is gardening. :laugh: Check and ajust the Ph of your soil. Soil test kits are available at the local feed store. Farm and Garden to you flatlanders. Trust me on this, it's the most important thing you can do.


Yep, next is the daily vitamin container and I'll be all set in my old age, LOL.

I'll definitely check into the Ph and see what it should be, much appreciated. We also started a compost behind the shed, which we're already contributing to and looking forward to using once it's ready.

Check with your state extension office they will do a basic soil test for free. The reason it's free they trace heavy metals and keep a database, it's one of the things a Master Gardener would do prior to getting his Certificate. In Ct. anyway!
The compost is without a doubt the most important ingredient in any garden. The more the better. You could even use a green manure this fall and plow it under to fix nitrogen to the soil and add organic matter..
Check out this website www.gardenweb.com go to the forums have a blast.. They have a seed saving forum and a swap or used to, for hard to get heirloom seeds.
Lot of knowledgeable gardeners.

Don't (personal belief) use chemicals, you can always find a organic alternative for every application.
Happy growing
PS, 3-4 different Tom, thai bird peppers, 2 pole beans, basil (Thai and Italian), Kitchen garden for the wife (rosemary, thyme, etc..) Boc Choy, (sp) other misc stuff !
Our new asparagus bed is sprouting! 40, 2 yo crowns planted 10" deep, being re-buried 2" at a time until we get back to grade. We won't get anything this year but look forward to years of fresh asparagus! We also have 50 everbearing strawberries, 7 raspberries, 4 blueberries, 3 apple trees and 3 peach trees, cukes, yellow squash, bush beans, onions, 6 varieties of peppers, spinach, broccoli, and 8 tomato plants. We are doing a beehive this year and looking forward to the bees arriving in a couple of weeks. All of this is behind my shop in the middle of the city with "hood" all around.

Between canning and freezing we eat well all year, (besides feeding half the neighborhood), thanks to my wife's diligence and good soil, compost, water and fertilizer.
I grow peppers, myer lemons and artichokes primarily.
Haven't had a garden since moving to Texas from Washington, but now that I have a house . . . it's coming. Just not this spring!

Hope to put in a few raised beds this fall, and add a few more each year until I have nine 4' X 4' double deep planters going. It's going to be really, really DIFFERENT from Spokane! There, growing guides said "Set out tomato starts after all danger of frost is past. If you are not sure such a time EXISTS in your location . . . " ???

Here, you put tomatos out on Valentine's Day or the summer heat will shut them down before they set fruit. But we have two growing seasons a year . . . late winter/early spring for tomatoes, bell peppers, zucchini, melons, jalapenos and herbs; late fall/early winter for spinach, brocolli, kale, Swiss chard, sugar snap peas, and that sort of thing.

In the summer, nothing grows but peppers, okra, and sunflowers. And electric bills. :laugh:

I like Square Foot/French Intensive raised bed organic gardening. It'll be fun to get back into it here, and after all, NOTHING tastes like a homegrown tomato. After the first bite, you don't even care the sucker cost you $62 to grow! :sign:

I'm growing South Carolina grown Havana seed! :D We'll throw up a couple few beef eaters, sweet banana peppers, and cucumbers too.
This is the first year for the wife and I, so we're pretty excited. We built a raised bed and have a bunch planted:

2 tomatoes
1 bell pepper
9 sweet banana peppers
12 yellow onions
12 red onions
12 cucumbers
12 lettuce
12 brocolli

Had our first storms last night, since planting these and it seems they all made it through without any damage. Is it bad that I went out first thing this morning to check on these little things? Sheesh, I feel like a new dad again :whistling:

What does everyone else grow?

12 cucumber plants? I hope you have a ton of room. I plant one every year and get a ton of cucumbers. The vines will take over an area.
6 different kinds of tobacco, 2 different types of tomato, cayane peppers, jalapeno peppers, corn, lettuce, spinach, blueberrys, and rasberrys.
We have a 10x40 8"raised bed garden and this year the plan is 3 different types of tomatoes, Cayenne peppers, jalapeno peppers, Thai peppers, lettuce, spinach, blueberries, raspberrys, rhubarb, strawberries, blue potatoes and watermelons. We also have 2 apple, 2 cherry, a plum and peach tree.

Edit to add strawberries