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Staff member
Jan 4, 2001
Earlier in the week someone decided to log into CigarStone's CP account and change a few things. They modified his avatar, signature, and so on. Apparently they thought it was funny to post a bunch of gay pride content on Jeff's CP profile. Most likely it was intended as an April Fools joke...

After a thorough investigation, I am 98% certain I know who the culprit is. You have 48 hours to come forward and fess up. Simply PM me or PM Jeff directly, tell him it was you, and Jeff and I will put this behind us and it will remain confidential.

If you do not come forward, you will be banned from CP and I will make your identity public for all to see. I will also report you to your ISP's abuse department. I've done it before with other trolls in the past, and I have to say they really don't respond well to this type of stuff. I doubt you want this.

You have 48 hours.
IMHO, you're being too courteous, Rod. This sort of s#!t has no place on this board and if you have IP logs or other solid evidence, I'd say just hammer them, in the open, and call it good.

One opinion - B.B.S.
IMHO, you're being too courteous, Rod. This sort of s#!t has no place on this board and if you have IP logs or other solid evidence, I'd say just hammer them, in the open, and call it good.

One opinion - B.B.S.

I have to agree with B.B.S on this one. That is taking an April Fool's joke to a level that is not funny and entirely uncalled for.
May the culprit come forward.
No dis, Gary, but some things are inexcusable. So, what example do we want to set for the board? Is it OK to do "anything" as long as you say "gee, I'm really sorry" or are there some things that are still sacred?

Screwing around with a brother's account = instaban, in my book with lots of public humiliation to follow. Do you want to trade with this guy going forward? Trust him to be in a pass? No thank you and no way. This crap qualifies for an instant "you're done" in my book.

One more stern opinion - B.B.S.
I'm in agreement with Tom.

You don't steal a man's horse, kick his dog, or jack his CP account.

Out him, and then out with him.

We've all had our bonehead moments. I'm no different, and neither are many others. You can't/won't give a second chance to someone who might be a wonderful BOTL?

Remind me not to ever make a mistake on this site. :(
This is to say the least shameful to Rod and Jeff. I am concearned at how this person was able to access and alter another memeber's profile info to begin with? I rarely get invlolved in these situations because often it just leads to piling on. In this case however what was done was done in poor taste joke or not. I woulld like to know who the culprit is just because this is out of bounds IMHO. Rod and Jeff have apparently agreed to keep this between them and if that is how it will be handled so be it.

We are a repectable forum with some gray areas at times but this is too much. We hold ourselves to a higher standard and this is going to be a tough pill to swallow, should we not know who among would do this.
From Rod's post it appears he has discussed this with Jeff (cigarstone) and they are in agreement that this person can come forward to either of them. I know if it was me and someone I know did it as a joke I'd go this route rather than a public lynching.

But if the person doesn't come forward we should get at least 24 to 48 hours more to kickem around.
May the culprit come forward.
No dis, Gary, but some things are inexcusable. So, what example do we want to set for the board? Is it OK to do "anything" as long as you say "gee, I'm really sorry" or are there some things that are still sacred?

Screwing around with a brother's account = instaban, in my book with lots of public humiliation to follow. Do you want to trade with this guy going forward? Trust him to be in a pass? No thank you and no way. This crap qualifies for an instant "you're done" in my book.

One more stern opinion - B.B.S.

Rod gave him the options.

Beside, who's to say after he comes out, that my next line wouldn't be; 'Glad you stood up, Now Leave!'

One step at a time Tom. ;)
We've all had our bonehead moments. I'm no different, and neither are many others. You can't/won't give a second chance to someone who might be a wonderful BOTL?

Remind me not to ever make a mistake on this site. :(
You can f$@k up all you want on your account, but when you jack my account and mess with it, you're done.

Some things, including personal integrity, matter.

Tersely - B.B.S.
In the end my vote is to let Jeff decide(after all it was done to him specifically not anyone else) and leave it at that. I trust Jeff(and Rod by proxy as well) and know his judgement will be the real test if the individual was being malicious or justy made a one time judgement in error.

Let he who hath no sin.....well you get the rest ya rock chuckers :sign: .....lol

The decision is ultimately Rod's. Even should this individual be allowed to stay, I'm sure he'd be ostracized. If the road back exists...it'd be a long and heard one.

There are mistakes and then there are instances of poor judgment facilitated by lack of consideration for potential consequences compounded by violation of a fundamental moral code of the internet forum. This was the latter.

i am new and have no real input but i have my .02
Rod has made a statement and we are all entitled to our opinions, i agree with other that it was in-excuseable but Rod has set a decision on how he would handle the matter and it is not for us to sway his decision. What will some other person come and say about Rod if he were to change his decision by the concensus of other. What would anyone say of any of us if our minds were easily swayed by the feelings of others.

Rod do what you must. ban/forgive&forget/forgive dont forget whatever it is i believe all the BOTL's here will back you on it.

and thanks for giving us such a great site to participate in

edited for spelling
Perhaps Gary has a point. But I certainly can see where Tom's coming from.

Things are a bit hot right now. Perhaps we should wait and see what develops.

We've all had our bonehead moments. I'm no different, and neither are many others. You can't/won't give a second chance to someone who might be a wonderful BOTL?

Remind me not to ever make a mistake on this site. :(

I agree. We all make mistakes and while this prank was stupid and uncalled for, I don't think it warrants a ban from this site. We all have lapses in judgment and sometimes take a joke too far. This is Rod's board and whatever he decides to do is A-OK with me.
Rod gave him the options.

Beside, who's to say after he comes out, that my next line wouldn't be; 'Glad you stood up, Now Leave!'

One step at a time Tom. ;)
Fair enough, Gary. It is Rod's board and you won't hear me quibble about that.

Let me put it another way - if this "person" is allowed to stay, I want to know who he is. Period. He's "done" in my book and I don't want to expose myself in any trades or passes going forward.

Our reputation is, or should be, everything. I can understand a "prank" but jacking someones account just goes over the top, IMHO.
